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Archives for the ‘Wildfires’ Category

What can President Trump do for California?

Monday, January 20, 2025, 9:17 am | Randy Thomasson

Of all the problems to fix in our country, Democrat-Party-controlled California has the worst – ranging from high taxes, absurdly high housing prices, sky-high energy prices, sickening sexual school indoctrination, the most abortions, and the highest rates of welfare, transients, crime, and destructive wildfires.

The new Trump Administration can do these important things in California:

1. Through his Attorney General, investigate, expose, and prosecute election fraud.

2. Through his Department of Homeland Security, round up and deport every illegal alien invader despite the interference of Newsom & the Democrats.

3. Using federal powers, federal laws, and federal court decisions, work to restore energy freedom in several ways for what we drive, how we cook and heat, and the costs we pay.

4. Lobby the Republican-controlled U.S. Congress to pass a robust medical freedom bill, which includes vaccine choice for all adults, including parents.

5. Do what he can to reduce baby-killing (abortions), challenge the anti-parent “trans” agenda, promote universal school choice, conduct wildfire prevention on federal lands in California, and more.

In February, SaveCalifornia.com will equip you to call and email the Trump Administration to urgently request help here on the West Coast!

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.

The Bible, Proverbs 29:2

SoCal wildfires + the rapid, destructive spread of ‘monster’ fires

Friday, January 10, 2025, 10:43 am | Randy Thomasson

See current updates of the destructive SoCal wildfires:
Santa Monica Observer | KTLA | The Gateway Pundit | Breitbart | CalFire

The last three days, SaveCalifornia.com has been all over social media, explaining the cause of and the solution to the devastating, rapid spread of wildfires in Greater L.A.

Also at a rapid pace, concerned Californians are sharing our info via InstagramFacebookTwitterTruth Social, and more. On your behalf, we’re reaching more people with Truth!

Stop and realize what’s happening — the anti-people, environmental-wacko Democrat Party politicians are finally being exposed as untrustworthy, incompetent, and harmful to a largely Democrat-voting audience.

For after a decade of “monster” fires (their rapid spread is caused by purposefully unmanaged, highly-combustible trees and brush) — which have oppressed Californians from Jerry Brown’s last two terms (2011-2019) through the 6th year of Gavin Newsom — “monster” fires aren’t just harming Californians in “red” counties, but are now ravaging “blue” ones.

Because it’s mostly Democrats in the Los Angeles area, and they’re wondering if their homes could burn up next. Compounding their fear and anger is the fact that foolish, leftist, environmental-wacko Democrat Party policies have recently driven several home insurers out of California. Real harm and real loss are occurring!

TAKE ACTION: On your own email list or social media, you can help inform more people and change more minds by sharing SaveCalifornia.com’s slides and messages below:
Gives you perspective, doesn’t it?


The anti-people “don’t manage our forests” ethic began the second term of Democrat Party Governor Jerry Brown.

By 2019, it was estimated that California wilderness areas had 150 million dead trees, with around 20 million trees dying every year.

After two years of Brown “not mowing” the forests, it had become quite clogged, supplying abundant, combustible fuel, turning little fires into “monster” fires. 

The November 2018 Camp Fire that incinerated the city of Paradise in Butte County was the result of what Jerry Brown started.

Since taking office six years ago, Big Democrat Gavin Newsom has continued these crimes against humanity as a faithful prostitute of the environmental-wacko groups.

And since the Big Media covered for both of them, the People remained ignorant and asleep — until now.

https://www.fire.ca.gov/Incidents (then scroll down for annual stats)
Can wildfires be quickly curtailed or even prevented – or must we accept incompetent “public servants”?

Reporting by the https://www.thegatewaypundit.com:

“California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom was on ground watching his state burn down as Democrat legislators refuse to properly manage underbrush.”

“Several massive fires are currently burning in Los Angeles County: Pacific Palisades, Eaton, Bert, Sylmar, Tamarack, King.”

“According to Fox LA reporter Matthew Seedorff, the firefighters are having issues with water pressure on Lachman Lane in Pacific Palisades. “The hydrants are currently dry,” Fox LA reported.”

😡 Meanwhile, Southern California Edison has cut power to tens of thousands of residents, but SCE is threatening to shut off electricity for hundreds of thousands of households: https://www.sce.com/outage-center/check-outage-status

✋ Questions your “public servants” aren’t answering:

👉 Why weren’t more reservoirs built to provide abundant, nearby, fire-quenching water?

👉 Were goats brought in last summer to “mow” hillside and other wilderness areas?

👉 Were transients prevented from camping in these areas, with portable cook stoves that they are notorious for neglecting?
UNBELIEVABLE!! Her silence is deafening. She had an entire plane flight to prepare. And why isn’t the rest of Big Media all over her?
Good question … good answer!


1. Effective wildfire prevention includes cutting brush, building firebreaks, and regular policing to keep out transients and their cooking fires.

2. Effective control of wildfires requires water (nearby reservoirs, working fire hydrants with sufficient pressure) and quick action (water-dropping planes and helicopters).

