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Archives for the ‘Homosexuality’ Category

‘Convoluted’ Prop. 8 ruling to be issued Tuesday morning

Monday, May 25, 2009, 8:24 am |

I fully expect tomorrow’s California Supreme Court ruling on Prop. 8 ruling to be half right and half wrong. Remember, this case never should have gone to court. The California Constitution clearly gives voters the last word when it comes to constitutional ballot measures.

During the March 5 oral arguments, Justices George and Kennard made it clear that, like it or not, they had to go with the voters, which would put them with three other justices — Baxter, Chin and Corrigan — who upheld man-woman marriage last year. At the same time, nearly all of the judges ignored the straightforward, retroactive effect of Prop. 8, which specified that the only valid marriage in California ‘is’ between a man and a woman, ‘regardless of when’ the marriage was performed.

Bottom line, it’s virtually guaranteed that the court will rule that only man-woman marriages could be performed after the Nov. 4, 2008 vote on Prop. 8 — but that nearly four months of homosexual ‘marriages’ performed before Election Day will still be recognized as valid. 

This kind of convoluted ruling would be half right and half wrong, not giving the Constitution or the voters the respect they deserve. Prop. 8 would therefore be corrupted by the courts. Remember, last year, over a five-month period, in a mad “rush to the alter,” every homosexual who wanted a “same-sex marriage” got one. 

Up to 82% of HIV transmissions are due to homosexuality, bisexuality

Friday, May 15, 2009, 5:38 pm |

We have to tell people the truth, especially when others won’t. In our May 14 news release we reported that “homosexual and bisexual behavior causes up to 82 percent of all HIV transmissions in California.” 

Here’s a closer look at these figures gleaned from the March 2009 AIDS Surveillance Report issued by the Office of AIDS in the California Department of Public Health:  

Exposure Category: Adult/Adolescent Transmission Modes

  66%  homosexuality (“men who have sex with men”)
  +7%  homosexuality (“men who have sex with men and inject drugs”) 
  +9%  bisexuality (called “heterosexual contact,” this is mostly heterosexual
             women having sex with HIV-infected bisexual men)
= Up to 82% of HIV transmission in California are spread by homosexual and bisexual conduct

The facts are facts. For the love of people, to protect them from disease and early death, no politician, educator or media outlet should ever advocate the homosexual lifestyle.

“Harvey Milk Gay Day” passes California State Senate

Friday, May 15, 2009, 5:12 pm |

As you may have heard, on Thursday, the Democrat-controlled California Senate, along with increasingly anti-family “Republican” Abel Maldonado,  passed the “Harvey Milk Gay Day” bill for every California “public” school.

SB 572 affects children as young as kindergarten and there is no parental consent. It’s so broadly written, SB 572 easily allows “gay pride parades” on campus in honor of homosexual activist Harvey Milk.

Voting yes were all 23 Democrats present + Maldonado. The rest of the 14 Republicans voted no but none spoke against the bill. Since Republican senators aren’t calling for a veto, you and I must.

Read our SaveCalifornia.com news release and send your state reps a pre-written email. Schwarzenegger’s number is 916-445-2841. Tell him to veto SB 572, Harvey Milk Gay Day, which California parents strongly oppose.