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My simple tips for voting pro-family in California

Saturday, May 28, 2016, 7:44 pm | Randy Thomasson

who can you trust

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

June 5, 2016 Update: “Do these California Republicans deserve to win or lose?”

June 2, 2016 Update: “Pro-family Californians, vote wisely for U.S. Senate”

There are two types of voters. The first type thinks, “I wish someone would just tell me how to vote.” The second type is more responsible and careful, and thinks, “I need to do my homework to know how to vote right.”

Before the internet went mainstream, these responsible, pro-family voters benefited from “pro-family” and “pro-life” voter guides that grew out of the 1980s with Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority and Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition.

Even when the internet became part of people’s lives, pro-family voters continued to depend on professing “pro-family” voter guides because they didn’t want to do online research themselves.

Well, this lazy attitude must cease. Responsible, pro-life, pro-family voting must begin anew based on unwavering moral principle. We are all responsible before God to vote right. And we have more tools than ever to know if there are true, dependable, pro-family candidates to support. Surely you can surf the web for 10 minutes, right?

My challenge is real, because you cannot depend upon pro-family voter guides like you used to.

Why? Well, first of all, there are fewer of these voter guides available. For example, the largest paper-distributed “pro-family” voter guide in California used to be from Traditional Values Coalition. But TVC is not producing a voter guide this primary election.

But second, and more important, you cannot depend upon pro-family voter guides like you use to because the recommended candidates in them are not necessarily pro-family and probably not willing to fight for moral values. Who will boldly speak and fight for you? You really won’t know from these guides.

For example, there are several “pro-family” voter guides actually recommending Republican candidates who voted last year to “celebrate” the unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, tyrannical homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda. See the 15 Republicans who did this. Then see the 51 Democrats and 4 Republicans who this year voted to tear down “men,” “women,” “boys,” and “girls” signs at single-stall restrooms statewide.

wwwsearch_LargeSo you must do your own research. Let me show you how simple it is.

With every contest and every candidate you’re considering, simply Google a candidate’s name along with one search term at a time, such as: abortion, gay, LGBT, gun, taxes, parents, family, religious freedom, etc. Then visit candidate’s websites for their specific positions on family and moral issues. And consider emailing the candidate to ask specific questions.

For Proposition 50, visit SaveCalifornia.com’s Election Center for our expert analysis which led us to recommend YES on Prop. 50.

For local taxes, fees, and assessments, remember this principle: Always vote no. SaveCalifornia.com knows that big government often robs people of personal responsibility and saddles working families, property owners, and small business owners with greater financial burdens. It’s all because big government refuses to investigate and slash its own waste. Because of the influence of government unions and bureaucracy, independent, tough audits are simply not seen. Therefore, we encourage you to vote NO on ANY AND ALL tax increases, bonds (which is borrowing money, and always more expensive than a direct tax because you must also pay back interest), fees, and assessments. It’s pro-family to keep more of your hard-earned money, so it’s pro-family to oppose wasteful government taking away more money from your family. They like to take it incrementally, so you must consistently oppose even the smallest tax/bond/fee/assessment increases in order to inhibit the government from taking more and more and more from your family.

Back to candidates. Let me give you an example of how to research if you live in Modesto, Manteca, Tracy, Stockton, Lodi, or Galt in the sprawling Central Valley.

a2011_SD05This is the #1 State Senate contest in California. Because in November, the district could be “held” by the incumbent Democrat or “picked up” by a Republican challenger.

Now, if you’re a pro-family voter, you’re against abortion and the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda. You’re also against higher taxes and fees and against an onslaught of liberal agendas.

The first thing to do it get out your ballot. For Senate District 5, you see 3 candidates: Samuel Anderson (Republican), Cathleen Galgiani (Democrat), and Alan Nakanishi (Republican).

Now if you’re aware, you’ll already know there is NO LONGER any Democrat representing Californians in the State Legislature or Congress who is pro-life on abortion.

And if you’ve been tracking votes like I have over the years, you’ll know that nearly every Democrat in the California State Legislature or Congress is in favor of the “LGBT” (homosexual-bisexual-transsexual) agenda.

So if you’re a pro-life and pro-family voter, you’ll look just at the Republicans.

In the 5th Senate District, who has a campaign website? Nakanishi doesn’t, but Anderson does. Strangely, Galgiani doesn’t either.

