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Shockingly bad bills passed by Democrat Party & RINO politicians

Friday, August 30, 2024, 6:02 pm | Randy Thomasson

As the August 31 deadline of the California Legislature’s annual session looms, see and share the awful bills the ruling Democrat Party legislators have authored and are passing with the help of RINOs (Republicans in Name Only):

  • HR 101 by 6 homosexual activist Democrat Party assemblymembers has language championing the unnatural, anti-family, tyrannical “LGBTQ+” agenda and vilifying anyone who opposes it. This annual pro-perversity Assembly resolution was approved on a voice vote on June 3. Coauthors were 53 Democrats and Republicans Phillip Chen, Diane Dixon, Greg Wallis. On May 28, the Assembly Rules Committee advanced HR 101 (5 Democrats + Republican Heath Flora voted yes).
  • AB 1825 pressuring public libraries in conservative communities to stock material reflecting “inclusive and diverse perspectives,” promoting pornography, homosexuality/bisexuality/transsexuality, abortion, witchcraft, stealing, communism, and racism. Voting yes were the supermajority Democrats and 4 Assembly Republicans: Juan Alanis, Phillip Chen, Marie Waldron, Greg Wallis.
  • Two bills pushing more baby-killing — by imposing even harsher penalties upon peaceful pro-lifers who are offering factual information and adoption services to pregnant women who are being roped in by Planned Parenthood abortionists (AB 2099) and by pressuring communities to open up more abortion clinics (AB 2085). Along with the supermajority Democrats, already voting yes on AB 2099 were Republicans Juan Alanis, Phillip Chen, Laurie Davies, Diane Dixon, Heath Flora, Josh Hoover, Devon Mathis, Marie Waldron, and Greg Wallis; joining the Democrats in approving AB 2085 were Juan Alanis, Laurie Davies, Greg Wallis.
  • AB 2319 replacing “mother” with “all birthing people, including nonbinary persons and persons of transgender experience,” and forcing “all health care providers involved in the perinatal care of patients” at hospitals, primary care clinics, alternative birthing centers, outpatient clinics, and emergency departments, under threat of penalty, into brainwashing training — teaching employees and contractors to believe and speak the unscientific fallacies that biological females can be biological males, and vice versa. Along with the supermajority Democrats, voting yes were Republicans Juan Alanis, Marie Waldron, Greg Wallis, Scott Wilk.
  • AB 2442 by homosexual activist Democrat Party State Assemblymember Rick Zbur of Hollywood would accelerate the harmful “sex change” industry in California by expediting so-called “gender-affirming health care and gender-affirming mental health care” license applications, similar to the current expediting of abortionists’ licenses. Along with the supermajority Democrats, voting yes were Republicans Juan Alanis, Marie Waldron, Greg Wallis, Scott Wilk.
  • AB 2711 by Democrat James Ramos, would eliminate smoking, alcohol drinking, and using drugs as automatic grounds for suspension at all California government-controlled schools. AB 2711 as amended July 3 would prohibit suspending children from California public school for “their use of a controlled substance, alcohol, intoxicants of any kind, or a tobacco product.” Instead of suspension, this bill would require K-12 government-controlled schools to offer a counseling program to students who “voluntarily” disclose their drug/alcohol use or who possessing drug/alcohol. This is a significant weakening of current penalties for bad behavior. AB 2711 sends the message to other students that getting stoned or drunk isn’t that bad, since the consequences will be mild, not severe. Joining the Democrats by voting yes were Republicans Marie Waldron, Roger Niello, Scott Wilk.
