5/17/11: SaveCalifornia.com releases video warning parents about Harvey Milk indoctrination
May 17, 2011 -- For Immediate Release
Eye-opening video warns Calif. parents about Harvey Milk indoctrination this week
SaveCalifornia.com calls on dads and moms to protect their kids from "LGBT" lawsSacramento, California -- SaveCalifornia.com, a leading California family organization, has released an eye-opening video warning fathers and mothers to protect their children from Harvey Milk's homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination.
"Since the Democrat state legislators have passed law after law attacking the sexual innocence of children," said SaveCalifornia.com President Randy Thomasson, "we are standing in the gap to help parents see reality -- that their children will be sexually indoctrinated in the government schools unless they intervene. Harvey Milk Day is just one example."
View the 3-minute video produced by SaveCalifornia.com here.At a Sacramento news conference on Tuesday, Thomasson, along with parents, retired teachers, and Dr. Benjamin Kaufman, co-founder of NARTH and a leading psychiatric expert on gender identity disorders, called upon mothers and fathers to warn their children's public school teachers not to honor the late homosexual activist Harvey Milk of San Francisco.
The parents who spoke said they will keep their children home from school if that's what it takes to protect them from sexual brainwashing.
SaveCalifornia.com has created a web form where parents can send a prewritten message asking teachers if they are going to honor Harvey Milk. See the form on this page.In addition, SaveCalifornia.com is showing parents the undeniable evidence that homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality are unnatural and unhealthy. See the facts here.
A state law signed by Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2009 calls upon all K-12 public schools to teach children as 5 years old to honor homosexual activist and teen predator Harvey Milk.
It is up to teachers and principals in public schools to decide every May whether children will be required to perform pro-Milk "exercises" (the week before or after May 22, Milk's birthday).
There is no parental consent or notification required.
See the documentation on Milk and "Harvey Milk Day" affecting children in government schools.
SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.