

8/31/18: Statement on AB 2943 being dropped



August 31, 2018 -- For Immediate Release

Statement on AB 2943 being dropped
Thomasson: "Californians who love liberty are thrilled that this dangerous, unfair, and unconstitutional bill has been dropped."

Sacramento, California -- Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, which has been serving California families since 1999, including fighting against the tyrannical agenda of AB 2943 this year, has issued the following statement about the bill's welcome demise:

"Californians who love liberty are thrilled that this dangerous, unfair, and unconstitutional bill has been dropped. We thank every patriotic citizen who took action to oppose AB 2943, an un-American bill that should never have been introduced.

"As Mr. Low muses over his reasons for dropping his misguided bill, average Californians should realize what his broad, chilling ban represented. Basic choices were denied, free speech was attacked, religious freedom was trampled. And Low's fellow Democrat legislators supported this full-scale assault on people's constitutional rights. This is an outrage and voters should take note.

"Ultimately, California voters must stop accepting liars as legislators. When elected officials raise their right hand and promise to 'support and defend' the U.S. Constitution, that means protecting free speech you don't want to hear, religious freedom you don't agree with, and the personal choices of people who you don't like. All the Democrats who voted for AB 2943 broke their contract with the Constitution and their covenant with the People."

SaveCalifornia.com Aug. 30 news release: "AB 2943 squashing choice and speech will be defeated"


No exemption for church bookstores
Counseling for unwanted same-sex attraction is effective
Homosexuality is unhealthy
Transsexuality is biologically impossible
Transsexuality is harmful

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SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.




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