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Archives for the ‘California Legislature’ Category

Newsom & Co. sending 95% of Delta rainwater into ocean

Saturday, January 14, 2023, 9:34 am | Randy Thomasson
California farmers rally in Sacramento for water for people’s needs in 2018.

All the rain California has been receiving is good, right? Filling up water storage, replenishing ground water tables, deepening the snow pack? Yet the ruling Democrats are failing to adequately capture and store rainwater, causing devastating flooding.

A new example is Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom made sure 95% of the recent rainfall in the Greater Sacramento region — which, instead of being captured by new dams — flowed into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, where it was then pumped into the Pacific Ocean.

What’s more, in the last 30 years, Democrat politicians, at the behest of environmental groups, have demolished over 100 small dams in California, with major dams on the North Coast and in Ventura County scheduled for destruction. This is anti-people to the core!

A hopeful sign, however, is some non-political Democrats are seeing the light. Liberals at both NPR and U.C. Santa Cruz are proposing more water storage for California. The last major dam built was Oroville Dam in Butte County, in 1970. Since then, the state’s population has doubled.

Are people and farms that grow our food more important than the fish environmental groups and their Democrat politicians claim to protect? SaveCalifornia.com says yes. Because people are made in the image of God, Who gave us animals to use and eat, among other things.

Want to stop the insanity of robbing water from people? Peacefully work against Democrats and RINOs, who push the environmental-group, anti-water-storage agenda.

…Gavin Newsom announced final approval of a plan to remove four dams on the Klamath River in Northern California, along with Oregon Governor Kate Brown, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, Congressman Jared Huffman and leaders of the Yurok and Karuk tribes. Newsom refers to the dam removal project as “transformative” and says “it will revitalize nearly 400 miles of the Klamath River and tributaries.”
“Lawsuit Filed to Halt Removal of Northern CA Klamath River Hydroelectric Dams,” California Globe, 12/14/22

Call now to protect California kids

Friday, January 6, 2023, 10:05 am | Randy Thomasson
Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom and his top “Covid advisor,” Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of California’s Health & Human Services Agency

By now, you probably know the so-called “Covid vaccines” are unnecessaryineffectiveand even harmful.

So when the CDC — a major arm of Big Pharma — in October “scheduled” the “Covid vaccines” as a prerequisite for attending school, you knew it was wrong.

And when Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom “ordered” these “vaccines” in the fall of 2021, then “paused” the order until July 2023, you’re right to be concerned.

Because Newsom isn’t one of the 20 governors defying this FDA/CDC “schedule.”


Your 1, 2, or 3 messages today can shut the door on this bad idea. Leave your messages 9am to 5pm for Newsom and his top two medical officials. Tell them, “Don’t mandate Covid shots for children!”

  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom 916-445-2841
  • California Dept. of Public Health Director Dr. Tomas Aragon 916-558-1700
  • California Health & Human Services Agency Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly 916-654-3454

For more information, see my October 29, 2022 post

I walked Tucker through the differential diagnosis and concluded that in the case of Damar Hamlin, that COVID-19 vaccine-induced subclinical myocarditis and then arrhythmic cardiac arrest on the field was at the top of the list. Tucker said that’s “fair.” I think it’s more than fair since the NFL had a COVID-19 vaccine mandate, as did the military, many corporations, universities, and schools. If an EUA vaccine is mandated, then those who have imposed this product on their players, employees, and students have an ethical public health obligation to tell the world what has happened as a result of the mandate and help all those impacted brace for what could happen next. Damar Hamlin is not just another “unexplained sudden adult death syndrome” case. It was “prime time” for the NFL and now “truth time” for the family, Buffalo Bills doctors, and the University of Cincinnati Medical Center staff. Did he take the vaccine, brand, and doses given? Is the clinical evaluation consistent with COVID-19 vaccine induced subclinical myocardits and resuscitated cardiac arrest? If not, what is the proven cause of his calamity (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, anomalous coronary arteries, catecholaminergic ventricular tachycardia, long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, pulmonary embolus, spinal cord/intracranial injury, etc.). I anticipate Hamlin will neurologically recover and come off the mechanical ventilator, so it is possible that the moral obligation of disclosure will be in his hands at some point in the future. Likely is NFL career has ended, an ICD will be implanted, but a new mission in public health may lie in front of him.
Dr. Peter McCullough, “Public Health Obligation to Disclose Cause of Cardiac Arrest and Sudden Death: Events no Longer Private in Era of Mandated COVID-19 Vaccination”

Why 3 bad California propositions passed (but 4 others didn’t)

Saturday, November 12, 2022, 3:10 pm | Randy Thomasson

Thank you for voting right in God’s sight — and helping others vote — in the November 2022 election with the help of SaveCalifornia.com.

Your good values were and are sorely needed, since so many Californians vote foolishly.

Still, more Latinos voted Republican this election. And more Californians might have voted Republican than the previous election, which will be confirmed if California Republicans pick up seats in the U.S. Congress and in the California Legislature (see the close races).

I’m relieved the two gambling-addictions-promoting propositions, 26 and 27, were rejected. I’m also happy that Prop. 29 functionally decreasing the availability of kidney dialysis clinics was stopped (for the third election in a row). And I’m glad Prop. 30 raising taxes and the cost of living “bit the dust.”

Yet it’s sad that 3 bad propositions passed (see their status):

1. Woefully-ignorant Californians don’t understand a “fetus” is a unique human being with God-given rights. So they voted to approve the baby-killing and sexual-anarchy monstrosity of Prop. 1, 65.8% to 34.2%.

2. Neither do most voters realize government schools will use any excuse to take more tax dollars to dumb down and sexually indoctrinate children. So California voters approved Prop. 28’s “art and music” perpetual “annual funding” deception, 62.5% to 37.5%.

3. Nor do Californians grasp how their Democrat state legislators don’t love children, demonstrated by their pushing a host of dangerous “recreational” drugs on California. And they hypocritically singled out “candy-flavored tobacco” businesses for extinction (which can only sell to adults 21 and older) because of the Democrat legislators’ disdain for tobacco farmers, who tend to donate to Republican candidates. So voters approved Prop. 31, which sets a precedent for Democrat politicians to destroy any small business they consider a threat to their power, 62.8% to 37.2%.

Obviously, voter approval of Prop. 1 is just awful. But the seven statewide propositions were a mixed bag, since online gambling in every home (Prop. 27) and the functional elimination of many kidney dialysis clinics (Prop. 29) would have been awful too. And both Prop. 27 and 29 were defeated, which are true moral victories.

In the big picture, true Christians must remember that success is doing what’s right in God’s sight, no matter the opposition or outcome. So if you voted biblically, you were an individual success!

Advice for the 2024 election: Concerned citizens must prioritize trying to win back the offices of county registrars of voters. Election fraud by the Democrat tyrants’ minions must end!

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.
Attributed to Scottish lawyer/writer/professor/historian Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747-1813)