

6/1/17: Sexual anarchy (SB 219) threatens California private care facilities



June 1, 2017 -- For Immediate Release

Sexual anarchy (SB 219) threatens California private care facilities
Thomasson: "Employees of care homes, who are often Hispana or Filipina women with religious values, would be required to abandon all morals, reason, and logic by being legally forced to dress up a biological man, if he demands it, in bra, panties, and women's clothes"

Sacramento, California (June 1, 2017) -- California's State Senate Democrats have passed a tyrannical bill that would force ladies in retirement homes to share rooms with cross-dressing men, and force employees to dress up a man as a woman and apply makeup if he requests it.

The May 31 vote on SB 219 in the 40-member California Senate was 26 yes, 12 no. Only Democrats voted "aye."

SB 219 would require private care facilities -- senior group homes, convalescent homes, skilled nursing facilities, etc. -- to fully support transsexuality, including cross-dressing, as well as all types of "sex" on the premises, unless sexual relations are forbidden for every resident. There is no religious exemption for any dissenting resident, employee, manager, or owner.

If SB 219 becomes law, it will be illegal for any private care facility to:

1. Not address a transsexual by "his" or "her" desired pronoun of "he" or "she," or by the transsexual's new "male" or "female" name.

2. Move or evict a resident for acting out transsexually, even if other residents are traumatized by it.

3. Respect the wishes of a person in a shared room not to have a transsexual roommate.

4. Maintain order by keeping biological males and biological females from sharing rooms and beds.

5. Refuse to help dress men in women's clothes or women in men's clothes, since the new law mandates a "right to wear or be dressed in clothing, accessories, or cosmetics that are permitted for any other resident."

6. Protect privacy in men's and women's restrooms and bathing areas, due to the bill's mandate for unisex bathrooms "regardless of whether the resident is making a gender transition or appears to be gender-nonconforming."

7. Prohibit homosexual or transsexual "sex" with other residents or visitors on the premises, unless there is a uniform ban on sexual relations for all residents.

8. Fail to introduce all employees to a new government-endorsed curriculum called, "Building Respect for LGBT Older Adults."

9. Despite all the above, private care centers could not "deny or restrict medical or nonmedical care that is appropriate to a resident's organs and bodily needs." (So, with a cross-dressing biological male, the private care facility would be forced to treat him as a "woman," but then as the man he is in regard to his physical "organs and bodily needs"?)

One of the worst things about SB 219, as LifeSiteNews explains, is "if an elderly woman living at a nursing home in California is upset that she has been assigned a severely gender-confused man (say, a man with penis intact and artificially-induced breasts who dresses like a woman) as a roommate, her request to be reassigned another roommate could be termed 'discriminatory.'"

"Another disturbing result of this bad bill," said Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, which upholds moral virtues for the common good, "is employees of care homes, who are often Hispana or Filipina women with religious values, would be required to abandon all morals, reason, and logic by being legally forced to dress up a biological man, if he demands it, in bra, panties, and women's clothes, and be forced to put on him women's earrings and necklaces and panty hose and women's shoes, along with make-up, eyeliner, and lipstick. SB 219 imposes sexual anarchy on care home residents, employees, and owners, and is in no way 'live and let live.'"

"Private care facilities provide intimate care and comfort for our infirmed and elderly loved ones," Thomasson said. "Just as the sanctity of the home is inviolate, so the values of private care homes must be respected and protected. SB 219 is a brash bull in a china shop that would cause significant problems and grief for our elderly parents and grandparents in the sunset of their lives. Democrat legislators who voted for this radical bill should be ashamed of themselves for brazenly disrespecting our beloved family members."

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SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.



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