
California Legislation Center//

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Updated March 11, 2025

Here are the initial worst bills of the Democrat Party state legislators (controlling 3/4ths of the seats in both the California Assembly and State Senate; also controlling the committees and floors).

The last day for bills to be introduced was Feb. 21 (yet there's nothing prohibiting bills from being amended, or even "gutted and amended" with completely new language).

Bill hearings in Democrat-Party-controlled committees will begin this month of March. The last day for bills to pass their policy committees in their house of origin is May 2.


AB 727 by Democrat Party Assemblyman Mark Gonzalez + 4 other Democrats would promote transsexuality to millions of schoolchildren by requiring a pro-transsexuality suicide hotline number to be imprinted upon all student ID cards in grades 7-12
Status: Referred to the Assembly Education Committee

AB 908 by Democrat Party Assemblyman Jose Solache would force all K-12 government schools to ensure pro-"LGBT+" policies throughout a school campus
Status: Scheduled for a March 26 hearing in the Assembly Education Committee

AB 932 by Democrat Party Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin would force the transsexual takeover of every community-based athletics program by prohibiting, and permitting civil suits against, "gender discrimination"

AB 1084 by Democrat Party Assemblyman Rick Zbur + other "LGBTQ Caucus" members would forbid legal objections to adult "gender" changes, and fast-tracking legal changes to minors' "genders"
Status: Double-referred to the Assembly Judiciary Committee and the Assembly Health Committee.

AB 1487 by Democrat Party Assemblywoman Dawn Addis proposes to rename the State Dept. of Public Health's current "Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and Intersex Wellness and Equity Fund" as the "the Two-Spirit, Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and Intersex (2TGI) Wellness and Equity Fund," and redirect its grant work toward "asylees and immigrants" and "transitional-age 2TGI youth"

SB 59 by Democrat Party State Senator Scott Wiener and other Democrats in the "LGBT+ Caucus" would eliminate public information on "all filed petitions for a change of gender and sex identifier," instead keeping them secret
Status: Referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee

SR 22 by Democrat Party State Senator Scott Wiener + 5 other Democrat Party "LGBT+ Caucus" members is a Senate resolution that would proclaim "Transgender Week of Visibility" March 24-28
Status: On the Senate floor


AB 40 by Democrat Party Assemblywoman Mia Bonta expands the definition of emergency medical services to include "reproductive health service." So paramedics will hand out "birth control" pills to teens and ER doctors will perform baby-killing abortions?
Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee

AB 45 by Democrat Party Assemblywoman Rebecca Bauer-Kahan would prevent health care providers from disclosing information (in response to subpoenas or other legal requests from other states) about minors seeking or obtaining abortions

AB 54 by Democrat Party Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry is a "spot" bill intended to ensure chemical abortions (baby-killing) continue on an unlimited basis in California

AB 67 by Democrat Party Assemblywoman Rebecca Bauer-Kahan would permit the California Attorney General to sue anyone for violating the "Reproductive Privacy Act"

AB 260 by Democrat Party Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry is a "spot" bill intended to ensure minors can continue to get abortions and "sex changes" in California

AB 302 by Democrat Party Assemblywoman Rebecca Bauer-Kahan would prohibit complying with court warrants from other states seeking information about minors being transported to California for abortion (baby-killing) and "sex change" purposes

AB 551 by Democrat Party Assemblywomen Maggy Krell and Cottie Petrie-Norris would seek grants for "expanding and improving access" to abortion (baby-killing) at hospital ERs
Status: Referred to the Assembly Health Committee

AB 1500 by Democrat Party Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo is a "spot" bill intended to promote "an awareness campaign on abortion services within the state"


AB 86 by Democrat Party Assemblywoman Tasha Boerner would require the California State Board of Education to adopt K-8 "sexual health education materials." All based on the anti-family 2019 curriculum frameworks requiring kids to be positively taught to accept masturbation, oral sex, teen fornication, homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, abortion, and more.
Status: Scheduled for a March 12 hearing in the Assembly Education Committee

AB 1468 by Democrat Party Assemblyman Rick Zbur + 30 other Democrats would promote racist "ethnic studies" in all government-run junior high and high schools

ACA 7 by Democrat Party Assemblyman Corey Jackson would change the California Constitution to permit hiring discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, and national origin in K-12 "public" schools

SB 510 by Democrat Party State Senator Laura Richardson + 11 other Democrats would "ensure that all public school pupils receive a complete and accurate education regarding racial disparities and historical injustices." This would teach kids there are social classes of oppressor vs. oppressed.

SB 608 by Democrat Party State Senator Caroline Menjivar would require "internal and external condoms available and easily accessible to pupils" in state schools, grades 7-12, and would eliminate all age barriers by requiring retail stores to sell condoms to minors
Status: Double-referred to the Senate Education Committee and the Senate Health Committee


AB 1333 by Democrat Party Assemblyman Rick Zbur would limit justifiable homicide, including limiting self-defense in cases of home invasions

SB 403 by Democrat Party State Senator Catherine Blakespear is a "spot" bill that is expected to try to legalize the killing of dementia patients

Please share this page with your friends so they realize what California Democrat Party legislators and their RINO accomplices are pushing.

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2024's worst bills and their outcomes

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2022's worst bills and their outcomes

2021's worst bills and their outcomes