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Archives for the ‘Homosexuality’ Category

Dems and RINOs put marriage anarchy on the 2024 ballot

Thursday, July 13, 2023, 1:34 pm | Randy Thomasson

It’s truly evil and harmful to children and society that Thursday morning on July 13th, the Democrat-controlled California Senate passed a legally powerful, radical, and completely subjective definition of “marriage,” which, if foolish voters agree to add it to the State Constitution, would be dreadful.

Thank you for everyone who called. You did your job, SaveCalifornia.com fought hard, but the Senate Democrats were wicked and the Senate Republicans did not fight for you.

On the California State Senate floor, 13 Democrats spoke for, and only 1 Republican (Brian Dahle) spoke weakly against, ACA 5.

If approved by a majority of California voters, it would deceptively insert 8 very broad, non-specific words, “The right to marry is a fundamental right,” into the California State Constitution.

Yet ACA 5 has no definitions of marriage or spouse, and no limit on spouses. Placing marriage subjectivity into the California State Constitution and calling it a fundamental rightabove all other marriage-regulating statutes and every other marriage standard (such as number of persons in the marriage, minimum age to be a spouse, prohibitions against incestuous marriages, the assumption that a spouse be a person, etc.) renders current marriage laws unapplicable. ACA 5 powerfully erases all marriage “limitations” and boundaries!

Yet, despite having our analysis, not one Republican state senator voted no or exposed ACA 5’s radical legal effect – the very broad and subjective “right to marry,” with NO definitions, NO standards, and NO boundaries.

Meanwhile, most of the Democrats speaking in favor of ACA 5 were open homosexuals, who childishly said a vote against ACA 5 was a vote to hate them personally. Especially disgusting were the Democrat senators who stood and spoke to either reject or redefine Christianity as “justification” for this radical, anti-family, immoral bill.

And don’t forget that, on June 26 in the lower house, the California State Assembly, 58 Democrats and 9 Republicans voted for this monstrosity. The Republicans were Juan Alanis, Phillip Chen, Laurie Davies, Diane Dixon, Bill Essayli, Josh Hoover, Devon Mathis, Marie Waldron, and Greg Wallis.

ACA 5 will go on the November 2024 ballot as a proposed state constitutional amendment. Today, please share this with your friends so reasonable Californians can plan now to vote NO next year. Let’s unite against polygamy, “child marriages,” incestuous “marriages,” and people-object “marriages”!

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Jesus Christ, Savior of the world and God in the flesh, in Matthew 19:4-6

Democrats & RINOs for marriage anarchy

Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 10:46 am | Randy Thomasson

JULY 5 UPDATE: See our Senate floor alert with ACA 5’s shocking facts and phone numbers to call. Please participate!

California’s Democrat Party legislators are for the “LGBTQIA+” agenda and RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) are quickly joining them.

And the latest sexual anarchy measure, ACA 5, which would legalize polygamy and “child marriages,” and could usher in other shocking consequences, is showing you who is attacking the Natural Family.

On June 27, Republican state senators Scott Wilk of Santa Clarita (pictured) and Roger Niello of east Sacramento County both voted yes (along with every Democrat on the State Senate Judiciary Committee) to place on California’s 2024 ballot these 8 non-specific, overly-broad words: “The right to marry is a fundamental right.” Notice zero definitions?

This is a fast-moving agenda for immoral, tyrannical homosexual Democrats and their allies. On June 26 in the California State Assembly, 9 Republicans joined 58 Democrats in approving ACA 5. On behalf of your values, SaveCalifornia.com has been blowing the whistle:

ACTION: Call or message your own state senator to urge them to oppose ACA 5.

“When someone has been active in politics for years, they inevitably become friends with powerful, charismatic people who influence their viewpoints…RINOs are almost all wealthy, and they don’t want to lose that wealth. They have families to support and a lot to lose, unlike the rest of us deplorables who mostly come from the middle class…So the next time a RINO gets all high and mighty talking about principles, follow the money and connections.”
Rachel Alexander, “Why RINOs are RINOs,” Townhall.com, January 9, 2023

Who’s pushing drag queens?

Friday, June 16, 2023, 1:21 pm | Randy Thomasson

If you’re upset about perverse drag queens, who call themselves “the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” being put on a pedestal of public honor, stop and realize it’s happening because of homosexual activists and younger Democrats in positions of power.

June 5, California’s State Capitol: Inviting and honoring the “Sisters” were the group of Democrat legislators who are open homosexuals.

June 7, Angel Stadium: Inviting and honoring the drag queens was the Democrat mayor of Anaheim, Ashleigh Aitken, who’s from a “staunchly Democratic” family of lawyers.

June 16, Dodger StadiumInviting and honoring the “Sisters” is Dodgers executive Erik Braverman, an open homosexual, who started Dodgers’ “LGBTQIA+” “Pride Nights” in 2013 and last year “married” his “husband” on the pitcher’s mound.

You see how this is being pushed by open homosexuals and Democrat politicians? And if you support giving them positions of power, you’re indirectly supporting the transsexual agenda too.

Remember, no one can “change” their sex. You are either male or female. If you’ve inherited a Y chromosome from your biological father, you’re male; if not, you’re female.

Both transsexual and homosexual behavior are unhealthy, with higher rates of STDs, cancer, and early deaths. And “trans” surgery causes irreversible damage.

Today, before “Pride Night” at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, there’s a Catholic-led protest. Yet the best protest is to stop voting for or supporting Democrats or homosexuals. Because they’re the ones ushering in sexual anarchy and ruining children.

“A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God.”
Deuteronomy 22:5

“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.”
Leviticus 18:22