



Alerts, Special Events, and Information

Thank you for standing strong for your values with SaveCalifornia.com -- working for you since 1999. This Action page features alerts, links, and helpful information. Plus, you can view the outcome of some past key California bills.

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In these cancel culture times, you must get on our FREE "INSIDER NEWS" email list from SaveCalifornia.com. It's the best way to know what's impacting your liberties, faith, and family in California. Sign up now

Upcoming 2024 California Events

Stevenson Ranch (Los Angeles County) -- Tuesday, October 15, 2024 @ 10am
Attorney Jennifer Kennedy on 2024's worst bills and this election flyer
$30 at door includes meal | RSVP by Oct. 11 at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
IHOP, 24737 Pico Canyon Road map

Lancaster (Los Angeles County) -- Wednesday, October 23, 2024 @ 7:30pm

"Save The Children Candlelight Vigil: 325K...and countless others being trafficked" flyer
Greater Works Christian Church, 1754 W. Avenue L12 map

California Legislation 

See the worst bills of the ruling Democrats at our Legislation Center. 

Action Alerts Links

TELL MATTEL: "Stop pushing transgenderism on our kids." Take quick action
LEGISLATION & STATUS: See the worst California bills of 2024. Visit our Legislation Center
JAB INFORMATION: Don't consent to be injected with an experimental biological agent before you see these videos: 123. See what Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Media, and Big Tech are hiding from you.
RESCUE YOUR CHILD from government school indoctrination. The attacks on the minds, hearts, bodies, and souls of children through the government school system are relentless. Children are a captive audience to everything from sexual indoctrination to Leftist ideologies like CRT, socialism, and communism. That's on top of low-academics, negative peer pressure, masks and jabs, and an anti-parent and anti-god sentiment. See "10 Reasons to Be Concerned" and the 12 California indoctrination laws for K-12 public school children PLUS get solutions at our special website RescueYourChild.com. You can also see eye-opening videos on our School Indoctrination page.
FIGHT FOR AMERICA: Stand for your free speech and election integrity -- in all 50 states. Plus see both "Agenda" movies in their entirety. Visit SaveAmerica.com.



Follow the Science: Is anyone 'born gay'?

"LGBTQIA+" laws have severely infringed upon the constitutional rights and religious freedom of those who disagree, punishing dissent. All people are valuable, but where's the so-called "gay gene"? Facts + why it matters »

Participate: Be salt and light in your church and community

A big mistake of churches has been to drop out of the government process. Yet government and laws imact morality, religious freedom, parental rights & more! Be a light for God’s values. Start a Salt and Light Council »


More Alerts:

Protect your own life: Get the pro-life will-to-live »
Union employees:
How to resign from the union to stop funding anti-family values