A great moral victory! SB 1196 giving killer drugs to MENTALLY or PHYSICALLY DISABLED — or to anybody with one of any of the thousands of INCURABLE diseases who rejects treatment and wants to die — has been shelved by its author, Democrat Party State Senator Catherine Blakespear of San Diego and Orange counties.
“Politico” broke the story April 17:
“At this point, there is a reluctance from many around me to take up this discussion, and the future is unclear,” Blakespear said in a statement. “The topic, however, remains of great interest to me and to those who have supported this bill thus far.” Her bill would have expanded the state’s current End Of Life Options Act to allow patients without a specific prognosis to request life-ending drugs if they are suffering from a “grievous and irremediable medical condition.” Current law in California and all other states says patients can only request these drugs when they have six months left to live.
Washington Post, 2016: “We generally say: Several thousand diseases affect humans of which only about 500 have any U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment,” said Cindy McConnell, a spokeswoman at NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS).
SaveCalifornia.com, 2024: Under SB 1196, if you’re 18, and have an “incurable” illness or disease of any kind (including an incurable sexually-transmitted infection) that limits your “capability” to any extent, and you say you’re “suffering,” and feel that life is “intolerable,” and claim that continued treatment is not “acceptable” to you, and declare you’re not “willing to attempt” other treatments, you get to either swallow a lethal dose of drugs or be injected with the lethal drugs with the “assistance” of “a health care provider placing an intravenous catheter…into the qualified individual’s vein.”
THANK YOU to everyone who did anything to oppose this devilish, inhuman bill!
How was this very dangerous “expansion” of “assisted suicide” defeated? The main reason is the pro-assisted suicide organization, “Compassion & Choices,” opposed getting rid of their (the State of California’s since 2016) “terminal” prognosis of having “less than six months to live” standard — and they let the Democrat committee members know it.
However, unlike this pro-euthanasia group, SaveCalifornia.com rallied phone calls in opposition to SB 1196 because we know:
- Euthanasia, “the administration of a lethal agent…to a patient,” is murder
- It is inhuman to “permit” elderly or disabled people to dehydrate to death
- The Word of God consistently commands the protection of innocent human life
- Choice is an illusion in assisted suicide and euthanasia bills and laws
For these reasons and more, SaveCalifornia.com urges all people of moral conscience to steadfastly protect innocent human life from conception to natural death.
Because God created human beings in his image, every human life from conception to death bears the image of God and has inestimable worth (Genesis 1:27). Therefore, Christians must be committed to a consistent ethic of life that safeguards the essential nature of human life at all stages, with a special concern to protect the lives of the most vulnerable. The unborn, the very young, the aged, those living in poverty, the chronically or terminally ill, those with disabilities and those with genetic diseases deserve our particular care and protection. Our public policy agenda should reflect these broad commitments.
“Safeguarding the Nature and Sanctity of Human Life,” National Association of Evangelicals