

8/27/12: Assembly Democrats OK 3 or more parents for a child


August 27, 2012 -- For Immediate Release

Assembly Democrats OK 3 or More Parents for a Child
Thomasson: "This unnecessary bill explodes the definition of parenthood and will make it harder on children"

Sacramento, California -- A leading California family organization is blasting a bill that permits a child to have three, four, or more parents, which was approved today in the Democrat-controlled California State Assembly. SB 1476 passed with 51 yes votes and 26 no votes, and goes to the state Senate for final legislative approval.

"Hard cases make bad law," said Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, which promotes moral virtues for the common good. "If neither the biological father or biological mother can or will care for a child, that's no excuse to explode the definition of parenthood. If a child can have three or four or more legal parents, then human physiology doesn't matter and numbers don't matter and three or four people can be married to each other too. That's the logic of this lunacy."

"If the law is to be changed to give a child who's fallen through the cracks something better than the average foster care home, then it should be changed to give greater preference to a potential guardian or a potential foster father or foster mother, without tearing apart, redefining, and complicating parenthood," Thomasson said. "Think about the new legal battles in family court, probate court, and civil court. When you have three or four parents, it's a bigger tug-of-war over a child and greater stress upon a child. And which parent supersedes the others when they disagree? What a mess these Democrats are creating."

SaveCalifornia.com provides the above information solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

See our July 2 news release, Crazy California Bill Would 'Blow Up The Family Unit'

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SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.



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