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Archives for the ‘California Legislature’ Category

You voted, now call and email Sacramento to “cut the waste”

Wednesday, May 20, 2009, 5:24 pm |

On the heels of California voters rejecting higher taxes, more debt, more dysfunction, and false reforms, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and state legislative leaders are sitting down all this week to consider what to do now.

California voters’ “no new taxes” message at the ballot box was heard loud and clear. But Schwarzenegger and especially the Democrat legislators need to hear from you again, this time to persuade them to eliminate a mountain of waste and dysfunction, instead of borrowing and caving to pressure from the union bosses who got them elected in the first place.

It’s urgent you tell them that instead of releasing criminals into communities, instead of raiding local government funds, and instead of borrowing billions from the Obama Administration (which would place all Americans into more debt), you want them to eliminate tens of billions of dollars of disgusting government waste each and every year starting right now.

TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION: Call and email Governor Schwarzenegger and your California state legislators.

It’s important that you act now to tell them what to do. All this week, Schwarzenegger and the others, making up “The Big Five,” are meeting to decide a right, wrong or muddled direction.

Meanwhile, a Democrat-dominated committee is meeting to come up with their own “solutions.” Unless they receive a flood of challenge and direction from you and your friends, California’s foolish government may try to get billions in loans from President Obama. This will only make the spending and borrowing problem worse!

Also, you might have noticed that the morning after the election, the California Citizens Compensation Committee, which sets salaries for state officers and state legislators, voted to cut the average legislator pay from $116,208 to $95,291. This was good public relations for the Schwarzenegger-stacked committee, but nothing to get excited about.

California families need much more than this. The legislator pay cut won’t take place until December 2010. And the overall savings will be less than $3 million, a drop in the bucket compared to the $21.3 billion deficit hole that our tax-and-spend Legislature has dug for the fiscal year starting next month.

Obviously, the way to get out of debt and even grow a healthy surplus is to eliminate tens of billions of dollars per year in government waste. SaveCalifornia.com has sent our 10 recommendations to the Governor and every state legislator.

Your calls and emails will help them take notice. Please take action right now.

6 Democrats + 1 Republican = ‘Gay Day’ advances

Thursday, May 7, 2009, 9:00 am |

On Wednesday morning, one of the worst bills in California history, instituting official Harvey Milk Gay Day in government schools, passed its final committee in the California State Senate. Voting “yes” on SB 572 were all six Democrats and — shock — Central Coast Republican Abel Maldonado. Read the May 6 SaveCalifornia.com news release.

1. Call your own California state senator to say you want him or her to “Vote NO on SB 572, Harvey Milk Gay Day, which a large majority of California parents oppose, which parents don’t want, and children don’t need.”
Find your state senator | Send a pre-written email message opposing SB 572

2. Especially call self-proclaimed “pro-family” Republican Abel Maldonado of Santa Maria and self-proclaimed “pro-family Christian” Democrat Dean Florez of Shafter. Both men, who voted in favor of Harvey Milk Gay Day, want to be elected to statewide office in 2010.
Abel Maldonado (916) 651-4015
Dean Florez (916) 651-4016

3. Lastly, flood Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger with phone calls. Leave a message that you want him to “Veto SB 572 like you did last year. Eighty percent of Californians don’t want Harvey Milk Gay Day in public schools. Parents don’t want this, and children don’t need this.”
Governor’s Capitol office: (916) 445-2841

Alert: Protect schoolkids from “Harvey Milk Day”

Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 8:00 am | Webmaster

Children are already being indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle in government schools, but a new bill in the California Legislature would make things much worse.

SB 572 by homosexual activist state senator Mark Leno of San Francisco, a Democrat, would create an official “gay day” called Harvey Milk Day. It would be pushed on every California government school, affecting children as young as kindergarten.


1. EMAIL: Use SaveCalifornia.com’s Email Lobbying System right now to send a pre-written message opposing SB 572 to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and your California state legislators.

2. PHONE: All day today, please call the 6 Democrats and 3 Republicans on the Senate Education Committee to urge them to oppose SB 572. The committee will hear and vote on SB 572 this Wednesday, May 6 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 4203 of the State Capitol in Sacramento.

Six Democrats who all support the homosexual agenda
Gloria Romero of East Los Angeles (916) 651-4024  
Elaine Alquist of San Jose / Gilroy (916) 651-4013
Loni Hancock of Alameda County  (916) 651-4009
Carol Liu of Pasadena / Glendale / San Gabriel Valley (916) 651-4021 
Alex Padilla of L.A.’s San Fernando Valley (916) 651-4020
Joe Simitian of Palo Alto / Santa Cruz (916) 651-4011

Three Republicans who generally vote pro-family
Bob Huff of Glendora / Yorba Linda (916) 651-4029
Abel Maldonado of Santa Maria / San Jose (916) 651-4015
Mark Wyland of Carlsbad / San Juan Capistrano (916) 651-4038

California’s liberal “Republican” Governor
Call Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to urge him to veto SB 572 if it reaches his desk. Tell him, “I want you to oppose Harvey Milk Gay Day in public schools like you did last year. This bill takes away from academics, parents don’t want it, and children don’t need it. Veto SB 572.” Call the Governor to leave a message at (916) 445-2841.