The last three days, has been all over social media, explaining the cause of and the solution to the devastating, rapid spread of wildfires in Greater L.A.
Also at a rapid pace, concerned Californians are sharing our info via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Truth Social, and more. On your behalf, we’re reaching more people with Truth!
Stop and realize what’s happening — the anti-people, environmental-wacko Democrat Party politicians are finally being exposed as untrustworthy, incompetent, and harmful to a largely Democrat-voting audience.
For after a decade of “monster” fires (their rapid spread is caused by purposefully unmanaged, highly-combustible trees and brush) — which have oppressed Californians from Jerry Brown’s last two terms (2011-2019) through the 6th year of Gavin Newsom — “monster” fires aren’t just harming Californians in “red” counties, but are now ravaging “blue” ones.
Because it’s mostly Democrats in the Los Angeles area, and they’re wondering if their homes could burn up next. Compounding their fear and anger is the fact that foolish, leftist, environmental-wacko Democrat Party policies have recently driven several home insurers out of California. Real harm and real loss are occurring!
TAKE ACTION: On your own email list or social media, you can help inform more people and change more minds by sharing’s slides and messages below:
Gives you perspective, doesn’t it?
The anti-people “don’t manage our forests” ethic began the second term of Democrat Party Governor Jerry Brown.
By 2019, it was estimated that California wilderness areas had 150 million dead trees, with around 20 million trees dying every year.
After two years of Brown “not mowing” the forests, it had become quite clogged, supplying abundant, combustible fuel, turning little fires into “monster” fires.
The November 2018 Camp Fire that incinerated the city of Paradise in Butte County was the result of what Jerry Brown started.
Since taking office six years ago, Big Democrat Gavin Newsom has continued these crimes against humanity as a faithful prostitute of the environmental-wacko groups.
And since the Big Media covered for both of them, the People remained ignorant and asleep — until now.
“California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom was on ground watching his state burn down as Democrat legislators refuse to properly manage underbrush.”
“Several massive fires are currently burning in Los Angeles County: Pacific Palisades, Eaton, Bert, Sylmar, Tamarack, King.”
“According to Fox LA reporter Matthew Seedorff, the firefighters are having issues with water pressure on Lachman Lane in Pacific Palisades. “The hydrants are currently dry,” Fox LA reported.”
😡 Meanwhile, Southern California Edison has cut power to tens of thousands of residents, but SCE is threatening to shut off electricity for hundreds of thousands of households:
✋ Questions your “public servants” aren’t answering:
👉 Why weren’t more reservoirs built to provide abundant, nearby, fire-quenching water?
👉 Were goats brought in last summer to “mow” hillside and other wilderness areas?
👉 Were transients prevented from camping in these areas, with portable cook stoves that they are notorious for neglecting?
UNBELIEVABLE!! Her silence is deafening. She had an entire plane flight to prepare. And why isn’t the rest of Big Media all over her?
Good question … good answer!
1. Effective wildfire prevention includes cutting brush, building firebreaks, and regular policing to keep out transients and their cooking fires.
2. Effective control of wildfires requires water (nearby reservoirs, working fire hydrants with sufficient pressure) and quick action (water-dropping planes and helicopters).
3. The Democrat Party politicians are in control of Los Angeles city and county government – any and all destructive wildfires are on their watch.
4. LAFD’s lesbian fire chief has spent more time promoting her “LGBTQIA+” agenda than making sure the city’s fire hydrants had water to fight fires.
5. In her 2024-2025 budget, Democrat Party Mayor Karen Bass diverted $17.6 million from LAFD’s budget to “address homelessness” – and most of these funds are unspent.
6. During the CV medical tyranny of 2020-2023, LAFD fired firefighters who had asked to be exempted from the unsafe, ineffective jab – their firefighting skills didn’t matter.
7. Pacific Palisades (5,316 structures burned) is on the northwestern edge of the City of Los Angeles, with multi-million-dollar homes mostly owned by Democrat Party voters. Altadena (7,081 structures burned), which had whole neighborhoods wiped out by the Eaton Fire, is just below the San Gabriel Mountains (in Los Angeles County but not with the City of Los Angeles), but similarly has residents who elect Democrats.
8. The Democrat Party in California is officially against building new dams and is for sending much of our rainwater into the Pacific Ocean.
9. The Democrat Party in California is officially against clearing out dead trees and brush, and thinning out live trees and brush – so little fires easily become “monster” fires.
10. The reason many home insurers have left California is due to Democrat Party policies causing “monster” fires that make their policies too expensive to issue.
