

7/2/12: Crazy California bill would 'blow up the family unit'


July 2, 2012 -- For Immediate Release

Crazy California Bill Would 'Blow Up The Family Unit'
SaveCalifornia.com says SB 1476 is Democrats' latest attack on children and families

Sacramento, California -- A bill that would expand the number of legal parents a child could have has passed the Democrat-controlled California State Senate and is being opposed by SaveCalifornia.com, which promotes moral virtues for the common good.

According to the Senate floor analysis, SB 1476 "provides that a child may have a parent-child relationship...with more than two parents," "requires the court to allocate custody and visitation among the parents" and "requires, in the case of a child with more than two legal parents, the court to divide child support obligations among the parents."

SaveCalifornia.com President Randy Thomasson has issued the following statement:

"It's a shame that a hard case is being used to push for a bad law. The lesbian who claimed to be a mother when she was not is no justification for judges to invent a 'third parent,' which will only confuse children all the more.

"SB 1476 isn't necessary because judges already have the duty and discretion to do what is in the best interest of the child. If both parents are neglectful or otherwise out of the picture, the judge should award custody to grandparents or other relatives, not create a 'third parent' out of thin air. Adoptions should also be made easier. But hard cases make bad law, and this bad bill should be stopped, if not in the state Assembly, by citizens demanding a veto from the Governor.

"A biological parent is either the father who provided the human sperm or the mother who provided the human egg for God's miracle of procreation. If a biological parent abdicates his or her responsibilities for the child, an adoptive parent or custodial adult should take over and the current system provides for that.

"SB 1476 would blow up the family unit by redefining 'father' and 'mother,' and contribute to the demise of family stability. Talk about the bad influence of government, or in this case, Democrat-run government, because only Democrat politicians voted for this.

"SB 1476 would create law based on feelings, not law based on human responsibility. If non-parents can be awarded parental status, this will multiply the existing conflicts and caseloads in family court, and will confuse children all the more, with split families that don't happen upon divorce, but occur upon birth.

"Children do best with a married father and mother under the same roof. The vast bulk of social science evidence demonstrates that children's health, education, and behavior are better in traditional father-mother households. In contrast, children raised in homosexual households have starkly different outcomes, with those children, as adults, experimenting with homosexually at a noticeably higher rate than children raised in traditional father-mother households. In lesbian households, girls also fornicate earlier and boys become emasculated." (Source: "Homosexual Parenting Studies Are Flawed, Report Says")

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SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.



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