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My response to Jerry Brown’s budget veto: Game on again!

Thursday, June 16, 2011, 5:09 pm |

I’m glad that Governor Jerry Brown, who likes higher taxes and fees, has vetoed the Democrats’ budget bill because he either doesn’t like the way it was done or doesn’t like what it would do to his legacy.

While Democrat Controller John Chiang worries about his public image regarding whether to keep issuing legislators’ paychecks (there’s nothing in Prop. 25 that says the governor has to sign the budget bill for them to be paid), Brown’s veto means it’s “game on again” to stop higher taxes and fees extorted from California families.

On June 30, the abnormally-high sales tax and Vehicle License Fee (car tax) increases will expire. Brown doesn’t want taxes and fees to go down, but wants them extended for years. Brown said today, “We need four Republican votes and in the next several days I’m going to do everything I can — I’ll move heaven and earth — to get those votes.”

ALERT: If you know the true Power of heaven, fight against the tax-and-fee hikes of Jerry Brown and the Democrats. Right now, please again call and email Sacramento to demand “no more taxes or fees at the state or local levels!” Especially call the at-risk Republicans.

Here’s today’s SaveCalifornia.com news release responding on Brown’s veto:

June 16, 2011

Response to Governor Brown’s Budget Veto
by SaveCalifornia.com President Randy Thomasson

Sacramento, California — In response to today’s veto by Governor Jerry Brown of the Democrats’ budget bill, Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, a non-profit, non-partisan statewide organization that promotes moral virtues for the common good, released the following statement:

“Jerry Brown may like higher taxes and fees, but he’s doesn’t like them in an obvious sham budget or in a way that makes him look bad. Whether his veto is for the sake of image or principle doesn’t matter as much as the fact that California families have been saved, for the time being, from more taxes and fees that take away their hard-earned money for a wasteful, greedy government to devour. We call on principled Californians to rise up and urge their state legislators — especially Republican assemblymembers and senators who can stop the Democrats’ money grab — to resist any and all tax hikes or fee hikes at the state and local levels.”

SaveCalifornia.com has identified tens of billions in government waste, and for the last several months has been calling on concerned Californians to demand an end to tax and fee hikes.

— end —

Act now: Call and email Sacramento to demand
“no more taxes or fees at the state or local levels!”

Democrat politicians pass higher taxes and fees

Wednesday, June 15, 2011, 10:26 pm |

Well, they did it. The Democrats that control the California Legislature have approved additional taxes and fees upon taxed-to-the-max California families.

And they did it just to ensure they wouldn’t lose a day’s pay under a new, voter-approved rule punishing legislators for late budget. Well, now a budget’s on time, but it’s bad. That’s obvious to State Capitol watchers, including veteran Sacramento Bee columnist Dan Walters, who writes, “Did Democratic legislators accomplish anything on the state budget crisis Wednesday other than protect their paychecks? Probably not.”

If Democrat Governor Jerry Brown signs this “sham” budget, which contains no structural reform, you will have to endure:

A quarter-cent increase in the sales tax you pay
A $12 surchage on your annual Vehicle License Fee or car tax
A new sales tax on every online purchase you make
A $150 fee each year on property owners in approx. 1/3 of the state (areas where the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection provides fire services)

This is an obvious disappointment because the abnormally-high state sales tax was scheduled to decrease one full percentage point, and the very high Vehicle License Fee (car tax) scheduled to be reduced by nearly half, on July 1. Instead, two weeks from now, the sales tax will decrease by three-quarters of a percent, the car tax will decrease but have a new surcharge for you to pay, and most Californians will either be paying more taxes through their online purchases or with “fire protection fees” that are redundant with state and county taxes.

Overall, if this bad budget is signed, you will be paying lower taxes overall than you did under the massive tax-and-fee hikes imposed back in February 2009, which are set to expire. Yet because of the Democrat politicians’ irresponsibility, foolishness, and thievery, you are still going to pay hundreds of dollars per year in new taxes. The Democrat legislators couldn’t stand losing a day’s pay under the new rule, so they’re punishing California families and individuals instead.

Take Action: Call Governor Jerry Brown first thing in the morning at 916-445-2841. Leave your message urging him to “Veto the higher taxes and fees. Let the people vote like you promised.”

SaveCalifornia.com and others were successful in lobbying Republican state legislators not to support higher taxes and fees. So be glad about that and pray to God that expected lawsuits are also successful. And tell people you know about the Democrat money grab. Here’s our SaveCalifornia.com news release issued earlier today:

June 15, 2011

Response of SaveCalifornia.com President Randy Thomasson
to the Democrats’ tax and fee hikes

Sacramento, California — In response to today’s passing of additional tax and fee hikes by the Democrat-controlled California Legislature, Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, a non-profit, non-partisan statewide organization that promotes moral virtues for the common good, released the following statement:

“Hard-working Californians who love their families now have another reason to be disgusted with their state government. The Democrats’ budget takes more money from people who earned it — just so these politicians won’t miss a day’s pay. Californians are witnessing corruption, and have more reason than ever to oppose corrupt politicians. I hope lawsuits to enforce the two-thirds vote on taxes and fees are successful, because this blatant money-grab needs to be struck down.”

SaveCalifornia.com has identified tens of billions in government waste, and for the last several months has been calling on concerned Californians to demand an end to tax and fee hikes.

# # #

No tax hike yet, and no systemic waste cut either

Thursday, March 17, 2011, 7:17 pm |

It’s been two straight days of voting in both houses of the California Legislature.

The good news is no tax hike has been approved or even come up for a vote, because no Republican legislator, so far, will agree to it.

The bad news is Democrats are NOT slashing systemic waste, but are cutting back government services. In other words, people get the shaft, but bureaucrats, union bosses, the bloated UC system stay fat and lazy. See all the structural waste that should be cut instead.

The most contentious item on the Senate and Assembly floors today was Jerry Brown’s proposal to redirect “lower-risk offenders” from state prisons to local jails and shift parole functions to local governments. Part of the bill allows county sheriffs to decide whether to incarcerate or release, depending on whether the jails were too full. This motivated some Republicans to alert families to get a gun to defend themselves against more criminals roaming free.

Keep urging Republican legislators to hold the line against placing more taxes on the ballot (more taxes on purchases, income, and cars, as well as a sharp reduction in child tax credit).   The Republicans have the power to withhold Republican votes, and that would deny Democrat legislators a 2/3rds majority to achieve their taxing goal.

When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, ‘just men who will rule in the fear of God.’ The preservation of [our] government depends on the faithful discharge of this Duty; if the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded. If [our] government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine Commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the Laws.
U.S. founding father Noah Webster, author of the first American dictionary (1758 – 1843)