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Welcome to your Pro-Family Election Center

This is where you can get reliable facts, perspective, and advice on how to vote for your conservative and constitutional values in California. SaveCalifornia.com has been offering pro-family voting help since 2000.

November 5, 2024 General Election Info

On this page:

  • Election dates and deadlines
  • Ways you can fight election fraud
  • Insight: Always vote NO on these
  • Why to vote NO on Prop. 3
  • Why to vote YES on Props. 34 and 36, NO on the rest
  • Discover where candidates stand
  • Independent voter guides
  • Questions and answers 
  • Republicans who vote for anti-family bills
  • Party platforms: The difference

SaveCalifornia.com provides the following solely for educational purposes. Since 2000, our pro-family, pro-child organization has taken positions on ballot measures, yet our nonprofit status does not permit us to support or oppose candidates for public office. 

October 7: Deadline for county elections officials to start mailing ballots to registered voters. "Early" voting in person at county election offices (and other locations your county registrar of voters has made available).

October 8: Deadline for county elections officials to make available ballot drop‐off locations (drop boxes).

October 21: Deadline to register to vote this election (either on paper, available at post offices, or online). To check your voter registration status, click here.

October 22 through November 5: Anyone can "conditionally" register and vote that same day using a provisional ballot by appearing in-person at the county's elections office or vote center.

October 26: By this date, at least half of California's counties (see map) will make available additional in-person voting locations. Counties participating the "Voter's Choice Act," which stipulates"Starting 10 days before the Election and through the Friday before Election Day, one vote center is required for every 50,000 registered voters. On Election Day and the Saturday, Sunday, and Monday leading up to Election Day, one vote center is required for every 10,000 registered voters."

Whether or not your county is participating in the "Voter's Choice Act," there should be a least one polling place in your county, where, according to the California Secretary of State, you may "vote in person up to 10 days prior to Election Day." If you don't see this in-person option in your county voter guide, visit the website or call your own county registrar of voter. Also tell them you want to use a paper ballot to vote and confirm that is available at a physical "vote center."

For greater security for your ballot, SaveCalifornia.com recommends voting early, in-person, and using a paper ballot (avoid dropbox and voting by computer).
See how on our Oct. 22 Facebook post

If you can't vote in-person with a paper ballot, second best is delivering your sealed ballot to your county's main registrar of voters' office
(drop your sealed ballot in the locked "slot" or "box" or "mailbox" that is inside your county registrar of voters' office), while avoiding other "drop boxes."

1) Be a poll watcher

Work for election integrity and become a poll watcher this election. Contact your county Republican Party and ask them how. Find them by searching online the name of your county and Republican Party. Search example: "Sacramento County Republican Party."

Visit Election Integrity Project California to learn about "How and why to observe ballot processing," "Adopt one or more drop boxes in your area," and more.

2) Advance election integrity by collecting ballots at your church building

Local churches can and should collect completed ballots from people in their congregations. This is a great way to get more good votes in. If you're part of a local church, it might be your best "get out the vote" effort!

Talk to your pastor about the need to multiply good votes and keep ballots secure. Ask him to announce the church will collect and deliver people's ballots. Then on that day (best is the last two Sundays, Oct. 20 and 27), have a secure box at a table in the foyer (with a good identifying sign) that you guard and have available before and after the church meeting. 

When you talk with your pastor, also ask to have a voter registration table and announce this opportunity up front. Oct. 21 is the voter registration deadline, so your last chance for Voter Registration Sunday is Oct. 20.

Your (or the pastor's) announcement will encourage congregants there's a secure place to deposit their ballots (just make sure you don't mix ballots from different counties, because an elections office can only receive ballots from voters in its own county). "Ballot collecting" is completely legal. Learn more 

Why to oppose all local taxes, bonds, fees, and assessments

Graphic Money HouseInformed voters know that big government often robs people of personal responsibility and saddles working families, property owners, and small business owners with greater financial burdens. 

It's all because big government refuses to investigate and slash its own waste. Because of the influence of government unions and entrenched bureaucrats, independent, tough audits are simply not seen.

