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Celebrate the shelving of the assisted suicide expansion bill, SB 1196

Thursday, April 18, 2024, 11:42 am | Randy Thomasson

A great moral victory! SB 1196 giving killer drugs to MENTALLY or PHYSICALLY DISABLED — or to anybody with one of any of the thousands of INCURABLE diseases who rejects treatment and wants to die — has been shelved by its author, Democrat Party State Senator Catherine Blakespear of San Diego and Orange counties.

“Politico” broke the story April 17:
“At this point, there is a reluctance from many around me to take up this discussion, and the future is unclear,” Blakespear said in a statement. “The topic, however, remains of great interest to me and to those who have supported this bill thus far.” Her bill would have expanded the state’s current End Of Life Options Act to allow patients without a specific prognosis to request life-ending drugs if they are suffering from a “grievous and irremediable medical condition.” Current law in California and all other states says patients can only request these drugs when they have six months left to live.

Washington Post, 2016“We generally say: Several thousand diseases affect humans of which only about 500 have any U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment,” said Cindy McConnell, a spokeswoman at NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS).

SaveCalifornia.com, 2024: Under SB 1196, if you’re 18, and have an “incurable” illness or disease of any kind (including an incurable sexually-transmitted infection) that limits your “capability” to any extent, and you say you’re “suffering,” and feel that life is “intolerable,” and claim that continued treatment is not “acceptable” to you, and declare you’re not “willing to attempt” other treatments, you get to either swallow a lethal dose of drugs or be injected with the lethal drugs with the “assistance” of “a health care provider placing an intravenous catheter…into the qualified individual’s vein.”

THANK YOU to everyone who did anything to oppose this devilish, inhuman bill!

How was this very dangerous “expansion” of “assisted suicide” defeated? The main reason is the pro-assisted suicide organization, “Compassion & Choices,” opposed getting rid of their (the State of California’s since 2016) “terminal” prognosis of having “less than six months to live” standard — and they let the Democrat committee members know it.

However, unlike this pro-euthanasia group, SaveCalifornia.com rallied phone calls in opposition to SB 1196 because we know:

  • Euthanasia, “the administration of a lethal agent…to a patient,” is murder
  • It is inhuman to “permit” elderly or disabled people to dehydrate to death
  • The Word of God consistently commands the protection of innocent human life
  • Choice is an illusion in assisted suicide and euthanasia bills and laws

For these reasons and more, SaveCalifornia.com urges all people of moral conscience to steadfastly protect innocent human life from conception to natural death.

Because God created human beings in his image, every human life from conception to death bears the image of God and has inestimable worth (Genesis 1:27). Therefore, Christians must be committed to a consistent ethic of life that safeguards the essential nature of human life at all stages, with a special concern to protect the lives of the most vulnerable. The unborn, the very young, the aged, those living in poverty, the chronically or terminally ill, those with disabilities and those with genetic diseases deserve our particular care and protection. Our public policy agenda should reflect these broad commitments.
“Safeguarding the Nature and Sanctity of Human Life,” National Association of Evangelicals

ALERT: Oppose ‘assisted suicide’ for mentally or physically disabled (including diabetes, asthma, or being 18 with an ‘incurable’ STD)

Monday, April 8, 2024, 8:34 am | Randy Thomasson


There are nearly 100 known “diseases” worldwide that the medical establishment has deemed “incurable.”

These include diseases, infections, or illnesses that older teenagers and young adults can have, including obesity, asthma, herpes simplex, irritable bowel syndrome, joint pain, and psoriasis, and congenital anomalies, such as cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, scoliosis, type 1 diabetes, and hearing loss.

What’s more, there are several thousand “incurable” diseases worldwide. As the liberal-establishment Washington Post reported in 2016: “We generally say: Several thousand diseases affect humans of which only about 500 have any U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment,” said Cindy McConnell, a spokeswoman at NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS).

But did you know that if the Democrat Party legislators’ new “assisted suicide” bill passes, patients with any of these “incurable” maladies are permitted to obtain a lethal dose of drugs for committing “assisted suicide”?

