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Archives for the ‘California Constitution’ Category

Podcast: Q&A on the mixed-up Prop. 8 ruling

Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 2:58 pm |

You asked, we answered.

In response to the pro-family Californians who sent in questions about the mixed-up Prop. 8 ruling, I’ve recorded a special podcast that addresses the “who, what, when, where, why and how” of it all.

Please listen to the SaveCalifornia.com Radio Show for answers to these and other important questions affecting our children and grandchildren:

  • How could we vote for Prop. 8 and the judges still validate gay “marriages?”
  • Can the ruling be appealed? When do we vote on the judges?
  • What does the California Constitution and the Bible say judges should do?
  • What about “equal protection” and “due process”?
  • Will homosexual “marriage” be on an upcoming California ballot?
  • How do I respond to questions such as, “How does gay marriage hurt you?”

Get a grasp of why the Prop. 8 ruling went the way it did, what’s next, and what you and your friends can do to strengthen marriage and voter rights in California. Listen now to the SaveCalifornia.com Radio Show.

‘Convoluted’ Prop. 8 ruling to be issued Tuesday morning

Monday, May 25, 2009, 8:24 am |

I fully expect tomorrow’s California Supreme Court ruling on Prop. 8 ruling to be half right and half wrong. Remember, this case never should have gone to court. The California Constitution clearly gives voters the last word when it comes to constitutional ballot measures.

During the March 5 oral arguments, Justices George and Kennard made it clear that, like it or not, they had to go with the voters, which would put them with three other justices — Baxter, Chin and Corrigan — who upheld man-woman marriage last year. At the same time, nearly all of the judges ignored the straightforward, retroactive effect of Prop. 8, which specified that the only valid marriage in California ‘is’ between a man and a woman, ‘regardless of when’ the marriage was performed.

Bottom line, it’s virtually guaranteed that the court will rule that only man-woman marriages could be performed after the Nov. 4, 2008 vote on Prop. 8 — but that nearly four months of homosexual ‘marriages’ performed before Election Day will still be recognized as valid. 

This kind of convoluted ruling would be half right and half wrong, not giving the Constitution or the voters the respect they deserve. Prop. 8 would therefore be corrupted by the courts. Remember, last year, over a five-month period, in a mad “rush to the alter,” every homosexual who wanted a “same-sex marriage” got one. 

SaveCalifornia.com gives voice to your values

Saturday, March 7, 2009, 2:43 pm |

It’s been a privilege to be on TV, radio and in newspapers educating people why natural marriage between a man and a woman is important and why the California Constitution demands that Proposition 8 be upheld.

This past week I appeared in these media outlets:

KGO-TV Ch. 7 San Francisco (twice)
KXTV Ch. 10 Sacramento
KCRA Ch. 3 Sacramento
KNBC Ch. 4 Los Angeles
KTVU Ch. 2 Oakland
KGO AM 810 San Francisco
KSFO AM 560 San Francisco
Fox News Radio
The Savage Nation
Los Angeles Daily News
Oakland Tribune

It’s only because of God’s favor and your financial support that this good work gets done. If you haven’t donated lately to SaveCalifornia.com, please give a generous gift to help supply for our ongoing needs.