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Archives for the ‘California Legislature’ Category

If it’s wrong to kill innocent human beings…

Wednesday, January 23, 2013, 5:48 pm | Randy Thomasson

Babies in the womb would win the war against unjust and horrific abortion deaths if only the media would hold pro-abortion politicians accountable to define what abortion gets rid of.

In this Jan. 22 article in the Ventura County Star, pro-abortion Democrat California state legislators, who want more abortions, and I, who want an end to abortion, were quoted.

But the Democrats never say what their “abortion/privacy/choice/women’s reproductive rights” agenda is actually doing.

They never say WHAT they aborting — when they’re aborting a mother’s pregnancy with a human child by tortuously and barbarically killing the boy or girl in her womb.

In contrast, in my statement to the media on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I said these preborn babies are innocent human beings, and that their human DNA proves it. Here’s the little bit of powerful truth that made it into the article:

…the head of an organization called SaveCalifornia.com issued a statement condemning abortion as murder.

“If you believe it’s morally wrong to kill innocent human beings,” said organization president Randy Thomasson, “then you must regard abortion as evil because every abortion barbarically slaughters an innocent human being.”

See 4 videos that powerfully illustrate the humanity of babies in the womb

If you live in Northern, Central, or Coastal California, walk for life Saturday in San Francisco

For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

Psalm 139:13-15 NKJV

Is this behavior Jesus would bless?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013, 11:53 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides the following solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure.
1 Timothy 5:22 NKJV

On Monday, January 7, pro-abortion and openly homosexual legislators were “blessed” at an “interfaith prayer service” at the Catholic Cathedral in Sacramento. See the news

The flyer distributed to state legislator offices read:

On the occasion of the Convening of the 2013-2015 California State Legislature, Speaker John A. Perez invites you to attend an Interfaith Prayer Service/Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament 1017 11th Street, Sacramento CA 95814/Sponsored by: The Interfaith Council of, Sacramento/Hosted by: Bishop Jaime Soto, Diocese of Sacramento (bold added for emphasis)

This event — a “spiritual” photo op for pro-abortion, homosexual activists-legislators such as John A. Perez, Tom Ammiano, Toni Atkins — hosted by Bishop Jaime Soto is especially shocking given the Catholic Church’s pro-life principles and position of marriage licenses only for one man and one woman.

These Biblical values on life and family are openly opposed by homosexual activist Assembly Speaker John A. Perez and virtually all of his fellow Democrat legislators, who now comprise a commanding two-thirds of the Assembly and state Senate.

This clash of values should not come as a surprise to the Catholic bishop, who claims to be strongly pro-life. But three years ago, he hosted a similar “interfaith service” honoring the pro-abortion, homosexual activist Speaker, in a ceremony that included a homosexual “rabbi.” As Perez explained to homosexual media in 2010:

“We did an inter-faith religious service in the morning at 8 a.m. up the street at the Catholic Cathedral. And it was a broad cross-section of the faith community. The final two people to speak were the Bishop of the Catholic Church, Jaime Soto, who I have tremendous respect for even though we disagree on a lot of issues, and Rabbi Denise Eger who’s the rabbi at Kol Ami in West Hollywood and she’s also president of the Board of Rabbis.

“And we arranged for Denise to be the person who gave a blessing over the Legislators. So at the end of the service, the Bishop asked for all the Legislators to remain standing and Rabbi Eger came forward and recited one of the oldest blessings in the Old Testament and blessed all the members of the Legislature. And the power of having this lesbian rabbi be there as the moral authority who was blessing all of us was really an amazing moment.”

Can the Catholic bishop possibly not know what he’s promoting? In addition to the evidence at the State Capitol, in the media, and in front of his own eyes and ears, the California Democratic Party platform is officially pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, and pro-homosexual-“marriages.” (See these platform sections: “Women” for abortion on demand, “Death with Dignity” for euthanasia promotion, and “Equality of Opportunity” for homosexual “marriages.”)

Don’t think this is only happening in Catholic circles. Last year, an openly homosexual city councilman and activist was given the Sunday morning platform to speak at one of the largest evangelical Christian churches in San Diego. And the founder of the Biblically-conservative Calvary Chapels permits his liberal pastor son, who supports homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality, to be the guest co-host of his “Pastor’s Perspective” radio program. This is despite what God’s word says about these unnatural and unhealthy behaviors.

So, is the Church leading the culture or the culture leading the Church? At this juncture in California history, the answer is obvious. What to do? All who are loyal to God’s word and who have the testimony of Jesus Christ must get out of their church buildings and into the culture to boldly and clearly promote and apply God’s Truth. Either light or darkness will reign, and the choice is yours.

For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?
1 Peter 4:17 NKJV

The day after: My take on California’s November 2012 election

Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 4:26 pm | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides the following solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Without an army, there is no defense and no opportunity to revolt against tyrants. This is true for defending territory and for defending or attaining good government.

California conservatives have no standing army, nor do California Christians, compared to the standing “armies” of the union bosses with big war chests, who consistently fund Democrat candidates and big, immoral government.

How did we get here? As a whole, the Church is either anemic or AWOL when it comes to civic responsibility. This is the consequence of believing you shouldn’t mix religion with politics, a sure recipe for immoral government. This mindset invites evil to win. For you can’t have religious freedom without political action, and you can’t have good government without Christians working to gain and maintain it.

So, without a truth standard to know what is RIGHT, and without a standing “army” to put MIGHT behind what’s right, it’s not surprising that California conservatives and Christians have not taken new ground, but have lost more ground in this election.

Today, lackluster RIGHT and missing MIGHT has resulted in Democrats apparently capturing a 2/3rd supermajority in both the California Assembly and California Senate, empowering them to directly raise taxes.

The union-backed Democrats needed only two more seats in each house. Senate Democrats have likely picked up three seats (SD 17 on the Central Coast, SD 19 in Santa Barbara/Ventura counties, and SD 31 in Riverside County). And Assembly Democrats have captured what appear to be two seats (AD 32 in Kern/Kings counties and AD 65 in north Orange County).

Meanwhile, California voters have approved:

Prop. 30 to raise taxes on all Californians

Prop. 36 to release some career criminals

Prop. 39 to give businesses more reason to leave

Prop. 40 to keep biased legislative districts

A wise historian once observed, “Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.”

Where is America right now? Probably between apathy and dependence. Where is California right now? I think in a state of dependency headed back toward bondage. What is the solution? Spiritual truth, God’s truth, applied in people’s lives and applied to political involvement.

Don’t throw your hands up and say there’s no hope. Instead, commit yourself to become more responsible or productive in the opportunities God has given you. Remember, freedom is not free.

So I ask — will pastors, who are supposed to guide and equip believers in Jesus, teach them to be holy and fruitful, courageously helping people to personally repent and politically repent of their wicked ways? Will professing Christians repent, reject ignorance, and put on love by creating a citizen army in their communities that can win future elections? (Here’s how).  Will professing Christians resign from their union to keep working but stop subsidizing immoral government? These choices are in your hands.

SaveCalifornia.com is leading and working to renew the culture by stimulating believers to be difference-makers in their communities. Together, let’s persevere and shine Jesus’ light of truth into the darkness of our culture, reaching people who desperately need God’s wisdom for themselves and their families.

“As for you, if you walk before Me as your father David walked, and do according to all that I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and My judgments, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom, as I covenanted with David your father, saying, ‘You shall not fail to have a man as ruler in Israel.’ But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods, and worship them, then I will uproot them from My land which I have given them; and this house which I have sanctified for My name I will cast out of My sight, and will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples.
2 Chronicles 7 17-20 NKJV