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Time for a good news break

Thursday, April 22, 2010, 7:01 pm |

It’s not often that you hear multiple good news stories that happen in the same day in the midst of the seemingly chronic bad-news reality of California politics.

But today there were three good — or at least not bad — news events that caught my eye:

First, the tricky bill in the California State Senate that would pave the way for homosexual “marriages” on a future ballot (SB 906) didn’t come up for a vote Thursday. This means you have more time to call and email your opposition

Second, the Democrat-controlled California State Assembly has voted to confirm liberal Republican Abel Maldonado as Lieutenant Governor. As you probably know, Maldonado supported Harvey Milk Gay Day and voted for big tax hikes last year. This year, he coauthored the anti-free speech resolution ACR 82. How would have you voted on Maldonaldo’s confirmation? Ironically, it can be seen as good news. Because if the Senate also confirms him next week, Maldonado will be out of the Legislature. He won’t be able to vote for any more of the Democrats’ anti-family bills. And a much more pro-family state senator could be elected to replace him.
The news | The floor vote | The upcoming election

Third, the selfish and oppressive power of California’s humongous government-employee unions is being realized across the political spectrum. On Thursday, liberal Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said existing pension structures were “unsustainable.” Also on Thursday, sometimes-fiscally-conservative Arnold Schwarzenegger called overly-generous government employee pensions “the single biggest threat to our fiscal health and California’s future.” Understand California’s pension crisis

Now, don’t get me wrong. There’s more bad news than good in California, because most people, and definitely most politicians, dishonor God and His ways. And I personally believe people will have to experience more pain before they’ll change themselves, their family values, and their voting habits.

California’s new era of “gay” political correctness

Saturday, March 13, 2010, 7:45 pm |

Political correctness is running amok in California. Just say “I am gay” and all your troubles go away.

It used to be that politicians who were arrested for drunken driving did the honorable thing and resigned from office. Even this year, a drunk-driving state senator in Utah resigned the day after his arrest. But not in California!

The tabloid talk of the State Capitol, Republican state Senator Roy Ashburn, is setting a new standard for elected officials. The Ashburn standard: engage in homosexual behavior; use it to break up your marriage; lie to friends, donors, and constituents for years about it; violate your Taxpayer Protection Pledge by voting for the largest tax increase in state history; get drunk at gay bars and pick up younger men; get in your state-owned SUV and drive drunk only hours before you’re to be on the Senate floor; get arrested on a DUI a few blocks from the State Capitol building; and then – this is the essential part – cap it all off by boldly stating “I am gay.”

What magical results you’ll see. The media will quickly and conveniently forget about all the wrong you’ve done. You’ll be embraced by liberal politicians and even some Republican legislators will pat you on the back.

Just look at the media fawning over Ashburn:

Sheila James Kuehl commends Ashburn, says he’s being true to self
Sacramento Bee, March 8

“Ashburn may have been fearful of being criticized”
KCRA Ch. 3 Sacramento, March 8

Dan Walters: Coming out of the closet is best for all
Sacramento Bee, March 9

Ashburn changes narrative by publicly revealing sexual orientation
Capitol Weekly, March 11

Gay groups reach out to Ashburn
Bay Area Reporter, March 11

What has Roy Ashburn’s bad behavior – and his “I am gay” statement – done to society, especially to impressionable young people?

For politicians who need to resign, saying “I am gay” is like swallowing a pill to make their public-relations troubles go away. But, as with all drugs, there are side effects. This particular drug has the very negative effect of taking California to a new “low” for elected officials. Here’s the damage Roy Ashburn has done:

• He’s redefined the standard for public office. No longer is personal bad conduct reason to resign. No longer will being arrested for drunken driving, in a taxpayer-funded vehicle, trigger anyone’s resignation.

• He’s made himself the latest poster boy for mainstreaming of homosexuality — with, of course, no mention of the very high rate of sexually transmitted diseases and the fact that there’s no “gay gene.”