Therefore, we encourage you to vote NO on ANY AND ALL tax increases, tax extensions, bonds (which is borrowing money with interest, which is always more expensive than a direct tax), fees, and assessments.

See this list of local ballot measures in California this 2024 general election. Nearly all are bad and most are thieving, taking more money from you by:

  • Creating a new tax
  • "Extending" a tax increase
  • Increasing a tax or assessment
  • Imposing a fee of some kind
  • Increasing regulations, which increase regular people's costs
  • Proposing a bond (always more expensive than a direct tax)

Please VOTE NO and encourage your friends to vote no on these money-grabs that make government bigger and make average people poorer. For none are needed, because none come from entities that support tough, independent (outside of California) auditors, who will actually look for socialistic waste. To the contrary, these deceptive tax-and-spend entities are loathe to cut any waste or fraud, nor do they recognize it.

It's pro-family to keep more of your hard-earned money, so it's pro-family to oppose wasteful government taking away more money from you and other Californians.

Sneaky politicians like to take it incrementally, so you must consistently oppose even the smallest tax/bond/fee/assessment increases in order to inhibit the government from making you and your family poorer.

SaveCalifornia.com OPPOSES Proposition 3, a state constitutional amendment placed on the ballot by 88 Democrat Party and 10 RINO state legislators: 

VOTE NO on PROP 3: Utter subjectivity in the State Constitution resulting in marriage anarchy.

If Prop. 3 passes, lawsuits can claim its eight very broad, subjective words — “The right to marry is a fundamental right” — award the constitutional right to marry whomever and whatever.

Such a lawsuit or lawsuits would result in all the marriage standards, definitions, and limits in the Family Code, the Penal Code, and other statutes being ruled “unconstitutional.”

Because when lower laws (state statutes or local government ordinances) conflict with the words in a state constitution, the constitution supersedes and eliminates all rivals.

Therefore, if you care about children and don’t want boys and girls to be groomed for underage marriages by predator adults, you’ll want to vote NO on Prop. 3.

Because, under this deceptive state constitutional amendment placed on the ballot by the anti-family California Legislature, all it takes is a state court lawsuit to eliminate parental consent for child marriages. Under Prop. 3, children will be confused, used, and abused.

Please grasp these legal facts:

Same-sex marriages are completely legal in California; therefore, Prop. 3 is unnecessary even for supporters of same-sex marriage.

What would Prop. 3 do? It would insert eight extremely broad and subjective words, “The right to marry is a fundamental right,” into the California Constitution.

Remember, a state constitutional amendment supersedes any statute (regular law) in conflict with it.

Therefore, if this proposed state constitutional amendment is approved by voters, lawsuits can be filed, claiming a constitutional “right to marry” whomever and whatever, thus superseding and rendering “unconstitutional” all the marriage standards, definitions, and limits in the Family Code, the Penal Code, and other statutes.

As a legal outcome, Prop. 3 would usher in unrestricted child marriages, incestuous marriages, polygamy (multiple spouses), bigamy (multiple marriages at the same time), and even “marriages” with animals and things (Prop. 3 does not require human spouses) – the sky’s the limit.

Learn more by visiting LearnAboutProp3.com.

Here are our brief, accurate descriptions and recommendations of the 10 propositions on California's Nov. 5, 2024 ballot (you’re going to really want to vote NO on Prop. 3 and really want to vote YES on Prop. 36).

Remember, to defeat bad ideas, you must vote no.

PDF: See 1-page summary of the 10 props to share/distribute to others

NO -- Prop. 2 would waste even more taxpayer dollars on the wasteful, dumbing down, politically-correct K-12 government schools and community colleges. Making this $10 BILLION bond all the more expensive are interest payments, which nearly doubles the huge debt it proposes to levy upon already-hurting Californians.

NO -- Prop. 3 would permit polygamy, bigamy, child marriages, incestuous marriages (and even people-animal and people-object marriages) by superseding all marriage statutes with an extremely broad and subjective state constitutional amendment claiming “a fundamental right ... to marry” whomever and whatever (the sky’s the limit). Prop. 3 won’t make any practical difference on same-sex marriages, yet by preempting all existing marriage definitions, standards, and limits, this radical proposal opens up “Pandora’s Box.”

