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Archives for the ‘Meaning’ Category

How to have a real Christmas

Saturday, December 21, 2024, 10:33 am | Randy Thomasson

Before I get into the good news of Christmas, let me explain why fewer people celebrate real Christmas.

The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848 can be summarized in six points: Abolish private property, abolish the Natural Family, abolish individuality (replace with groupism), abolish religion and morality (especially Christianity and Christian virtues), abolish nations and borders, and abolish history.

So when you hear more “Happy Holidays” and less “Merry Christmas,” you know that Communism is ravenously erasing history and religion on U.S. soil. But at Christmastime, submission to anti-Christ forces is largely voluntary. So I urge you — choose “Merry Christmas” and the Real Reason for CHRISTmas!

Stop and realize that six decades ago, “Merry Christmas” and “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” was central in our American culture. Yes, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, used to be popularly honored this time of year. Back in the late 1950s and early 1960s, you’d hear on mainstream radio stations Silent Night sung by Johnny Mathis; Mary’s Little Boy Child sung by Harry Belafonte; and Do You Hear What I Hear? sung by Bing Crosby.

To inspire you to honor Jesus Christ in your heart, mind, and soul, listen to these excellent recordings:

Mary’s Boy Child (1957, sung by Harry Belafonte)
Silent Night (1958, sung by Johnny Mathis, plus his first Christmas album)
Do You Hear What I Hear? (1963, sung by Bing Crosby)
The Little Drummer Boy (1965, sung by The Harry Simeone Chorale)

And to inspire your whole family (you can play these for hours), here are 129 “Christ Centered Christmas Songs.” Deanna, who posted on YouTube these contemporary, beautiful Christmas song recordings, wrote, “The reason for Christmas is Christ, not a ‘winter wonderland.'” This is historically and spiritually true!

Lastly, before your family’s gift exchange, I encourage you to open your Bible to the Gospel of Luke, and read the real Christmas story in Chapters 1 and 2. Let the truth of CHRISTmas touch your souls and make you glad!

“The very purpose of Christ’s coming into the world was that He might offer up His life as a sacrifice for the sins of men. He came to die. This is the heart of Christmas.”
U.S. Christian evangelist Billy Graham (1918-2018)

How to have a real Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 26, 2024, 5:25 pm | Randy Thomasson

What’s the real meaning of Thanksgiving?

Turn the word around and it’s GivingThanks.

But to whom do you give thanks (since you thank a person)?

On Thanksgiving Day and hopefully every day, humble, in-reality people will thank Creator God in Jesus’ Name for His creation, sustenance, Word, love, etc. Because, without Him, we’d be nothing and have nothing!

A great way to help those at your table give God glory is to ask, “What are you thankful to God for?” This substantive question, when safely and patiently asked, helps others give God the credit where credit is due. (You might need to remind them, “What do you specifically thank God for?” instead of just being glad about something.)

See these videos to stimulate you and others to praise Creator God in Jesus’ Name: Thankful | Thank You God

Remember, a grateful heart helps everyone. So challenge yourself to be thankful. Take a minute to reignite your soul to thank the Author of Life for air, food, water, and our basic necessities. Focus on the One who made the sun in the sky, the oceans, the animals, every original food and substance, and all we rely on, including the ground we walk on.

Lastly, stop and realize there are two types of people: Those who sincerely thank God, and those who “did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful” (Romans 1:21). And consider how thanking God not only gives God His due, but also calms your mind, since gratitude and worry cannot coexist in the same moment.

“…that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”
Jesus Christ, Savior of the world and God in the flesh, in Matthew 5:45

“Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”
From the 1674 Christian hymn by English Pastor Thomas Ken

Rejoice! Mandatory kindergarten bill is dead

Saturday, August 24, 2024, 11:47 am | Randy Thomasson

For the second time in three years, eliminating the parental option of kindergarten has failed in the Democrat-controlled California State Legislature.

But it wasn’t for lack of the Left trying. This year, two mandatory kindergarten bills, which were nearly the same, and both likely costing up to $1 BILLION annually, were only stopped in the State Senate Appropriations Committee at the behest of Democrat Party Governor Gavin Newsom, who’s trying to posture himself nationally as a “fiscal conservative.”

AB 2226 died August 15 in committee and SB 1056 on May 16 in the same committee.

After the second mandatory kindergarten bill was shelved this month, the committee chairwoman, Democrat Party State Senator Anna Caballero of Merced, Madera, and Fresno counties, a Newsom loyalist, told the L.A. Times“The lens we were looking through was the cost. Anything that we pass and the governor signs means it’s probably something that has to come out of the budget next year.”

So because Newsom & the Democrats’ war against responsible citizens has pushed enough wealthy Californians to other states, thus dramatically lowering revenues, and because now Gavin Newsom has shifted gears to plan to run for U.S. president — on the condition that Donald Trump is elected for a final four-year term this year — in 2028, two years after he’s termed out of the governor’s office in Sacramento.

Yet beyond the political and legislative machinations of mandatory kindergarten, you need to know the Leftist organizations think your children and grandchildren are THEIRS — and are little dollar signs too.

Stop and realize the Left already has most California five-year-olds under their control, who are enrolled in kindergarten. And they have great wrath against good parents who say their 5-year-olds aren’t ready to be with 20-30 other children several hours a day.

As the California Globe reported August 20“95% of children in California already attend Kindergarten before entering first grade … Groups such as the Los Angeles Unified School District, the California Teachers Association, and education leaders in the state continued to say this week that the state was only harming more children by not passing this bill.”

In this clash of good and evil, SaveCalifornia.com is urging in-the-know parents and grandparents to rescue their children and grandchildren by exiting the low academics, politically correct, anti-family government-controlled schools.

Children grow up so fast — and the government system wants to train them to be Leftist soldiers. Please intervene now. SaveCalifornia.com’s special site, RescueYourChild.com, will equip you.

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

The Bible, Proverbs 22:6