
7/21/12: Statement on 'LGBT' military desecration in San Diego


July 21, 2012 -- For Immediate Release

Pro-Family Statement on 'LGBT' Military Desecration in San Diego
Thomasson: "The respect for the uniform...has been dirtied and besmirched"

Sacramento, California -- In response to the Obama administration's policy change permitting military personnel to march uniformed in today's San Diego homosexual-bisexual-transsexual "pride" parade, Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, a longtime family issues organization which promotes moral virtues for the common good, has issued the following statement:

"The respect for the uniform and the selfless standards it represents has been dirtied and besmirched by the Obama administration at the behest of sexual anarchists and their personal political agenda. Veterans, those with military in their family, and our enemies overseas now view a U.S. uniform with less honor.

"The uniform has always identified members as part of a military unit. But now the uniform means taking the honor of the military, misusing it, and parading it around for a militant 'LGBT' agenda. The purpose of the military is to defend our nation as one selfless unit, not to allow individuals to misuse military uniforms for personal glorification. This is a dark day for the U.S. military and another reason why God is not blessing America."

» July 19 Department of Defense memo applying to San Diego
» Former policy limits service members' political speech while in uniform

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SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.