SB 1196 would spawn a broad, new death culture, where physically or mentally disabled Californians would be offered “assistance” to die. How horrible to offer “assisted suicide” to a depressed person!

And for those who want to focus on dementia patients, can you imagine the shaky “consent” they would be coerced to give? Realize “self-administration” of a lethal dose isn’t necessarily true when, under SB 1196, a witness is not required, nor are authorities permitted to charge any “assistant” — not even legal heirs who “assist” with the ingestion of the lethal dose — with murder. How certain is “choice” when the final choice to ingest lethal drugs is legally hidden?

Under SB 1196, feelings, not fact, will be the standard. Because being depressed and thinking life is “intolerable” and not “acceptable” would permit Californians with any incurable disability or illness to be offered suicide rather than counseling. And ironically, this is happening when effective pain compliance is readily available.

SB 1196 permits the “assisted suicide” of teenagers, since at age 18, you can qualify. It says so right at the top of the bill:


SECTION 1. Section 443.1 of the Health and Safety Code is amended to read:

443.1. As used in this part, the following definitions shall apply:

(a) “Adult” means an individual 18 years of age or older.

Therefore, under SB 1196, if you’re 18, and have an “incurable” illness or disease of any kind (including an incurable* and possibly fatal sexually-transmitted infection**) that limits your “capability” to any extent, and you say you’re “suffering,” and feel that life is “intolerable,” and claim that continued treatment is not “acceptable” to you, and declare you’re not “willing to attempt” other treatments, you get to either swallow a lethal dose of drugs or be injected with the lethal drugs with the “assistance” of “a health care provider placing an intravenous catheter…into the qualified individual’s vein.”

*Incurable, viral sexually transmitted infections (STIs) include Hepatitis B, herpes, HIV, HPV

**Research has found several STIs that can cause death in women ages 15-44: syphilis, HPV, HIV, hepatitis, genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia

See the loose, subjective, overly-broad words and phrases in SB 1196, as decribed by the Democrat-controlled Legislative Counsel’s office:

This bill would replace the term “terminal disease” for purposes of the act with “grievous and irremediable medical condition,” defined as a medical condition that (1) is a serious and incurable illness or disease, (2) has placed the individual in a state of irreversible decline in capability and the individual’s suffering is palpable without prospect of improvement, (3) is causing the individual to endure physical suffering due to the illness, disease, or state of decline that is intolerable to the individual and cannot be relieved in a manner the individual deems acceptable, and there is no proven treatment for the individual’s situation that the individual has not attempted or is willing to attempt due to the nature or side effects of the treatment, and (4) after taking into account all of the individual’s medical circumstances, it is reasonably foreseeable that the condition will become the individual’s natural cause of death, as specified. The bill would, for purposes of the act, include a diagnosis of dementia as a grievous and irremediable medical condition, if the individual meets specified capacity requirements. The bill would specify that a sole diagnosis of a mental disorder is not a grievous and irremediable medical condition. The bill would also expand the definition of “mental health specialist” to include neurologists. The bill would additionally authorize the self-administration of an aid-in-dying drug through intravenous injection.


Don’t let California replace fact with feelings about whether a lethal dose of drugs can be given to depressed teenagers and adults.

There is a chance to defeat SB 1196, since the leading assisted-suicide group, “Compassion & Choices” opposes it, and so do some disabled rights groups. The loose and very broad language and definitions have made SB 1196 a very poorly-written bill.

STEP 1: Please call and email your own state senator to say, “Oppose SB 1196 as amended April 4. This radical bill would permit a depressed 18-year-old with an incurable STD or other incurable disability to obtain a lethal dose of drugs. Protect depressed or disabled Californians from deadly coercion. Oppose SB 1196.”

STEP 2: Please also leave easy voicemail messages for the 11-member State Senate Health Committee before its April 22 hearing on SB 1196. Call Monday through Friday from 7pm to 8am and all weekend. Unless you live in a senator’s district, when you leave your afterhours voicemail message (the same suggested message as above), do not provide your name or location (if you do, they’ll trash your message).