  • AB 3031 by homosexual activist Evan Low and “bisexual” activist Alex Lee, both Democrat assemblymembers from the Greater San Jose area, would create an official “LGBTQ+ Commission” to hammer its tyrannical agenda upon you all the more. The June 26 amendments made AB 3031 even worse by thoroughly embedding this “LGBT+ Commission” agenda in the state government bureaucracy, and fundraising for it, and in the future, funding it directly with taxpayer dollars. Joining the ruling Democrats in voting yes were Republicans Juan Alanis, Phillip Chen, Josh Hoover, Marie Waldron, and Greg Wallis.
  • SB 954 by 3 Democrat Party state senators would promote the lie that condoms are effective pregnancy prevention and ignore STDs and other harms resulting from teen fornication. This bad bill further sexualizing children would require California public schools “to make internal and external condoms available to all pupils” from 7th grade onward. It would additionally require at schools from 9th grade onward to “make condoms available by placing condoms in a minimum of two locations on school grounds where the condoms are easily accessible to pupils during school hours without requiring assistance or permission from school staff.” There is no provision for parental notification or consent. Joining the ruling Democrats in voting yes were Republicans Heath Flora and Marie Waldron, both of whom supported SB 954 in committee.
  • SB 957 by “LGBTQIA+” Democrat Party State Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco would require health providers to collect information about homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality via forms and questionnaires, then report this personal information to county health departments as well as to the State. Joining the ruling Democrats in voting yes were Republicans Juan Alanis, Laurie Davies, Diane Dixon, Kate Sanchez, Marie Waldron, Greg Wallis.
  • SB 1174 by Democrat Party State Senator Dave Min of Orange County would prohibit cities from requiring registered voters to present identification before voting. Of course, prohibiting proof that you are who you say you are promotes both voter fraud by individuals and election fraud by corrupt “vote counters.” Yet without voter identification — especially photo ID — we shatter the “one person, one vote” American standard. Since our Democrat-controlled state government has statewide laws that do not require voter ID, it’s up to local governments that care about accuracy and honesty to require voter ID locally. But they can’t under SB 1174, legislation that is both anti-democracy and anti-America. Only Democrats voted yes on this bad bill.
  • Two bills devaluing citizens and rewarding illegal aliens — permitting illegals to receive 20% in taxpayer-funded home loan down payment assistance up to $150,000 (AB 1840) and prohibiting UC, CSU, and community colleges from “discriminating” against illegal-alien student job applicants (AB 2586). Only Democrats voted yes on AB 1840; three Republicans — Juan Alanis, Marie Waldron, Greg Wallis — voted for AB 2586.
  • Four racist reparations bills: AB 3089 making the State issue a “formal apology” for past “racism” (Republicans joining the Democrats in voting yes were Juan Alanis, Phillip Chen, Josh Hoover, Tom Lackey, Marie Waldron, Greg Wallis, Scott Wilk); SB 1403 creating a “California American Freedmen Affairs Agency” within state government to “oversee all reparations activities”; SB 1050 to compensate “Black Californians who are descendants of enslaved people who lost homes or had their land taken without fair compensation as a result of racially motivated misuse of eminent domain”; SB 1331 creating an empty account in the state treasury to fund future reparations payments.