11. The Democrat Party has been in virtual control of the California State Legislature since the late 1950’s – they’ve caused or not prevented every public problem.
12. If you want to prevent future wildfires, resolve to only support pro-family, conservative, constitutional Republicans (not RINOs), who want to end the scourge of destructive wildfires.
Newsom tells gutsy woman he’s busy trying to call Biden — she doesn’t give him a pass! Next logical question could have been: “Why did we ever vote for you?”
Has Gavin Newsom finally burned his own bridge?
“How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, And fools hate knowledge. Turn at my rebuke; Surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you. Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded, Because you disdained all my counsel, And would have none of my rebuke, I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes, When your terror comes like a storm, And your destruction comes like a whirlwind, When distress and anguish come upon you.” Creator God, represented as Wisdom, in Proverbs 1:22-27
Saturday, August 3, 2024, 9:28 am | Randy Thomasson
Park Fire map as of Saturday, August 3, 2024
The Park Fire is now the 4th largest in recorded CA history!
What causes “monster” fires? The highly-combustible “fuel” of dead trees and dead brush, and congested live trees and live brush.
The annual “monster” fires are because the ruling Democrat Party politicians REFUSE to manage the forest and wilderness areas (clearing out dead trees, thinning thickets of live trees, establishing wide enough fire breaks, and much more). This unloving government is why California is again on fire.
In addition to dishonestly blaming heat, rain, and wind, some media outlets are also mentioning what bad government is entirely responsible for — out-of-control vegetation:
Associated Press, July 28, 2024: “…dry fuels and stronger winds were increasing the fire danger…fed by lots of dead plants that dried up after several years of rainfall…Despite the improved fire weather in Northern California, conditions remained ripe for even more blazes to ignite.”
San Francisco Chronicle, July 27, 2024: “Scientists say it’s the combination of parched landscape and build up of vegetation that is making the fire especially devastating…Two consecutive wetter-than-normal winters staved off drought conditions, revitalizing forests and producing ample growth of grass and brush…record-breaking heat this summer dried out this vegetation, turning it into prime wildfire fuel…This means plenty of fuel and no burn areas to stop the fire from spreading…the fire burned upslope through canyons and moved toward “dense forest and even forest plantations and clear cuts, which is even more flammable than a natural forest,” Swain said…“There’s essentially nothing to stop it,” Swain said. “It’s decades worth of dense brush kiln-dried by record-breaking heat.”
So when you listen to Big Media reports about California wildfires, filter out their biased emphasis on the weather. It’s outrageous that CalFire has called in meteorologists, when decades ago, righteous, pro-people California state government invited logging companies to thin out forests, did controlled burns, and promoted open grazing.
You should also question CalFire for frequently blaming lightning or listing a cause of a mammoth wildfire as “undetermined.” Until scrubbed from its own page by Biden & Co., the federal Department of the Interior educated Americans that among wildfire causes, only “10 percent are started by lightning or lava.”
Read this article to learn how the environmental-wacko groups and their Democrat Party political prostitutes CAUSE the development and spread of “monster” fires. And see the infographic below, showing the 9 largest wildfires in California’s recorded history have occurred recently and all these 9 under Democrat Party governors.
With Democrat Party politicians controlling California state government, get ready for more “monster” fires this year, with more destruction of lives and property, and more tax dollars burning up at the same time.
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” The Bible, Genesis 1:27-28
The California Supreme Court has unconstitutionally called something they don’t like a “revision,” removing it from the ballot, and preventing California voters from even voting for protection against more money grabs. More
In the face of this tyrannical attack and significant loss, don’t collapse in cynicism. Instead, fight back by sharing this post. Tell others, “If you vote for Democrat Party politicians, you’re voting for tyranny and higher taxes.”
The “Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act” would have amended the California Constitution to define all state and local levies, charges, and fees as taxes. The initiative would have also required new or increased taxes to be passed by a two-thirds legislative vote in each chamber and approved by a simple majority of voters. It would also have increased the vote requirement for local taxes proposed by local government or citizens to a two-thirds vote of the local electorate.
How would you rule on keeping or removing ballot measures already qualified by hundreds of thousands of signatures of registered voters?
See these facts:
CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE II (regarding ballot initiatives)
Section 1: All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require.
Section 8(a): The initiative is the power of the electors to propose statutes and amendments to the Constitution and to adopt or reject them.
Section 8(d): An initiative measure embracing more than one subject may not be submitted to the electors or have any effect.
Did you catch that? This is freedom for the People to qualify one-subject initiatives!
So where did a prohibition of a “revision” of the California Constitution come from?From the California Supreme Court itself, beginning in 1978. Yet now, the state high court has abandoned its respect for legal definitions and is grabbing more power.