NO -- Prop. 4 would fund another lie-based, subsidization of wasteful environmental groups via a $10 BILLION bond, costing taxpayers even more money, and with interest (a bond is always more expensive than a direct tax).

NO -- Prop. 5 would permit higher property taxes (attacking Prop. 13 from 1978) by lowering the “vote threshold from 66.67% to 55% for local special taxes and bond measures to fund housing projects and public infrastructure.” Targets all property owners.

NO -- Prop. 6 would call it “slavery” to make prisoners do work they don’t wish to do. This soft-on-crime proposition would prohibit the Department of Corrections from disciplining (removing privileges from) convicts who refuse their work assignments.

NO -- Prop. 32 would increase the “minimum wage” to $18/hr. for all California employees (killing even more jobs and businesses).

NO -- Prop. 33 would permit cities and counties to impose deceptive “rent control,” which will result in fewer rentals and higher rents, as frustrated landlords sell their rental houses and duplexes to become primary residences, and as developers lack investors to build new rentals.

YES -- Prop. 34 would require AIDS Healthcare Foundation of Los Angeles, notorious for misspending taxpayer dollars, “to spend 98% of revenues from the federal discount prescription drug program on direct patient care.”

NO -- Prop. 35 would permanently tax health insurers to pay for the state's “Medi-Cal” welfare program, which will hike insurance costs for the rest of us.

YES -- Prop. 36 would increase penalties for theft and fentanyl possession, and repeal the worst parts of Prop. 47 from 2014. Equipping county district attorneys to prosecute, it would send the message to would-be robbers that retail theft is a crime again.

To find out if a candidate matches your values, searcj online for a few minutes. As a nonprofit organization, we cannot and do not support or oppose candidates for public office, and we don't tell you for whom to vote. 

1. Simple steps to research candidates online

Search for a candidate's name along with other search terms (one a time), such as Covid, mask, lockdown, test, pandemic, medical freedom, life, reproductive, abortion, gay, LGBT, gun, taxes, fees, constitution, etc.

1. Have your sample ballot in front of you

2. On a computer with internet, type in a search engine a candidate's first and last name and office they are seeking, such as "Assembly," "Senate," "Congress," "U.S. Representative," etc.

3. Then, one word at a time, one search at a time, search the candidate name and a key word, such as "pandemic." This could reveal the candidate's statements, positions, or votes on the subject. For example, if you want to search candidate John Smith for State Assembly and his position on sexual perversity, enter John Smith, Assembly, California, LGBT. By poking around, you might find his position on this tyrannical agenda.

4. Search this way for each candidate on your ballot, unless there are some you have a valid reason to ignore.

How does SaveCalifornia.com President Randy Thomasson research?

Randy says, "First, I take out my ballot. In the partisan races, who are the Republicans? Are there an independents to consider? Of these, then I do my internet research with key words, looking for what they've said or done to show they're good or bad. Which is the conservative constitutionalist? If there's no constitutionalist, but either a RINO and a Democrat, or even two Democrats, I keep my principles by casting a "protest vote" for a third-party candidate, or make no choice in the particular contest. This simple study usually makes my voting easy. For non-partisan seats, you can usually find out the party affiliation of candidates by searching under their name and Democrat or Republican. Don't be fooled by liberals in disguise -- do your own research to know where they really stand." 

You should also visit candidates' websites for their specific positions on constitutional, family-values and moral issues. And consider emailing the candidate to ask specific questions. And remember, what a candidate has done on a certain issue is always more revealing than what they say. For example, if you want to vote for a candidate who supports medical freedom, try to find out whether they ever supported a mask mandate or even a "vaccine" mandate, or if they are a devotee of Anthony Fauci or the CDC. Again, we don't support or oppose candidates, but encourage you to do your own research so you don't mistakenly vote against your own values.

2. Learn from voting records and endorsements

Your second-best research is key votes cast by incumbent politicians. A constitutional conservative will not vote against family values, will not support the "LGBTQIA+" agenda, will not support abortion/"Covid mandates"/"gun control," etc.

