

11/15/18 5 questions for California's leaders about wildfires harming families



November 15, 2018 -- For Immediate Release

5 questions for California's leaders about wildfires harming families

Thomasson: "These firestorms are happening on the Democrat politicians' watch. California families are hurting, and demand that somebody actually prevent these killer wildfires."

Sacramento, California (November 15, 2018) -- In the Camp Fire alone, 56 people have been found dead and more than 300 are missing [11/27 update: 88 Dead, 158 missing]. In wildfires statewide in a week's time, even more Californians have been killed, with more than 10,000 homes and buildings destroyed.

In light of this carnage, SaveCalifornia.com, representing children and families in California since 1999, has five questions for those charged with protecting public safety:

1. Why is California's current policy to literally add fuel to the fires by not aggressively thinning forests and clearing out dead wood and underbrush?

2. Why won't California's lawmakers take action to protect hillside or mountain communities by installing wide firebreaks around them?

3. Why don't environmental groups against the thinning of forests and the clearing away of dead wood and underbrush realize that their imprudent agenda provides fuel for wildfires, which destroy habitat and animals and pollute air and water?

4. Why is law enforcement content with "unknown" causes of wildfires, instead of aggressively investigating, arresting, prosecuting, and punishing perpetrators to serve as a public deterrent?

5. Why is Cal Fire OK with an average of more than 5,000 separate wildfires each year, instead coming up with ideas to significantly decrease that annual number?

"Thousands of wildfires in California are destroying people, property, habitat, animals, and land each and every year," said Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com. "These firestorms are happening on the Democrat politicians' watch. California families are hurting, and demand that somebody actually prevent these killer wildfires."

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SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education. 



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