Protect your children from 'Harvey Milk Gay Day'
Why is a predator of teens being honored in schools?
Every year, Harvey Milk "celebrations" are held at participating government schools in K-12 classrooms and assemblies -- around May 22. Get informed and protect your child.
How "Harvey Milk Gay Day" is indoctrinating children in classrooms and assemblies
WATCH: The facts about Harvey Milk (3-min)
California parents, our video will help you understand why you need to protect your K-12 children in public school each year from Harvey Milk Day. Parental discretion advised.
See video below OR if on a mobile device or iPad, watch video here.
A state law signed by Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2009 calls upon all K-12 government schools to teach children as young as 5 years old to honor homosexual activist and sexual predator* Harvey Milk.
This means individual teachers or school administrators or school district board members will decide each May whether kids will perform pro-Milk "exercises" (the week before or after May 22, Milk's birthday). There is NO parental permission or notification.
IN 2019, MAY 22 FALLS ON A WEDNESDAY. Ask teachers and principals if they plan to honor Milk in any way. If yes or they won’t say, please keep your child home 3 school days -- May 22-24 -- or to be extra safe, 5 school days -- May 20-24.
YOUR ACTION STEPS -- (scroll down for details)
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Instructions: Send an email message to EVERY teacher your child has, the school principal and school trustees. Your email should ask if they are mentioning Harvey Milk in any way, and give them some facts about Milk (see below). Your email should also inform them that you'll keep your children home from school if they do plan to positively mention Milk in any way, whether in classrooms or school assemblies. See the school's and the school district's websites for email addresses.
Questions and issues addressed on this page
» | What is Harvey Milk Day and why should I be concerned? |
» | When is Harvey Milk Day and will my permission be required? |
» | What were Harvey Milk's values? |
» | What could Harvey Milk Day look like in public schools? |
» | How do I protect my child from this sexual indoctrination? |
» | Documentation on Harvey Milk |
» | The facts that LGBT activists want to hide |
» | Further background |
» | How do I pull my kids from public school PERMANENTLY? |
DISTRIBUTE this flyer: Download the Harvey Milk flyer » (PDF) |
EMAIL this page link to friends: http://savecalifornia.com/harvey-milk-day.html |
SHARE this page on Facebook & Twitter: Copy link http://bit.ly/1GrVC1i |
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Listen now: The LGBT school agenda exposed »
This is a special re-broadcast, originally released in May 2010. Former homosexual activist Michael Glatze talks candidly with Randy Thomasson on the sexual indoctrination agenda targeting kids.
Listen now: Michael Glatze interview » | Listen on iTunes »
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Q: What is Harvey Milk Day and why should I be concerned?
Despite the outcry of parents and concerned Californians, in 2009 Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law SB 572, which establishes every May 22 as "Harvey Milk Day" in K-12 public schools in California. But for all practical purposes, "Harvey Milk" activities could occur in classrooms and on campuses several days before or after May 22.
Teachers, schools and school districts that participate will teach children to admire the life and values of late homosexual activist Harvey Milk, of whom the bill states: "...perhaps more than any other modern figure, Harvey Milk's life and political career embody the rise of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights movement in California, across the nation, and throughout the world."
Under SB 572, children will perform "suitable commemorative exercises," remembering the "life," "accomplishments," and "contributions"of Harvey Milk -- in other words, the entire homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda for which Milk advocated.
There is no definition or limit to these "exercises," which, at participating schools, could include gay-pride parades, cross-dressing contests and mock gay weddings, or anything else Milk supported.
Every teacher or school or school district that opts to celebrate Milk Day is endorsing Milk’s values to impressionable children as young as kindergarten!
Learn more about SB 572 and why Harvey Milk is a horrible role model »
Q: When is Milk Day and is parental permission required?
