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Archives for the ‘Homosexuality’ Category

Homosexuals attack SaveCalifornia.com’s free speech

Sunday, August 23, 2009, 11:13 am |

Sorry I haven’t been blogging lately. I’ve been consumed with fighting “Harvey Milk Gay Day” which could come up for a vote Monday afternoon, as soon as the Assembly passes or defeats the proposal to release some 27,000 California criminals early from prison.

Take action now to call, fax, email Sacramento to oppose SB 572, “Harvey Milk Gay Day.”

But I have to share with you the intolerant behavior of homosexual activists in San Francisco. They’re livid over the Aug. 12 SaveCalifornia.com news conference exposing the very bad character of Harvey Milk. They can’t stand hearing the truth and are intent on punishing anyone who disagrees. Here’s the documented evidence of Harvey Milk’s bad character that has homosexual activists furious.

Showing their intolerance of free speech, gay activists have been slamming TV and radio stations that covered SaveCalifornia.com’s fact-filled event in front of City Hall in San Francisco.

The homosexual activist and blogger who parked his bike in front of me at the news conference later told an “LGBT” webzine, “Randy Thomasson is there to destroy Harvey Milk’s life and the truth about gay men. And all of these TV crews come out to cover his nonsense?”

All the commotion seems to have shown KCBS 740’s managing editor, Dory Culver, how intolerant and persecutory homosexual groups have become.

“My only comment would be I would like to have a conversation with them. I am unaware of the problem,” she told the pro-homosexuality Bay Area Reporter. “This is the first time I have ever been contacted about anything like this. We have always been accused by the other side of the equation.”

Culver said she found SaveCalifornia.com’s press conference newsworthy in the context of the fight over same-sex marriage and proposed bill to honor Harvey Milk in public schools. Thomasson “has been a voice” in those debates, noted Culver, “and he had some strong things to say about it.”

Yet San Francisco homosexual activists, like the wicked leaders of the city Vanity Fair in John Bunyan’s novel “Pilgrim’s Progress,” seem resolved to squelch out any moral light that flickers on in this spiritually-dark city. On August 18, the LGBT advisory committee of San Francisco’s Human Rights Commission unanimously backed sending a letter to the radio station expressing its outrage. Meanwhile, the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club will consider Monday whether to file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission.

This is both amazing and expected. Even in perversity-approving cities like San Francisco, homosexual activists are displaying their deep emotional insecurity. Deep down, they must know that their same-sex behavior is unnatural and against Creator God. But preferring to live in a community of denial, they instead go on a childish rampage against anyone who stands for the truth.

I hope you’re glad SaveCalifornia.com went into the ‘belly of the beast’ in San Francisco to expose Harvey Milk as a sexual predator of teenage boys. Despite unfair opposition, we must destroy the lie in order to correct the public opinion that Milk is a positive role model for children.

Read and see video of the homosexual activists’ rants in these pro-homosexuality webzines and blogs:

ACTION: Now are you ready to stand against the intolerant homosexual agenda?
Click to oppose SB 572, “Harvey Milk Gay Day” »

Will homosexual “marriage” be back on California’s ballot?

Monday, August 10, 2009, 5:44 am |

Why were homosexuals and their supporters outside California groceries stories last week? They’re trying to quickly raise $200,000 to meet a challenge to place homosexual “marriages” on the 2010 ballot.

I think it’s unlikely they’ll make it, but 2012 is still a threat. Read more 

Podcast: Who was the real Harvey Milk?

Monday, July 27, 2009, 11:24 pm |

The worst bill in the California Legislature would pressure K-12 government schools to openly promote the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda to children. 

SB 572, “Harvey Milk Gay Day,” would institute an official schoolday every May 22 extolling the “accomplishments” and “contributions” of late homosexual activist and San Francisco county supervisor Harvey Milk.

Under SB 572, everything Milk believed in — the entire homosexual, bisexual, cross-dressing agenda, including homosexual “marriages,” sex-change operations, and gay-pride parades — could be taught to children as young as kindergarten. There is no parental permission required.

You need to hear the latest SaveCalifornia.com Radio Show reports what the “Milk” movie hid — that Harvey Milk was a liar, a sexual predator, and an avid booster of mass murderer and cult leader Jim Jones.

Listen to this important podcast and share it with your friends. California parents and grandparents deserve to know how bad “Harvey Milk Gay Day” would be for millions of children’s hearts, minds, and souls.