
The undermining of Prop. 8//

OCT. 12, 2009: Arnold Schwarzenegger has SIGNED SB 54.  

THE FACTS: SB 54 undermines Prop. 8 by recognizing same-sex "marriages" from other states and nations.

Senate Bill 54 by homosexual activist and Democrat state senator Mark Leno would violate the clear reading of Prop. 8 by recognizing homosexual “marriages” from other states and other countries as “marriages” here.

This is despite Prop. 8 (now Article 1, Section 7.5 of the California Constitution) reading: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”

Ultra-liberal city governments in San Francisco and West Hollywood have already passed resolutions supporting SB 54.

THE VOTES: The Sept. 9 Senate vote was 23-14 (21 votes needed for passage: see the vote tally), with only Democrats voting to undermine marriage. Earlier, the Assembly vote was 47 to 29 (41 votes needed for passage: see the vote tally), with only Democrats voting to undermine marriage.