

1/5/18: The Trump Administration helps out California families


January 5, 2018 -- For Immediate Release

The Trump Administration helps out California families

Thomasson: "Who can disagree with more jobs, cheaper energy bills, and smarter teenagers?"

Sacramento, California (January 5, 2018) -- A leading pro-family organization in California is applauding the Trump Administration for announcing it will prosecute harmful and illegal "recreational" marijuana in California and finally allow the harvesting of oil and natural gas offshore.

"Who can disagree with more jobs, cheaper energy bills, and smarter teenagers?" said Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, which, since 1999, has been representing the best interests of children and families in the Golden State.

"One of the worst mistakes ever on California's ballot was full-blown, highly-potent marijuana legalization," Thomasson said. "Not only did this ill-conceived measure violate federal law, it meant doping up teenagers and young adults like never before. Full-blown pot legalization threatens Californians with more dangerous streets and roads, stinkier apartment complexes and neighborhoods, more mental and physical health problems and drug-induced disabilities for young people, more dysfunctional families, worse schools, and a less-productive workforce."

"Thank God that United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions has given the green light to federal attorneys to protect the children and families of California from the destructive consequences of this full-blown marijuana invasion," Thomasson said. "Let no one argue marijuana legalization is necessary for their health, because California already permits so-called 'medicinal marijuana.'"

In response to U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke announcing he'll sell six leases for oil and natural gas offshore in California waters, Thomasson said, "Helping California families by lowering their energy bills and creating new energy-related jobs is a very good thing. The scare tactics of the past won't work because of today's upgraded standards. Harvesting our God-given natural resources -- both onshore and offshore -- will financially benefit California families. In light of the recent gas tax and DMV fee hikes, this is sorely-needed relief."


Justice Department Issues Memo on Marijuana Enforcement

SaveCalifornia.com's Marijuana Harms Families website

Secretary Zinke Announces Plan For Unleashing America's Offshore Oil and Gas Potential

"Gas tax increase," Jon Coupal and Jim Patterson

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SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.



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