Harvey Milk Day is officially on May 22, Milk's birthday. If it falls on a weekend, it will be moved to a nearby weekday. But there is a danger period of indoctrination exercises and "celebrations" several days before or after May 22. It's up to teachers, principals, and school districts whether to promote Harvey Milk's homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda to impressionable children. And Harvey Milk Day exercises and activities will occur behind parents' backs because the law does not require teachers or school officials to seek your permission or even notify you. This is why parents have to quiz teachers and principals to see whether Harvey Milk will be honored in classrooms, in a school assembly, through a school-wide announcement, etc.
Q: What were Harvey Milk's values?**
1. Harvey Milk supported the entire homosexual, bisexual, and cross-dressing agenda
2. Milk refused to acknowledge sexually transmitted diseases spread by this behavior
3. Milk was a sexual predator of teenage boys, most of them runaways with drug problems
4. Milk advocated having multiple sexual relationships at the same time
5. Milk promoted lying to get ahead
Whether taught directly or indirectly, these values are wrong to teach to children as acceptable!
**[Scroll down for Milk documentation]
Q: What could Harvey Milk day look like in public schools?
Click here to see just one example of what happened in a Southern Calif. school.
The "suitable commemorative exercises," remembering the "life," "accomplishments," and "contributions"of Harvey Milk are UNDEFINED in this law, and could include:
» Pro-Harvey Milk reading and writing assignments and tests
» Making children watch the fictional film “Milk” in class
» Having children participate in cross-dressing contests, mock gay-pride parades and mock gay weddings
» School assemblies teaching children that homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality are good and natural and maybe even for them
In sum, children could be taught just about anything school officials or individual teachers think up (and no, there’s no state law prohibiting the promotion of homosexual, bisexual, or transsexual lifestyles to impressionable children).
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PARENTS, BE CLEAR... YOU MUST CONTACT EVERY SINGLE TEACHER OF YOUR CHILD AND THE PRINCIPAL OF YOUR SCHOOL AT THE BEGINNING OF MAY. Even if your school board or district says they have no plans to celebrate "Harvey Milk Gay Day" or have even passed a resolution opposing it, the POWER and the THREAT is from anti-family teachers and principals.
THEY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT IN EACH CLASSROOM AT YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL, WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION OR NOTIFICATION. That's why you must call every one of them to ask "Are you going to honor or mention Harvey Milk to the children, on any day, in any way?" If you get a "yes" or a fuzzy answer, keep your children home that day or several days.
Instructions: Send an email message to EVERY teacher your child has, PLUS the school principal AND school trustees. Your email should ask if they are honoring predator of teens, Harvey Milk, and should give them some facts about Milk (pull facts from this page). Your email needs to also inform them that you'll keep your children home from school if they do plan to honor Milk in any way -- in classrooms or school assemblies. See the school's and the school district's websites for email addresses.
Q: How do I protect my child from this sexual indoctrination?
You need to remove your child from school to protect him or her. Depending on the day May 22 falls, school districts, schools and teachers that want to promote Harvey Milk to students can do their indoctrination several days before or after May 22.
Parents with children in government-controlled schools who oppose this “LGBTQ” indoctrination must CALL OR EMAIL every single one of their children’s teachers as well as the school principal.
Ask whether Harvey Milk will be honored or mentioned in the classroom or on the school's campus in ANY WAY in May.
IF THE ANSWER IS "NO," realize that teachers only control themselves and principals won't prohibit liberal teachers from promoting Harvey Milk's values through "commemorative exercies" unless principals issue an order to all teachers. Ask principals if they will prevent Milk discussions and ask how this prohibition will be enforced. Thank individual teachers who promise not to promote or mention Harvey Milk in a postive light.
IF THE ANSWER IS "YES," express your disappointment and ask what days the Harvey Milk instruction or pro-LBGT activities will occur because you will keep your children home those days.
IF YOU GET A FUZZY ANSWER, DISRESPECT OR OTHER OPPOSITION, we recommend you keep your child home between several days before and after May 22 to be completely safe from the Milk indoctrination and "exercises." Whether you keep them home a day, a week, or two weeks, this is your opportunity to be in charge, be creative and bond more deeply with your children. Have your child continue to do homework and turn in assignments that you drop by the school office. Consider requesting to switch to independent study, especially if the teacher or school is uncooperative. If you cannot have your child with you during the day, find a friend or relative who can, unless your child is well trained enough to be home alone.
