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Rejoice! Mandatory kindergarten bill is dead

Saturday, August 24, 2024, 11:47 am | Randy Thomasson

For the second time in three years, eliminating the parental option of kindergarten has failed in the Democrat-controlled California State Legislature.

But it wasn’t for lack of the Left trying. This year, two mandatory kindergarten bills, which were nearly the same, and both likely costing up to $1 BILLION annually, were only stopped in the State Senate Appropriations Committee at the behest of Democrat Party Governor Gavin Newsom, who’s trying to posture himself nationally as a “fiscal conservative.”

AB 2226 died August 15 in committee and SB 1056 on May 16 in the same committee.

After the second mandatory kindergarten bill was shelved this month, the committee chairwoman, Democrat Party State Senator Anna Caballero of Merced, Madera, and Fresno counties, a Newsom loyalist, told the L.A. Times“The lens we were looking through was the cost. Anything that we pass and the governor signs means it’s probably something that has to come out of the budget next year.”

So because Newsom & the Democrats’ war against responsible citizens has pushed enough wealthy Californians to other states, thus dramatically lowering revenues, and because now Gavin Newsom has shifted gears to plan to run for U.S. president — on the condition that Donald Trump is elected for a final four-year term this year — in 2028, two years after he’s termed out of the governor’s office in Sacramento.

Yet beyond the political and legislative machinations of mandatory kindergarten, you need to know the Leftist organizations think your children and grandchildren are THEIRS — and are little dollar signs too.

Stop and realize the Left already has most California five-year-olds under their control, who are enrolled in kindergarten. And they have great wrath against good parents who say their 5-year-olds aren’t ready to be with 20-30 other children several hours a day.

As the California Globe reported August 20“95% of children in California already attend Kindergarten before entering first grade … Groups such as the Los Angeles Unified School District, the California Teachers Association, and education leaders in the state continued to say this week that the state was only harming more children by not passing this bill.”

In this clash of good and evil, SaveCalifornia.com is urging in-the-know parents and grandparents to rescue their children and grandchildren by exiting the low academics, politically correct, anti-family government-controlled schools.

Children grow up so fast — and the government system wants to train them to be Leftist soldiers. Please intervene now. SaveCalifornia.com’s special site, RescueYourChild.com, will equip you.

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

The Bible, Proverbs 22:6

More ‘monster’ fires caused by Democrat Party politicians

Saturday, August 3, 2024, 9:28 am | Randy Thomasson
Park Fire map as of Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Park Fire is now the 4th largest in recorded CA history!

What causes “monster” fires? The highly-combustible “fuel” of dead trees and dead brush, and congested live trees and live brush.

The annual “monster” fires are because the ruling Democrat Party politicians REFUSE to manage the forest and wilderness areas (clearing out dead trees, thinning thickets of live trees, establishing wide enough fire breaks, and much more). This unloving government is why California is again on fire.

In addition to dishonestly blaming heat, rain, and wind, some media outlets are also mentioning what bad government is entirely responsible for — out-of-control vegetation:

Associated Press, July 28, 2024: “…dry fuels and stronger winds were increasing the fire danger…fed by lots of dead plants that dried up after several years of rainfall…Despite the improved fire weather in Northern Californiaconditions remained ripe for even more blazes to ignite.”

San Francisco Chronicle, July 27, 2024“Scientists say it’s the combination of parched landscape and build up of vegetation that is making the fire especially devastating…Two consecutive wetter-than-normal winters staved off drought conditions, revitalizing forests and producing ample growth of grass and brush…record-breaking heat this summer dried out this vegetation, turning it into prime wildfire fuel…This means plenty of fuel and no burn areas to stop the fire from spreading…the fire burned upslope through canyons and moved toward “dense forest and even forest plantations and clear cuts, which is even more flammable than a natural forest,” Swain said…“There’s essentially nothing to stop it,” Swain said. “It’s decades worth of dense brush kiln-dried by record-breaking heat.”

So when you listen to Big Media reports about California wildfires, filter out their biased emphasis on the weather. It’s outrageous that CalFire has called in meteorologists, when decades ago, righteous, pro-people California state government invited logging companies to thin out forests, did controlled burns, and promoted open grazing.

You should also question CalFire for frequently blaming lightning or listing a cause of a mammoth wildfire as “undetermined.” Until scrubbed from its own page by Biden & Co., the federal Department of the Interior educated Americans that among wildfire causes, only “10 percent are started by lightning or lava.”

Read this article to learn how the environmental-wacko groups and their Democrat Party political prostitutes CAUSE the development and spread of “monster” fires. And see the infographic below, showing the 9 largest wildfires in California’s recorded history have occurred recently and all these 9 under Democrat Party governors.

With Democrat Party politicians controlling California state government, get ready for more “monster” fires this year, with more destruction of lives and property, and more tax dollars burning up at the same time.

This unnecessary problem of “monster” fires has been hurting Californians far too long. See 3 ways to prevent destructive wildfires, which I wrote in early 2018.

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
The Bible, Genesis 1:27-28

Just awful: Newsom signs AB 1955 to hide a child’s problems from parents

Monday, July 15, 2024, 6:05 pm | Randy Thomasson

Because of his presidential aspiration, this could have gone the other way. But for now, please spread this bad news to everyone you can. And thank you for anything you did against this evil Democrat Party / “LGBTQIA+” agenda bill, which was pushed by the Democrats’ “LGBTQ+ Caucus.”

Today, Monday, July 15, Democrat Party Governor Gavin Newsom issued a news release announcing, without comment, that he had signed 58 bills (including the anti-parent pro-“LGBTQIA+” AB 1955) and vetoed 2 bills.

By signing AB 1955 to force K-12 “public” schools to hide from parents their own child’s sexual confusion, Newsom has again demonstrated that he’s against God-given parental rights and for the evil “LGBTQIA+” agenda harming children (just like most Democrat politicians are).

AB 1955 by homosexual activist Chris Ward of San Diego and 11 other homosexual activists, plus two other Democrat Party legislators, was “gutted and amended” to legally prohibit any government-school employee or contractor from disclosing “any information related to a pupil’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil’s consent.”

This outrageous bill is against parents, children, science, and health. It is being pushed because anti-parental-rights Democrat Party Attorney General of California Rob Bonta has no legal basis in state law to sue pro-family school boards that have parental rights policies on sexually-confused children. But with AB 1955 signed, he will in January 2025!


1. Please share this important SaveCalifornia.com update with others

2. Decide now to rescue your children and grandchildren, whatever it takes. Because AB 1955 will be California’s 14th government school sexual indoctrination law. See how at our special site, RescueYourChild.com.

Your Children are Being Targeted: Today’s “public schools” are not “our schools.” Instead, prostituting politicians, anti-family special interests, and union bosses own their immoral indoctrination centers to target and brainwash impressionable boys and girls. You Can Rescue Them: You can rescue your child by exiting the government system for the freedom and safety of homeschooling or church-schooling. Your child’s mind, heart, soul, and body are worth it, and your family will reap wonderful dividends.
From SaveCalifornia.com’s RescueYourChild.com