Provided for you below are links to help you know whether a candidate is genuinely pro-family or not. See for yourself: 

  • Pro-life: Voter Voice, a database of the National Right to Life Committee, reports the pro-life/pro-abortion votes of congressional incumbents (enter the last name of U.S. rep you're researching) 
  • Federal: How often does your current U.S. Representative vote for constitutional, pro-family values? Visit the pro-family, constitutional Eagle Forum website, which reports on several bills voted by each sitting congressman and congresswoman. Click here and enter your zip code or a congressmember's name, then search to see their records.

  • Family First Pledge: "I pledge to preserve the right of conscience for all citizens, including their freedom to practice the tenets of their faith; protect innocent human life from conception to natural death; defend the natural family and natural marriage (one man and one woman), the foundational building blocks of society; restore the natural rights of parents to determine the best way to educate, raise and care for their children; promote free market economic policies that empower our families to achieve their highest potential." See state and local California candidates who have signed the pledge

The following independent voter guides are provided for your additional research. Presented in alphabetical order, these voter guides recommend candidates (which SaveCalifornia.com neither supports nor opposes).

Realize that some of the "recommended" candidates in these guides support the tyrannical "LGBTQIA+" agenda, have voted for the abortion agenda, or have voted against constitutional rights (in other words, RINOs -- Republicans in Name Only).

SaveCalifornia.com does not vouch for the recommendations or accuracies of any of these links. Yet we offer them to you to consider as you do your own research.

California Republican Assembly (CRA) endorsements for several counties (but see our RINO report below)
Craig Huey (some California counties -- but compare with our RINO report below)
Family Voter Info (San Diego County -- but compare with our RINO report below)
iVoterGuide (shows left or right endorsements of congressional candidates)
Robyn Nordell (several counties, including judges -- but compare with our RINO report below)
Vote Conservative San Diego (San Diego County -- but compare with RINO report)

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates.

To further help you, here are answers to relevant questions from pro-family Californians:

Q: Can I trust the "Official Voter Information Guide" mailed to me by the California Secretary of State?
A: No, not anymore. Because despite Prop. 3 ushering in unrestricted child marriages, incestuous marriages, polygamy, bigamy, and even marriages with animals and objects, the ballot descriptions by the Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Legislative Analyst claim Prop. 3 "would not change who is allowed to marry in California" and that Prop. 3 only "updates the Constitution to match what the federal courts have said about who can marry." This is categorically false. You have to ask, how else, in their analyses of other ballot propositions, are these Democrat Party state officials misleading you?

Q: Can I trust the "Republican voter guide" or "Democrat voter guide" sent to me in the mail? 
A: No, you really shouldn't. Because "endorsements" are PAID by the candidates themselves! Look at the FINE PRINT. Don’t rely on voter guides in the mail unless they are from a trusted, recognizable source. And unfortunately, those trusted sources are very few and far between, because even some pro-family voter guides include pro-perversity Republicans as recommended "pro-family" candidates.

Q: What kind of candidates are the best? 
A: It's become more obvious that for our God-given liberties and constitutional rights, it is not enough for candidates to be "Republican" or "conservative." We need fighters -- who will work, speak, and fight for what's right in God's sight. If no one like this is running, you have to consider whether voting for a "Republican In Name Only" is creating a "UniParty," where Republicans abandon both constitutional and family values. In this case, it's strategic to let the RINO lose, and you help recruit a realiable, constitutional, pro-family candidate for the next election cycle.

Q: Are there any pro-life or pro-family Democrat candidates left in California?
A: Not to our our knowledge. We don't know of any candidates within the "Democratic"/"Green"/"Peace and Freedom" parties who are pro-life for preborn babies and pro-family against the immoral "LGBTQIA+" agenda. Even in conservative "red states," pro-life-on-abortion Democrat candidates are being rubbed out. In 2020, DNC Chair Tom Perez and Democrat politicians Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren said there's no room for anti-abortion candidates in the Democratic Party.

Q: Which parties or candidates in California are reliably pro-life and pro-family?
A: It's getting harder to know, since truly pro-family candidates are rarer these days. From our observations, among the "Republican"/"American Independent"/"Libertarian" parties in California, we've determined that generally supporting traditional moral values are usually always "American Independent" candidates, most of the time "Republican" candidates, and some of the time "Libertarian" and "no party preference" candidates. Yet in the last several years, we've definitely seen more Republican and Libertarians candidates that support the anti-family, anti-child, unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, tyrannical "LGBTQIA+" agenda.