Clicking around, I find a page where Samuel Anderson recognizes that life begins at conception and that the natural family is a married father, mother, and their children. And I find another page where Anderson opposes higher taxes, fees, and assessments.

As for the other Republican in this State State race, Alan Nakanishi, it’s harder to research without him having a campaign website. But if I go to Google and type in “Alan Nakanishi senate abortion,” I see he’s pro-life. And then I type “Alan Nakanishi LGBT,” and I see a link showing him with a 10 out of 100 rating by the homosexual-activist group Equality California.

Still want to research the Democrat in the race, Democrat Cathleen Galgiani, the incumbent state senator? Google her name and abortion, then LGBT, and you’ll quickly see that she’s not only for abortion on demand, but is strongly for the “LGBT” agenda, and is a homosexual herself.

As for Nakanishi on taxes, there was detailed and documented information on Anderson’s home page showing Nakanishi may be personally open to, and willing to indirectly facilitate, higher taxes and fees.

So, using this example of one legislative race, you can research the district races and candidates on your ballot to measure whether they have minimal pro-family public policy values. If there’s hardly anything on the web about a particular candidate, search online for the candidate’s phone number and call up with specific questions about what they will vote to support or vote to oppose. Be creative and think outside the box!

Lastly, a word about California’s United States Senate race and the Republican presidential primary.

Because it’s a “jungle primary” in the U.S. Senate race, only the top two candidates on June 7 will advance to the general election in November. Because there are two well-known Democrats in the race — Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez — for a Republican candidate to beat one of them, pro-family voters will need to rally behind a principled, pro-family candidate who is the best known and the strongest. Otherwise, Republican votes will be irreparably split, and conservatives’ hopes to replace uberliberal Barbara Boxer will be dashed.

As for the Republican presidential primary in California, despite Donald Trump having the Republican nomination locked up with 1,237 delegates, there are still 5 Republican presidential candidates on the ballot — so you can vote your conscience. See our SaveAmerica.com Presidential Report Card on the Natural Family comparing Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich.

charlesfinney [T]he time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them. . . . Christians have been exceedingly guilty in this matter. But the time has come when they must act differently. . . . Christians seem to act as if they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you He does see it – and He will bless or curse this nation according to the course they [Christians] take [in politics].
The great American evangelist Charles Finney (1792-1875)

You OK paying for ‘sex changes’ for convicts?

Thursday, October 22, 2015, 2:37 pm | Randy Thomasson


You may not believe it, but California taxpayers must now pay for the malpractice of “sex changes.” It’s not just happening in some local governments, but now for convicted criminals in California state prisons!

Please stand with SaveCalifornia.com by donating $10 or more to oppose this travesty

California sets inmate sex reassignment rules: SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California prison officials have set the first standards in the nation for determining when transgender inmates should receive state-funded sex-reassignment surgery – a move that came after it spent years in court fighting to block the operations.

Under the policy that took effect Tuesday, prison mental health professionals would refer inmates for the surgery.

To qualify, prisoners must be diagnosed with what is formally known as gender dysphoria; lived as a member of the preferred gender for at least 12 months; and expressed a desire for sex-reassignment surgery for at least two years.

How in the world did we get here?

It all started in 1975 in California when homosexuality was decriminalized with a bill by Assemblyman Willie Brown, a San Francisco Democrat. First-term Governor Jerry Brown signed it after Lieutenant Governor Mervin Dymally, another Democrat, broke the tie vote in the state Senate.

Pandora’s Box open, the lie of “live and let live” was preached by moral relativists in order to shut up moral citizens. This was despite the hard evidence that homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality are unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, and tyrannical.

Fast forward to today. Thanks to the majority Democrats and a handful for liberal Republicans at the State Capitol, California laws now unabashedly regard homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality as good and natural, when these behaviors are unnatural, unhealthy and harmful. Steamrolling this perverse agenda has been liberal local governments such as San Francisco and Berkeley, as well as the taxpayer-funded University of California, and the Obama Administration. They seem to see unnatural “sex changes” that slice off healthy, God-given body parts as natural as having a baby!

Not surprisingly, the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender (“LGBT”) agenda no longer permits dissenters to live as they wish. Instead, the new “tolerance” is to punish dissent — the very definition of intolerance.

