Be disturbed. Be very disturbed. And please, express your concern and anger now.
Realize that the same devilish spirit that burned Christians alive and threw them to ravenous beasts in the 1st through 3rd centuries is now in 2016 demanding that California Christians abandon their obedience to Jesus Christ or be severely punished.
That’s what the Democrat politicians’ SB 1146 would do to Christian institutions in California. This intolerant, tyrannical bill would force Christian-format colleges, universities, and Bible schools to abandon their obedience to God on sexual matters — by imposing the unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda instead.
Stop and think about it. Evil forces are coming for your friends today. If you don’t stand up for them, these forces will come for you tomorrow!
At the last hearing on SB 1146 on June 30, a young homosexual activist demanded legal permission to sue his former Christian college for big bucks, saying, “As a religious, Christ-loving openly gay man, I believe I should have the legal right to a discriminatory-free education…[with] legal recourse…”
Also at the hearing, the head of the largest “LGBTQ” promotion group in California (Equality California) essentially said Christian colleges must submit to his tyrannical homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda: “SB 1146 makes it clear that our existing state discrimination laws should apply in these higher education settings.”
Defending Christian values and religious freedom was Dr. John Jackson, the president of William Jessup University. At the hearing, Dr. Jackson said, “Part of the beauty of the American experience is the foundational recognition of unalienable rights, which do not derive from government, but derive from our Creator. Jessup and other faith-based schools have clear religious convictions regarding gender, sexuality, and marriage. SB 1146 marginalizes students and schools whose beliefs do not align with the views of those holding the levers of government power…creating a society that does not value diversity of opinion and even punishing dissent from what politicians have determined are the correct beliefs.”
See the devilish spirit of the Democrats at the hearing, where author and his witnesses insisted religious practices must be eliminated in favor of the unbiblical “LGBTQ” agenda. And in corrupt fashion, the Democrats passed SB 1146 on “intent,” not based on the proposed language in front of them! SB 1146 will be heard in August in the Assembly Appropriations Committee, then the Assembly floor, and if it passes, the Senate floor.
EXPRESS YOUR CONCERN AND ANGER RIGHT NOW. If you support religious freedom and don’t want yours or anyone else’s religious freedom punished, please take quick action right now. makes it simple for you to leave a message with your own state assemblymember, state senator, and the governor.
When you call, leave a simple message, like, “Oppose SB 1146. Protect religious freedom. Protect ‘separation of Church and State.’ Protect the freedom of religious institutions to uphold their own values. Support true diversity — oppose SB 1146.”
Enter your address to bring up your own state assemblymember and state senator’s phone numbers. Call their district offices where they are receiving messages this month of July.
Call and leave a message for Governor Jerry Brown at 916-445-2841. Follow the prompts to briefly talk to a representative and leave a message opposing SB 1146.
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill,
and to destroy. I have come that they may have life,
and that they may have it more abundantly.
Jesus Christ in John 10:10