

1/7/19: Gavin Newsom: California's rash and imprudent new governor



January 7, 2019 -- For Immediate Release

Gavin Newsom: California's rash and imprudent new governor

Thomasson: "A law unto himself, Newsom will harm the People of California"

Sacramento, California (January 7, 2019) -- California's new governor, Gavin Newsom, is more "left" than any governor in California history and will harm the People of California with his inhuman and thieving policies, says a longtime pro-family leader in the Golden State.

"California's new left-wing governor is a law unto himself," SaveCalifornia.com President Randy Thomasson said. "You can expect some foolish, thieving, and downright inhuman policies from the former mayor of San Francisco. With a big-government, socialist worldview like his, you can't assume this new governor is 'on the side of the people.' Instead, expect Newsom to further harm children, families, and the People of California with his imprudent San Francisco agenda."

Newsom's bad policies include:

1. Harming young women, babies, and universities: He's pledged to sign a bill that fellow Democrat Jerry Brown vetoed, to require abortion-inducing drugs to be distributed on CSU and UC campuses. The negative consequences will include suffering for many young women, death to the very young humans in their wombs, and costly liability for the universities pushing these dangerous drugs.

2. Threatening family finances and jobs with higher taxes and unsustainable government growth: Not only is Newsom entertaining removing Proposition 13's tax protection of commercial property, which will kill jobs and harm California's economy, but he's pledging very expensive, big-government, socialistic programs, including government-run health care and a "cradle-to-grave" nanny state. If Newsom gets his way, California families will become poorer.

3. Making himself king with no higher authority: In 2004, Newsom blatantly ignored California's constitution and statutes by concocting counterfeit, same-sex "marriage" licenses in San Francisco. Never repenting of his corrupt act, Newsom's oath as governor to support and defend the U.S. and state constitutions is meaningless.

"The extreme liberalism and socialism of Gavin Newsom and the Democrat-controlled state legislature means Californians who know the difference between right and wrong need to rise up and resist," Thomasson said. "During Newsom's reign, SaveCalifornia.com will expose his folly and harm, and encourage sensible Californians to stop giving a free pass to the unaccountable Democrats in Sacramento."

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SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education. 



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