Visit California Dept. of Education »
Note: Under state law, parents can keep their children home for two days (unexcused) and more days (excused). Parents will NOT be arrested, but may be mailed a truancy notice, which are rarely followed up on.
To keep your child home three days or more, we recommend that you first request an "excused absence" based on California Education Code, Section 48205(a)(7), which allows excused absences "For justifiable personal reasons, including, but not limited to..." This will be an agreement to have your child do schoolwork at home those days.
If the school will not agree to give your child the number of excused absences you request, then escalate things by requesting independent study. This may shock the school official into granting your request for excused absences. But doing independent study will get the school off your back about "absences," because independent study means your child will be educated at home -- for as short or long period as you wish -- under the general supervision of the school district.
If the school won't grant you excused absences or independent study, you have come face to face with antagonistic educrats who think your child is theirs. At this point, you are morally obligated to take your child out of the government school system and home school or church school them. Learn how at RescueYourChild.com. Learn the first step to withdraw your child from public school.
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Randy Shilts, a homosexual San Francisco Chronicle reporter, wrote a favorable and sordid biography of Milk in "The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk."
According to this reputable biography, Milk repeatedly engaged in adult-child sex, advocated for polygamous homosexual relationships, and told a very public lie because he thought it would get him ahead. Since SB 572 would do "exercises remembering the life of Harvey Milk," kids could be taught to support and emulate these very bad values.
Read "Drinking Harvey Milk's Kool-Aid" by researcher Daniel Flynn
Shilts' 1982 book detailed Milk's sexual relationships with a 16-year-old, a 19-year-old and other young men:
"...sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure...At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him." (pages 30-31)
"It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20's that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life." (page 24)
"Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems."
(page 180)
"Harvey confided one night that at twenty-four, Doug was the oldest man Harvey had ever started an affair with." (page 237)
Explaining Milk's many flings and affairs with teenagers and young men, Shilts writes how Milk told one "lover" why it was OK for him to also have multiple relationships simultaneously:
"As homosexuals, we can't depend on the heterosexual model...We grow up with the heterosexual model, but we don't have to follow it. We should be developing our own life-style. There's no reason why you can't love more than one person at a time. You don't have to love them all the same. You love some less, love some more -- and always be honest with everybody about where you're at. They in turn can do the same thing and it can open up a bigger sphere." (pages 237-238)
"He had not suffered this disgrace, he told a later campaign manager, but he knew the story would make good copy. If anyone said something to Harvey about his fondness for such stunts, he would gesture wildly as launched into a lecture. 'Symbols, symbols, symbols,' he insisted. Sure, he had not been kicked out of the military...The point of the story was to let people know that service people routinely do get kicked out. Besides, he once confided, 'Maybe people will read it, feel sorry for me, and then vote for me.'"
(p. 78-79)
The facts that 'LGBT' activists want to hide:
* 2017 California HIV Surveillance Report, Table 1b: 71.4% MSM (men who have sex with men) + 2.6% HRH ("high risk heterosexual contact" = includes women who have sex with bisexual men) + 4.2% MSM/IDU (MSM and intravenous drug user) = 78.2%
Read Harvey Milk and Jonestown. And see Harvey Milk's letter to President Jimmy Carter, calling for a young boy to remain in Jim Jones’ custody (less than nine months later Jones killed the boy).
Further background
» | SaveCalifornia.com floor alert to legislators before the SB 572 vote |
» | Read the text of SB 572 |
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Q: How do I pull my kids from public school PERMANENTLY?
Parents are waking up and taking their children back from the government school system permanently -- as they should. California laws have changed so radically in the last few years that your child WILL be sexually indoctrinated and subjected to very negative influences starting at AGE 5 if left in the government school system. Check out the positive alternatives, and the Top 10 reasons to rescue your child now, and more.
» | Visit our special website RescueYourChild.com |
» | Read this before you withdraw your child from public school PERMANENTLY |