
Tell these governors to uphold the constitution on marriage


Demand these governors uphold the constitution on marriage

"A governor loyal to the Constitution, the People, his statutory duties, and his public promise will not allow any marriages in his or her state except marriages between one man and one woman. He will use his executive powers to protect real, man-woman marriages – at the state and local level, in every jurisdiction – as required by the state constitution and the U.S. constitution."

The sad news is the unconstitutional opinion on homosexual “marriages” that 5 of 9 judges on the U.S. Supreme Court have handed down.

But as sad as it is that child-confusing, real-marriage-demeaning homosexual “marriages” are already occurring in all 48 of 50 states, it’s even more wrong – and angering -- that “pro-family,” “conservative,” “constitutional,” “Republican” governors are pledging allegiance to these bad judges instead of keeping their allegiance to the Constitution they specifically and publicly swore to support and defend as a condition of their office.

As former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee said on June 28 on ABC, “I'm not sure that every governor and every attorney general should just say, well, it's the law of the land because there's no enabling legislation.” [Huckabee correctly notes there is no federal legislation here, thus no "supremacy clause" (Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articlevi) subverting states' rights on defining marriage.

Christian talk host Bryan Fischer writes: 

"...there are governors in 31 states whose people have elevated protection for natural marriage to their state constitutions. Each one of these governors took an oath to uphold and defend his state's constitution and its protection for natural marriage.

The federal Constitution is absolutely silent on the subject of marriage, which means, according to the Constitution the Founders bequeathed to us, that defining marriage is an issue reserved for the states. The Supreme Court has no moral, legal, ethical, or constitutional authority to impose its own twisted view of marriage on any state in the country.

Every governor in every one of these states took a solemn and sacred oath to uphold and defend both the federal constitution and the constitution of his own state. But not a single governor anywhere took an oath to uphold the unconstitutional rulings of the Supreme Court. Their oath is to the Constitution, not to black-robed oligarchs and any benighted, unconstitutional, or immoral rulings they might issue.

So the great need of the hour is for a principled and courageous governor to uphold his oath of office by issuing an order that no same-sex marriage licenses will be issued in his state."

It’s vitally important you remember that each governor held up his right hand, with his other hand placed on the Bible, and pledged to “support and defend” the plain words of their state constitution, including, in morally conservative states, the constitutional definition of marriage as only for a man and a woman.

Each governor publicly promises to “faithfully execute” or carry out these written laws, as commanded by their state constitutions.
Each governor also has an administration that serves his/her pleasure that is in charge of the state’s marriage forms (licenses and applications) that county marriage officiates (usually county clerks or probate judges) use.
And each governor is authorized to call out his/her state's militia or National Guard to enforce written laws and to maintain public order against foreign and domestic enemies.

Therefore, a governor loyal to the Constitution, the People, his statutory duties, and his public promise will not allow any marriages in his or her state except marriages between one man and one woman. He will use his executive powers to protect real, man-woman marriages – at the state and local level, in every jurisdiction – as required by the state constitution and the U.S. constitution.  


As of June 30, 2015, homosexual “marriages” were being permitted in all but 2 states -- Louisiana and Mississippi -- yet those 2 Republican governors still plan to implement homosexual "marriages" within a few weeks. Concerned citizens across the United States need to call these 2 governors right away.

See all 31 Republican state governors -- all of whom say, just like the 18 state governors who are Democrats, that the "law" is what judges opine, not the words of supreme civil authority that the People placed into their state constitution and that the People's representatives put into the U.S. Constitution. Were these governors' oaths of office a very public lie? Republican governors are doing the same as Democrat governors -- permitting homosexual "marriages" in violation of the Constitution. 

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal

(225) 342-0991 | web form

When you call say something like: "I’m calling to give a careful reminder to Governor Jindal that he is legally under oath to protect and uphold the Constitution of the State of Louisiana, including Louisiana Constitutional Amendment 1 of 2004, also known as Article 12, Section 15 of the Louisiana Constitution, despite the Supreme Court's unconstitutional opinion on homosexual 'marriages.'"

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant

(601) 359-3150 | web form

When you call say something like: “I’m calling to give a careful reminder to Governor Bryant that he is legally under oath to protect and uphold the Constitution of the State of Mississippi, including Mississippi Constitutional Amendment 1 of 2004, also known as Article 14, section 263A of the Mississippi Constitution, despite the Supreme Court's unconstitutional opinion on homosexual 'marriages.'"