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Our take on California’s 10 props on the fall ballot

Saturday, July 6, 2024, 7:49 am | Randy Thomasson
After delaying a few days so that Newsom & Co.’s fake “crime bill” could get on the ballot (it didn’t), California’s Secretary of State late on July 3 assigned proposition numbers to the 10 measures officially on the November 2024 ballot.

Here’s your first look at them with SaveCalifornia.com’s draft descriptions (you’re going to really want to vote NO on Prop. 3 and really want to vote YES on Prop. 36):

NO Prop. 2 wasting more taxpayer money on the wasteful, dumbing down, politically-correct K-12 government schools and community colleges. This $10 BILLION bond would cost much more than that with high interest, and is more expensive than a direct tax.

NO Prop. 3 permitting polygamy, bigamy, child marriages, incestuous marriages (and even people-animal and people-object marriages) by superseding all marriage statutes with a very broad and subjective state constitutional amendment claiming a “fundamental right..to marry” whomever and whatever (the sky’s the limit). Prop. 3 won’t make any practical difference on same-sex “marriage,” yet by superseding all existing marriage definitions, standards, and limits, this radical constitutional amendment would open up “Pandora’s Box.”

NO Prop. 4 funding another lie-based, subsidization of environmental wacko groups via a $10 BILLION bond, costing even more with interest, more expensive than a direct tax.

NO Prop. 5 permitting higher property taxes (attacking Prop. 13 from 1978) by lowering the “vote threshold from 66.67% to 55% for local special taxes and bond measures to fund housing projects and public infrastructure.”

NO Prop. 6 calling it “slavery” to make prisoners do work they don’t wish to do.

NO Prop. 32 increasing the state minimum wage to $18/hr. for all California employees (killing even more jobs and businesses).

NO Prop. 33 permitting local governments to enact rent control (resulting in less available rental housing, as landlords seeking income sell their rental houses and duplexes).

YES Prop. 34 requiring the ultra-left-wing, politically-active AIDS Healthcare Foundation of Los Angeles “to spend 98% of revenues from the federal discount prescription drug program on direct patient care.”

NO Prop. 35 taxing health care providers to pay for government the California state government’s “Medi-Cal” program (further increasing insurance rates for the rest of us).

YES Prop. 36 increasing penalties for theft and fentanyl possession, and repealing the worst parts of Prop. 47 from 2014.

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone,
and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.
John Adams, U.S. founding father and 2nd U.S. president

Newsom deceptively claims California’s in good economic shape

Monday, May 6, 2024, 11:28 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Instead of saying what he’s going to do to lower gas prices, decrease inflation, prevent crime, and truly eliminate transients (such as banning homeless camping on public land, which Florida’s Ron DeSantis is doing), California’s Democrat Party Governor Gavin Newsom is tooting his own horn — but is he lying again?

Click to watch Newsom’s Sunday, May 5 video promoting himself as brave, admirable, pro-prosperity, and pro-America, when he says, “Travel spending in the state reached an all-time high”:

But we say it’s “high time” to ruthlessly fact-check Gavin Newsom.

What do you “credit” for price increases in California? Because bad government increases the cost of everything (and remember, Democrat Party politicians have been ruling California for a long time now).

His war on oil jacking up gas prices, burdensome regulations on businesses, “minimum wage” hikes, amusement park & hotel price increases, etc.

Add to this Newsom & Co.’s policies promoting illegal aliens, early release of convicts, “climate change” regulations on businesses, and nearly whatever union bosses want, which is always more money and power. All these bad policies have increased the cost of living in California in the Newsom era.

So yes, California tourists are paying more than before, because Newsom & Co.’s oppressive policies have CAUSED higher prices than in 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019. This rapid inflation is not a sign of prosperity, but another demonstration that Democrat Party policies make life more costly for both tourists and residents.

As the non-conservative CalMatters observed in December, “There are warning signs for the California economy: Unemployment is inching up, tech layoffs continue and IPOs are waning. Experts expect a downturn, but it’s still possible the state will avoid a recession.” And this came two months before the California Legislative Analyst reported an even higher state budget deficit of $73 BILLION.

But Gavin Newsom, a professional liar who’s still running for president, can’t be bothered with facts, can he? He’s not at all interested in solving California’s myriad of public problems, because, as a true narcissist, he’s loathe to admit the truth — that he’s caused or accelerated most of them since becoming governor in 2019.

Evil men do not understand justice,
But those who seek the Lord understand all.

The Bible, Proverbs 28:5

Like a roaring lion and a charging bear
Is a wicked ruler over poor people.

The Bible, Proverbs 28:15

Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees,
Who write misfortune,
Which they have prescribed.

The Bible, Isaiah 10:1

BILLIONS of homeless funds down the drain

Friday, April 12, 2024, 7:37 pm | Randy Thomasson

If you’ve supported the Democrat state politicians’ $24 BILLION already spent on “homelessness,” or Newsom’s $10+ BILLION for “free homeless housing”(Prop. 1), you’ve flushed away big money.

The California State Auditor on April 9 issued a scathing report that basically asks, “Where’s the money gone?”

Democrat Party Governor Gavin Newsom appoints the co-chairs of the “California Interagency Council on Homelessness.” Yet the State Auditor, also appointed by Newsom, says the “council” hasn’t been doing its job:

“(The council) has not tracked and reported on the State’s funding for homelessness programs statewide since its 2023 assessment covering fiscal years 2018–19 through 2020–21. Currently, it has no plans to perform a similar assessment in the future. In the absence of an up-to-date assessment, the State and its policymakers are likely to struggle to understand homelessness programs’ ongoing costs and achieved outcomes,” reads the report.  “(It) has neither ensured the accuracy of the information in the state data system, nor has it used this information to evaluate homelessness programs’ success.”

As veteran California newspaper columnist Dan Walters writes:

The number of homeless Californians has increased by 50% in the last decade and 20% since Newsom became governor in 2019, despite the state’s spending about $20 billion on the various anti-homelessness programs during the last five years.

Meanwhile, the proliferation of anti-homelessness programs continues. Just last month, voters – by the thinnest of margins – approved Newsom’s multibillion-dollar plan to overhaul mental health treatment in California, including providing more housing for those with ailments.

The fact that his measure, Proposition 1, barely survived despite many millions of dollars being spent on the campaign for it, indicates anew that Californians are growing weary of politicians’ promises to end the crisis.

The new audit implies that the public’s skepticism is well-founded. If the agency created to coordinate homelessness responses is falling short of its mission, why should we think that any specific programs are having a lasting impact?

Critically-thinking Californians, along with SaveCalifornia.com, knew Gavin Newsom’s Prop. 1 was a scam, with zero requirements for transients to go to counseling, classes, or training. And now we know even more, don’t we?

See my March 25 blog, “Newsom snookered voters to attract transients worldwide

…the state is spending money faster than it can track it, that the money being spent is exorbitant, that spending money on homelessness, at least in California, actually increases the problem due to the induced demand (people from out of state coming for the benefits and yes it is a very high percentage,) and that the homeless-industrial complex – which stands between the state and the homeless person – is hoovering up vast amounts of cash with little or no oversight.
“California State Auditor’s scathing homeless report: Where did the money go?”, California Globe, April 10, 2024