Specifically, this Democrat-Party-dominated, 7-judge court is broadly defining “revision” to be any tough, single-subject reform, such as no money-grabs (tax increases, tax extensions, fee increases, etc.) without a majority vote of the People.
But Newsom’s activist judges are wrong. A “revision” makes changes throughout a written constitution, covering multiple subjects — which is vastly different from a single-subject initiative such as tax relief:
From the introduction of “The Revision of California’s Constitution” by Eugene C. Lee in 1991 (Lee was “a leading scholar of California state and local government and former Director of the Institute of Governmental Studies at UC Berkeley”):
By explicit language in the constitution concerning initiatives and by court interpretation with respect to measures arising in the legislature, amendments are required to be limited in scope. As far back as 1894, the California supreme court distinguished between a “revision” of the constitution and a mere” amendment” thereof (Livermore v. Waite 102 Cal. 113). As reiterated in 1978, the court held that a “revision” referred to a “substantial alteration of the entire constitution, rather than to a less extensive change in one or more of its provisions” (Amador Valley Joint Union High School District v. State Board of Equalization 22 Cal. 3d 208).
“A revision…is a more significant alteration to a document that involves a complete review and reworking of its content. It is a process of making extensive changes to a document, often with the goal of improving its overall quality or effectiveness.”
Under these definitions, The Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act was not a “revision,” but a bona fide amendment that should have been allowed on the ballot in respect for our Constitution and for jealously guarding voter rights.
For the current state constitution has hundreds of sections within 35 articles. Yet The Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act would have only amended the California Constitution in 6 sections of 4 articles (Article XIII): Section 3 of Article XIII A, Section 1 of Article XIII C, Section 2 of Article XIII C, Section 3 of Article XIII D, Sections 1 and 14 of Article XIII.
So it wasn’t a “revision” that was a “substantially alteration of the entire constitution,” but an amendment to the state constitution that only changed “one or more of its provisions.” What’s more, the Act satisfied the long-standing state high court standard of having a single-subject — taxes.
Bottom line, the California Supreme Court, comprised of 6 Democrats and 1 RINO, is unconstitutional for placing itself above the written State Constitution and yanking this constitutionally-valid taxpayer protection initiative from the ballot. They are anti-People tyrants!
The 7-member California Supreme Court has 3 nominees of Democrat Party Gov. Gavin Newsom and 3 nominees of Democrat Party Gov. Jerry Brown. Two of Newsom’s three picks were confirmed by current, corrupt, unconstitutional Attorney General Rob Bonta and two other members of the “Commission on Judicial Appointments,” so those are Bonta’s “picks” too. The sole “Republican” on the state high court is 75-year-old Carol Corrigan, a former Democrat, a self-proclaimed “moderate,” and a likely homosexual.
From the Los Angeles Times 2005: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed Court of Appeal Justice Carol A. Corrigan, a moderate Republican, to the California Supreme Court on Friday in a move that is likely to shift the conservative-leaning court toward the center. In an interview before her appointment, Corrigan repeatedly described herself as a moderate and a centrist. She switched her party affiliation from Democrat to Republican in 1995 after then-Gov. Pete Wilson appointed her to the 1st District Court of Appeal in San Francisco. “I think I would probably be a centrist anyplace I found myself,” she said. “I was a moderate Democrat, and now I am a moderate Republican…. I am moderate on virtually all things.”
Can this be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court? A federal lawsuit can be tried, but it is unlikely to succeed. But what each of us can do is tell others that voting for Democrrats = tyranny and higher taxes. Because everything about this is state jurisdiction. The only exceptions might be Article IV, Section 4 “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government”) or the Fourteenth Amendment (“nor shall any State deprive any person of…property, without due process of law“). But winning at the U.S. Supreme Court is a bad bet, due to cowardly Republicans on the bench and too much “state jurisdiction” precedent to the contrary.
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So when they begin to lust for power and cannot attain it through themselves or their own good qualities, they ruin their estates, tempting and corrupting the people in every possible way. And hence when by their foolish thirst for reputation they have created among the masses an appetite for gifts and the habit of receiving them, democracy in its turn is abolished and changes into a rule of force and violence. For the people, having grown accustomed to feed at the expense of others, and to depend for their livelihood on the property of others, as soon as they find a leader who is enterprising but is excluded from the honours of office by his penury, institute the rule of violence; and now uniting their forces massacre, banish, and plunder, until they degenerate again into perfect savages and find once more a master and monarch. Greek historian Polybius (203 BC – 120 BC) in The Histories