Therefore, Californians cannot openly exercise their moral values against homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality in hiring and renting. What used to be 100% private ownership of property — whether your small business or your rental property — is no longer real. With the oppressive taxes, regulations, and bad laws, yesterday’s owners have now become virtual sharecroppers of the new “owners,” the “higher” socialistic government power. Bernie Sanders, a Socialist, must be very proud of California!

In the lifelong battle of fact versus fiction and Truth versus lies, I can promise you this: SaveCalifornia.com will continue speaking, teaching, and fighting for real genders, real sex, real families, and real moral values that benefit children. We will not cower, crumble, or succumb, but with your help will keep standing, speaking, and shining the Truth that evidences God’s beneficial will and blessings for people’s lives. Will you stand with me?

Will you help SaveCalifornia.com promote God’s Truth to defeat anti-family lies? Your generous gift today of $10 or more will help us champion moral truth and pierce the darkness with light.

Daily Mail, Jan. 26, 2015: The man who’s had TWO sex changes: Incredible story of Walt, who became Laura, then REVERSED the operation because he believes surgeons in US and Europe are too quick to operate


Growing up in Los Angeles, Walt had a tough but bearable start in life with a strict mother, a part-time policeman father – living in the shadow of a ‘brainiac’ brother.

When he was five, everything changed.

‘It was then my grandmother, when I was being babysat by her, started dressing me in female clothing. She even made me a purple chiffon evening dress,’ he said.

‘And when dad found out what grandma had been doing, and dressing me up like a girl, it did change everything.

‘His adopted brother Fred began to sexually molest me. Mom’s discipline got even more severe and I would learn much later in life that on one occasion, her discipline was so tough, she thought she had almost killed me.’

The treatment he suffered from those entrusted to protect him made him feel like he was ‘a girl trapped in a male’s body’, he said, and he became reclusive because of it.

37 years later, he would finally take the drastic step to become a woman – and he lived for eight years as Laura Jensen.

See more facts at SaveCalifornia.com’s Not Born This Way

5 reasons to have practical hope

Friday, November 7, 2014, 3:35 pm | Randy Thomasson

Despair Or Hope Computer Keys Showing Hopeful or Hopeless

No matter what happens in the government, courts, culture, or elections, don’t despair!

Each day, SaveCalifornia.com knows our purpose — on every issue, to stand tall and true for all that is good and right in God’s sight, and to help others do their part alongside us – no matter the opposition or the outcome.

If you’re a pro-family citizen, this is part of your purpose too. Because shining the light of Truth is what we are each called to do.

But if you’re discouraged about the just-concluded election, here’s some good news to lift you up. Please keep looking up and be responsible to love God and love people alongside SaveCalifornia.com, so that together we will persevere and bear more fruit in the days to come.

Here are 3 current events and 2 timeless truths to give you hope:

1. Supreme Court likely to take up marriage licenses and states’ rights
This week’s pro-real-marriage, pro-states-rights ruling from a federal appeals court in Ohio makes it highly likely that the U.S. Supreme Court will take this and other cases to resolve the legal conflict. This could result in the upholding of state constitutional amendments reserving marriage licenses for one man and one woman, including California’s Proposition 8. Read more

2. Supreme Court will hear new ObamaCare challenge
Today’s good news means hope to roll back tyranny. The nation’s high court will take up four separate lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of a key aspect of ObamaCare. At specific issue is whether it is legal for the federal government to create a state-based “exchange” instead of abiding by the law which specifies only states themselves may establish these “exchanges.” Read more

3. California Democrats denied supermajority
Although the Republican leadership seems to eschew moral and social issues now, on Election Day we saw the net increase of three Republican seats in the Assembly and 1 more seat in the state Senate, which means Republicans have stopped the Democrats from regaining a 2/3rds supermajority that could directly raise taxes on families. Read more

4. Union members don’t have to support immoral candidates
If you’re disgusted with government unions and private unions supporting immoral candidates and issues, the most important things pro-family union members can do is resign from the union and stop believing the lie that union membership is a condition of employment. Find out how

5. If you feel like a loser, change your mind to that of a winner
Teddy Roosevelt was a sickly child who probably felt like a loser. But due to the leadership and challenge of his father, young Theodore, Jr. build up his body and became one of the most energetic public and moral men in the modern history. Read about his transformation

My brothers and sisters, consider it nothing but joy when you fall into all sorts of trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect effect, so that you will be perfect and complete, not deficient in anything.
James 1:2-4 NET Bible