  • Richard Roth (Chair) 916-651-4031 Capitol | 951-680-6750 district
  • Steve Glazer 916-651-4007 Capitol | 925-258-1176 district
  • Lena Gonzalez 916-651-4033 Capitol | 562-256-7921 district
  • Melissa Hurtado 916-651-4016 Capitol | 559-924-1201 district
  • Monique Limón 916-651-4019 Capitol | 805-965-0862 district
  • Caroline Menjivar 916-651-4020 Capitol | 818-901-5588 district
  • Susan Rubio 916-651-4022 Capitol | 626-430-2499 district
  • Lola Smallwood-Cuevas 916-651-4028 Capitol | 213-745-6656 district
  • Scott Wiener 916-651-4011 Capitol | 415 557-1300 district


  • Janet Nguyen (Vice Chair) 916-651-4036 Capitol | 714-374-4000 district
  • Shannon Grove 916-651-4012 Capitol | 661-323-0443 district

“You shall not murder.”
The Bible, Exodus 20:13

If you got the jab, this can help

Thursday, December 21, 2023, 3:28 pm | Randy Thomasson

Have you noticed the “died suddenly” trend?

Are you concerned that many who’ve “died suddenly” are young adults?

And are you disturbed that, for many of these, the cause of death is labeled “unknown”?

2023: 30-year-old Brazilian Gospel singer drops dead during show

2023: Data and logic show those who “died suddenly” likely died from the “Covid vaccine”

2023: New Zealanders died at a higher rate after heaving dosing of the “Covid vaccine”

2023: Cancer virus found in “Covid vaccine”

2023: Study: Full-length mRNA spike proteins in blood of hospitalized myocarditis patients

2023: Dr. Peter McCullough explains how mRNA spike protein threatens vital organs

2022: Funeral embalmer says 85% of his corpses have unusual blood clots

2022: Democrat-controlled L.A. County hid the “sudden death” of a healthy bodybuilder

2022: Pfizer CEO admits mRNA technology was risky, never proven, and counterintuitive

2022: Study: Serious injuries follow mRNA Covid jabs

2021: Study: CDC deaths attributed to Covid jabs are 20 times higher than reported

2021-2023: More post-vax deaths that were sudden or mysterious

If these sudden deaths (for which Big Pharma pimps and prostitutes claim the “Covid vaccine” is never to blame) or the even greater number of “Covid vaccine” injuries have convinced you that the experimental mRNA Covid jab put something dangerous into your body, don’t despair, because there’s a solution.

After much research last year and this year, honest Christian doctor and foremost Covid expert Dr. Peter McCullough now offers his Spike Protein Formula.

As he announced Dec. 12“Syndromes and diseases occurring as post-acute sequalae are caused by the Spike protein and the inflammation and damage it inflicts on the body. While various supplements and medications can manage symptoms, McCullough Protocol Base Spike Protein Detoxification is the only published method offering hope of elimination of Spike protein from the body as the root cause.”

Buy your Spike Protein Formula here (to protect yourself from suffering eventual injury or death due to the Covid jab’s mRNA spike protein in your body). And please show this proven solution to natural medicine medical practitioners you know.

Californians especially need this healing protocol, for they’ve suffered more under Covid tyranny than any other state. The “Covid vaccine” jabs as a condition of work and the Democrat-run State’s “Covid vaccine” propaganda campaign have killed and injured many. Don’t let yourself, your family, or friends be irreparably victimized!

Lastly, in case you’re wondering, neither SaveCalifornia.com nor I receive any remuneration for promoting Dr. McCullough’s Spike Protein Formula. I just want you and others protected from injury and death.

“With the vaccine, it’s even worse. The generic code is actually taken up into cells, the cells produce the spike protein in the Golgi apparatus, so the spike protein is inside the cell — and that’s an abnormal protein inside the cell — then the spike protein is expressed on the cell surface, immediately the body recognizes this as being foreign. There’s a whole family of proteins on the cell surface called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), and so the body is constantly trying to recognize what’s self and what’s not self. So when a cell expresses the spike protein, it’s immediately identified as being a foreign invader and is attacked. And so that is the genesis of autoimmunity. It occurs at some level in every single person who took a vaccine.”
Dr. Peter McCullough, December 2023 interview w/ Josh Dech (5:30 to 6:14)