Q: What can I do to generate more votes?
A: You can "multiply votes" via web, email, social media, and leafletting. Imagine helping hundreds of people vote for what's right in God's sight. You can do your own research to produce your own documented voter guide or recommended candidates, then publish or distribute it via a web page, blog, email, and social media. You can also print it up on a full or half sheet of paper (both sides) to place on automobile windshields in church parking lots. Want help doing this? If you call SaveCalifornia.com at 916-265-5650, just leave a message with a good time to call you back, and we'll call you to answer your questions and equip you.

Q: Does SaveCalifornia.com provide links to pro-family voter guides?
A: Yes, we've found a few for you (listed above, and mostly for Orange and San Diego counties), yet provide them with a big disclaimer. Because so-called "pro-family" voter guides are actually a list of endorsements, and too many of them include anti-family Republicans. 

For example, in some of these “voter guides,” there are current or former incumbent "Republican" officeholders who have supported the "LGBTQIA+" agenda in one way or another, which tramples your God-given liberties and constitutional rights, which is in no way "pro-family" or "liberty loving." And there are other "pro-life" incumbents in the California State Legislature who have voted in favor of abortion-filled budgets. While linking to the "voter guides" of individuals and other organizations, SaveCalifornia.com encourages you to do your own research to confirm your beliefs about a particular candidate or candidates.

Q: Who are the "Republicans In Name Only" (RINOs) on my ballot?
A: We report, you decide. In 2023 and 2024 in the California State Legislature, several “Republicans” voted for awful Democrat bills promoting abortion (baby-killing), or the “LGBTQIA+” agenda, or both, or against a parental right or pro-"recreational" drugs.

The list below shows you which of these anti-family bills that "Republican" state legislators voted for. (You can see details about the bills shown here by going to our Legislation page.)

Assemblyman Greg Wallis of Bermuda Dunes: 2023: AB 659, AB 5, AB 223, AB 352, AB 443, AB 492, AB 576, AB 598, AB 957, AB 1078, AB 1194, AB 1432, HR 33, ACA 5, SB 345, SB 385, SB 760; 2024: AB 941, AB 1825, AB 2030, AB 2085, AB 2099, AB 2226, AB 2319, AB 2442, AB 3031, SB 233, SB 954, SB 957, HR 101

• Assemblyman Juan Alanis of Modesto: 2023: AB 5, AB 352, AB 443, AB 492, AB 598, AB 1194, AB 1432, HR 33, ACA 5, SB 541, SB 760; 2024: AB 941, AB 1825, AB 2085, AB 2099, AB 2226, AB 2319, AB 2442, AB 3031, SB 233, SB 954, SB 957

• Assemblywoman Marie Waldron of Escondido (termed-out): 2023: AB 5, AB 443. HR 33, ACA 5, SB 58, SB 541, SB 729, SB 760; 2024: AB 941 (authored this bill to legalize "hallucinogenic or psychedelic substances"), AB 1825, AB 2099, AB 2226, AB 2319, AB 2442, AB 2711, AB 3031, SB 954, SB 957

• Assemblywoman Laurie Davies of Laguna Niguel: 2023: ACA 5, AB 1194, SB 541; 2024: AB 2030 (author of this bill sending up for to $250,000 in taxpayer money to “LGBT business enterprises”), AB 2085, AB 2099, AB 2226, SB 954, SB 957

 Assemblyman Phillip Chen of Yorba Linda: 2023: ACA 5, AB 443; 2024: AB 1825, AB 2099, AB 3031, HR 101

• Assemblywoman Diane Dixon of Newport Beach: 2023: AB 223, ACA 5; 2024: AB 2099, SB 957, HR 101

• Assemblyman Josh Hoover of Folsom: 2023: AB 5, ACA 5; 2024: AB 2030, AB 2099, AB 3031

 Assemblyman Heath Flora of Ripon: 2024: AB 941, AB 2099, SB 954, HR 101

• Assemblyman Devon Mathis of Porterville (retiring): 2023: ACA 5; 2024: AB 2099, SB 954