3. The Democrat Party politicians are in control of Los Angeles city and county government – any and all destructive wildfires are on their watch.

4. LAFD’s lesbian fire chief has spent more time promoting her “LGBTQIA+” agenda than making sure the city’s fire hydrants had water to fight fires.

5. In her 2024-2025 budget, Democrat Party Mayor Karen Bass diverted $17.6 million from LAFD’s budget to “address homelessness” – and most of these funds are unspent.

6. During the CV medical tyranny of 2020-2023, LAFD fired firefighters who had asked to be exempted from the unsafe, ineffective jab – their firefighting skills didn’t matter.

7. Pacific Palisades (5,316 structures burned) is on the northwestern edge of the City of Los Angeles, with multi-million-dollar homes mostly owned by Democrat Party voters. Altadena (7,081 structures burned), which had whole neighborhoods wiped out by the Eaton Fire, is just below the San Gabriel Mountains (in Los Angeles County but not with the City of Los Angeles), but similarly has residents who elect Democrats.

8. The Democrat Party in California is officially against building new dams and is for sending much of our rainwater into the Pacific Ocean.

9. The Democrat Party in California is officially against clearing out dead trees and brush, and thinning out live trees and brush – so little fires easily become “monster” fires.

10. The reason many home insurers have left California is due to Democrat Party policies causing “monster” fires that make their policies too expensive to issue.

11. The Democrat Party has been in virtual control of the California State Legislature since the late 1950’s – they’ve caused or not prevented every public problem.

12. If you want to prevent future wildfires, resolve to only support pro-family, conservative, constitutional Republicans (not RINOs), who want to end the scourge of destructive wildfires.
Newsom tells gutsy woman he’s busy trying to call Biden — she doesn’t give him a pass! Next logical question could have been: “Why did we ever vote for you?”
Has Gavin Newsom finally burned his own bridge?

“How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity?
For scorners delight in their scorning,
And fools hate knowledge.
Turn at my rebuke;
Surely I will pour out my spirit on you;
I will make my words known to you.
Because I have called and you refused,
I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded,
Because you disdained all my counsel,
And would have none of my rebuke,
I also will laugh at your calamity;
I will mock when your terror comes,
When your terror comes like a storm,
And your destruction comes like a whirlwind,
When distress and anguish come upon you.”

Creator God, represented as Wisdom, in Proverbs 1:22-27

Facts about wildfires, soft-on-crime bills, and pro-‘trans’ judges

Saturday, September 14, 2024, 11:18 am | Randy Thomasson

On behalf of your values and telling the truth that the Big Media doesn’t report, SaveCalifornia.com has been posting on our social media WHY “monster” fires spread so rapidly, HOW the Democrat Party politicians’ “crime” bills are deceptive, and WHERE anti-parental-rights and pro-transsexuality judges come from:

P.S. Our post was about the rapid, even explosive, spread of wildfires, not the initial spark or flame. Because anybody can set a fire, but only the government can manage “public lands” to prevent little fires from becoming “monster” fires. Here’s a sample of the many evidences backing up our post:

California’s Record Wildfires Spurred by Millions of Hidden Dead Trees,” Newsweek, June 12, 2024: California’s record wildfires may have been spurred on by millions of hidden dead trees, according to a new studyStéphanie Horion from the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management who worked on the study, said, “An abundance of combustible materials” is necessary for “a wildfire to erupt” … “and dead trees burn well.”

Environmentalists Destroyed California’s Forests,” Edward Ring, California Policy Center, September 10, 2020: “And since 1990, when the environmentalist assault on California’s timber industry began in earnest, its timber industry has shrunk to half its former size. Reviving California’s timber industry, so the collective rate of harvest equals the collective rate of growth, would go a long way towards solving the problem of catastrophic fires. Instead, California’s environmentalists only redouble their nonsense arguments. Expect these fires to justify even more “climate change” legislation that does nothing to clear the forests of overgrown tinder, and everything to clear the forests, and the chaparral, of people and towns.”

P.S. The detail of the above post is the Democrat Party legislator’s bill that was signed, AB 1960, while being described as imposing “harsh penalties” against retail thieves, don’t impose any additional prison time except “If the loss or property value exceeds fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), the court shall impose an additional term of one year,” followed by higher tiers.

In contrast, Prop. 36 on the California ballot would make theft, regardless of the value, a felony offense if the offender has two or more past theft convictions, and would increase penalties for offenders who steal, damage or destroy property with two or more offenders (stealing or destroying $50,000 of property is not necessary to be sentenced to more prison time).

P.S. The above post is a reminder that, in addition to unconstitutional Democrat Party judges, RINO governors are a mixed bag, appointing a slew of bad judges who believe neither in constitutional rights, nor natural/God-given/pre-constitutional rights.

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Because, together, we’re stronger for facts, evidence, and logic for the benefit of children and families in California and beyond.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence…”
John Adams, U.S. Founding Father and 2nd U.S President, in 1770