See documentation of bills and votes at the SaveCalifornia.com Legislation Center and the California Legislative Information portal.

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
The Bible, Ephesians 5:11

More ‘monster’ fires caused by Democrat Party politicians

Saturday, August 3, 2024, 9:28 am | Randy Thomasson
Park Fire map as of Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Park Fire is now the 4th largest in recorded CA history!

What causes “monster” fires? The highly-combustible “fuel” of dead trees and dead brush, and congested live trees and live brush.

The annual “monster” fires are because the ruling Democrat Party politicians REFUSE to manage the forest and wilderness areas (clearing out dead trees, thinning thickets of live trees, establishing wide enough fire breaks, and much more). This unloving government is why California is again on fire.

In addition to dishonestly blaming heat, rain, and wind, some media outlets are also mentioning what bad government is entirely responsible for — out-of-control vegetation:

Associated Press, July 28, 2024: “…dry fuels and stronger winds were increasing the fire danger…fed by lots of dead plants that dried up after several years of rainfall…Despite the improved fire weather in Northern Californiaconditions remained ripe for even more blazes to ignite.”

San Francisco Chronicle, July 27, 2024“Scientists say it’s the combination of parched landscape and build up of vegetation that is making the fire especially devastating…Two consecutive wetter-than-normal winters staved off drought conditions, revitalizing forests and producing ample growth of grass and brush…record-breaking heat this summer dried out this vegetation, turning it into prime wildfire fuel…This means plenty of fuel and no burn areas to stop the fire from spreading…the fire burned upslope through canyons and moved toward “dense forest and even forest plantations and clear cuts, which is even more flammable than a natural forest,” Swain said…“There’s essentially nothing to stop it,” Swain said. “It’s decades worth of dense brush kiln-dried by record-breaking heat.”

So when you listen to Big Media reports about California wildfires, filter out their biased emphasis on the weather. It’s outrageous that CalFire has called in meteorologists, when decades ago, righteous, pro-people California state government invited logging companies to thin out forests, did controlled burns, and promoted open grazing.

You should also question CalFire for frequently blaming lightning or listing a cause of a mammoth wildfire as “undetermined.” Until scrubbed from its own page by Biden & Co., the federal Department of the Interior educated Americans that among wildfire causes, only “10 percent are started by lightning or lava.”

Read this article to learn how the environmental-wacko groups and their Democrat Party political prostitutes CAUSE the development and spread of “monster” fires. And see the infographic below, showing the 9 largest wildfires in California’s recorded history have occurred recently and all these 9 under Democrat Party governors.

With Democrat Party politicians controlling California state government, get ready for more “monster” fires this year, with more destruction of lives and property, and more tax dollars burning up at the same time.

This unnecessary problem of “monster” fires has been hurting Californians far too long. See 3 ways to prevent destructive wildfires, which I wrote in early 2018.

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
The Bible, Genesis 1:27-28

Democrat Party politicians: Anti-parent, anti-child, anti-science

Thursday, June 13, 2024, 4:33 pm | Randy Thomasson

As expected, AB 1955 destroying your God-given parental rights to be informed if your child is sexually confused has passed the Democrat-controlled California State Senate (voting yes were 29 Democrats; voting no were all 8 Republicans).

This anti-parent, anti-child bill is passing because Dems love everything “LGBTQIA+” and enjoy how this anti-parent, anti-local-control bill is being sold as “privacy.”

AB 1955 now goes to the 80-member California State Assembly, where Democrats have a supermajority of 62 members. After passing there, it will go to Democrat Party Gov. Gavin Newsom, who’s eager to sign it.

AB 1955 would ban K-12 government school districts from telling parents their child is acting out “gay,” “bi,” or “trans” at school.

Targeting school districts with a pro-family majority (such as in Chino Hills, Temecula, and Lakeside), AB 1955 purposefully keeps parents in the dark about what the pro-“LGBTQIA+” government school system is doing to their child.

This bill and 13 sexual indoctrination laws already on the books demonstrate the reality of evil. Because the “LGBTQIA+” agenda attacks these incontrovertible facts:

To deny these facts and rope children into the lies and health threats of “gay,” “bi,” or “trans” harms children physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And for a minor or young adult to have healthy body parts cut off cannot be reversed.

PLEASE ACT NOW: If you have children or grandchildren in California, protect them from the harm of sexual brainwashing. Get them out of the government-controlled school system this year! Homeschool, micro-school, or church school. Catch the vision at SaveCalifornia.com’s special website, RescueYourChild.com.

In fact, a great amount of research shows transgender treatments are medically harmful to children. Children lack the maturity to consent to medical interventions. Furthermore, the U.K. judges ruled that children younger than 16 lack the maturity to give informed consent to the experimental gender treatments that alter the body. Children are not born in the wrong body. Studies show that children are not born with gender dysphoria. The documentary shamelessly ignores biological fact and the truth that no verbal declaration will change one’s sex. Dr. Cretella, a strong advocate for children, says: “When we tell children, parents or the general public that you can be born in the wrong body, that is science fiction and it is gaslighting. When we abuse children psychologically in this way … when we affirm them in this delusion that they’re born in the wrong body, we are making it far more difficult for them to embrace reality.”
“I Know What Happens To The Kids in ‘Transhood’, Because It Happened To Me,’ Walt Heyer, February 6, 2021