• Bill Essayli of Riverside: 2023: AB 223, ACA 5; 2024: AB 941

 Kate Sanchez of Rancho Santa Margarita: 2024: SB 957

• Senator Scott Wilk of Santa Clarita (termed-out): 2023: AB 352, AB 659, AB 1194, ACA 5; 2024: AB 2319, AB 2711, AB 2226, SB 59

• Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh of Yucaipa: 2023: SR 33, SB 760, AB 1194

Senator Roger Niello of Fair Oaks: 2024: AB 2711

In addition to Democrat bills promoting baby-killing and the “LGBTQIA+” agenda, here's how the same "Republicans" voted in favor of other bad bills in 2023:

• Voting in favor of the Democrats’ radical “recreational drug” bill, SB 58, were Bill EssayliHeath Flora, and Marie Waldron

• Voting in favor of SB 596 giving chairpersons of liberal school boards the power to subjectively claim pro-family citizens speaking at public meetings have caused “substantial disorder,” so that you’ll be arrested and charged with a misdemeanor crime, were Diane DixonJosh Hoover, and Greg Wallis

• Voting in favor of AB 1352 to permit liberal school board majorities to remove a pro-family school board member from office were Juan AlanisPhillip ChenMegan Dahle, Laurie DaviesDiane DixonBill EssayliHeath FloraVince FongJames GallagherJosh HooverTom LackeyJim PattersonJoe PattersonKate SanchezTri TaMarie WaldronGreg Wallis

And in the California State Senate, 2 “Republicans” voted for Democrat bills promoting baby-killing or “LGBTQIA+” or both:

• Scott Wilk of Santa Clarita: AB 352, AB 659, AB 1194, ACA 5

• Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh of Yucaipa: SR 33, SB 760, AB 1194

In addition:

• Both Wilk and Ochoa Bogh supported AB 1352 to permit liberal school boards to boot off conservative members

• The sole Republican voting in favor of the Democrats’ SB 274, largely eliminating government-school suspensions or expulsions of disruptive, defiant “students,” was Brian Dahle of Bieber

See SaveCalifornia.com's Pro-Family Legislation Center for analyses and legislators’ votes on these bad bills.

See our March 2024 RINO report, which includes bad votes by several "Republican" congressional members. 

Conclusion: Of the 8 Republicans in the 40-member California State Senate and the 18 Republicans in the 80-member California State Assembly, unlike constitutional and often Christian Republican fighters of past decades, none today can be counted on to use their most valuable asset — their voice — to consistently stand and speak to expose the harm of immoral, ungodly Democrat-authored bills. It’s a shame, because when you’re in the minority party in the Legislature, your voice matters much more than your votes.

Obviously, with so many Republican legislators supporting anti-family or otherwise harmful bills, and with none of the current crop of California Republican state legislators caring enough to regularly speak to expose immoral Democrat bills, there’s a crying need for concerned citizens and biblical pastors to:

a) Recruit constitutional fighters, who know their main job isn’t money, popularity, or comfort, but steadfastly, lovingly, and truthfully speaking in committee and on the floor to expose the harm of Democrat Party bills

b) Stop accepting crumbs from mute Republicans or from RINOs who vote for harmful Democrat bills.

Democrats & Republicans In Their Own Words

Every political party has an official Party Platform, which is a written document that is the most reliable indicator of how that party's candidates will vote as an "elected representative." The party platforms will tell you what to expect, but not as much as a candidate's voting records or specific public promises. 

» Comparison of 2020 platfoms of the Democratic and Republican parties
Human Life, Religious Liberty, Healthcare, Sex Education/LBGTQ/Title IX, School Choice, Courts, Law & Order, Immigration & Border Security

» "In Their Own Words": Republican and Democratic Platforms (2012)
Life, Marriage, Health Care & Conscience, Second Amendment (Firearms), Education, The Economy, The United Nations, Right to Work & Unions, Energy & Climate Change

Thank you for being a responsible citizen, researching the facts, and voting your conscience.

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It's a privilege to stand for your values -- not just at election time, but year-round!

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