• He’s teaching young people that if you’re sexually confused, don’t seek Christian gender-identity counseling, just announce “I’m gay!” This will satisfy liberal people. And then to satisfy most churchgoers, just like Ashburn did, say “My faith is very clear and very firm…I pray to God that I can find peace…I ask people to pray for me.” And then show up to work like you’ve done nothing wrong.

Homosexuality rumors “first back in 2004”

Ashburn divorced his wife, Diane, in 2003, choosing a secret homosexual lifestyle over his marriage vows. As reported by Capitol Weekly, a Sacramento online publication, Ashburn’s homosexual lifestyle has been going on for several years:

Ashburn’s sexual orientation has been chattered about in the Capitol for years. Many considered his sexuality to be old news, especially since Ashburn terms out this year and his political future is uncertain. He didn’t pursue rumored bids for the Board of Equalization and Congress. In his interview with Barks, he said he dropped the idea of a congressional bid due to his sexuality.

A number of people told Capitol Weekly that Ashburn has been a regular at Sacramento gay bars for at least two years. Some said Ashburn became more brazen after his local paper, The Bakersfield Californian, laid off longtime Sacramento bureau chief Vic Pollard in 2007. Pollard had a reputation for dealing aggressively with politicians and breaking major stories about them, such as his report on Rep. Bill Thomas, who was married and then the powerful chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, for having an affair in 2001. Thomas was Ashburn’s political mentor and former employer.

Pollard, who still freelances for the paper and writes for the Capitol Morning Report, said that calls and emails about Ashburn’s sexuality “rose and fell in waves,” first back in 2004, then again last year. Last summer, the paper’s Lois Henry asked Ashburn if he was gay. Ashburn refused to answer. But Pollard said the paper had no interest in outing Ashburn “for the sake of outing him.”

SaveCalifornia.com is faithfully holding up a moral standard

So far, SaveCalifornia.com is the sole California pro-family organization calling for Ashburn’s resignation. There should have been others. Our calling is to stand up and proclaim the difference between right and wrong in government and culture. We serve the people, not the politicians. And, like we’re used to, we stood for the truth this last week despite liberal name-calling.

Our March 8 news release outlined the combined reasons why Ashburn is untrustworthy and should resign.

Our March 10 news release explained how legislators in other states resigned after being arrested for drunk driving. In January, Sheldon Killpack, the #2 Republican in the Utah State Senate, resigned the day after being arrested for drunk driving, saying he didn’t want to become a public distraction.

More examples of resignation keep coming in. We just learned today that Kevin Garn, the #2 Republican in the Utah House of Representatives, has resigned after it was revealed that he paid a woman to keep quiet about being nude together in a hot tub 25 years ago.

Is Roy Ashburn listening?

SaveCalifornia.com’s voice for more principled government was heard in Sacramento, Bakersfield, Fresno, other parts of the state, and around the nation through OneNewsNow.

Check out the media coverage featuring SaveCalifornia.com’s voice for truth in this matter

ACT NOW: Stand up for what’s right

Call Roy Ashburn’s office at 916-651-4018 or email him and demand that he do what’s right and resign. Even if you’re told he has voted pro-family in the past, he is untrustworthy now. Also call your California state senator and state assemblymember and tell them to urge Roy Ashburn to resign. Find their contact information.

When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice;
when the wicked rule, the people groan.

Proverbs 29: 2 NIV

Lying, cheating, ‘gay’ Roy Ashburn should resign

Monday, March 8, 2010, 12:31 pm |

ACTION: Call Roy Ashburn’s office at 916-651-4018 or email him and demand that he resign. Even if you’re told he has voted pro-family in the past, he is untrustworthy now. Also call  your California state senator and state assemblymember and tell them to urge Roy Ashburn to resign. Find their contact information.

Now he’s completely “out.” Monday morning on the radio, Republican State Senator Roy Ashburn of Bakersfield said “I’m gay.”

But Roy Ashburn is mistaken. No one is “gay” because the so-called “gay gene” does not exist. What’s more, there are thousands of Americans who formerly engaged in homosexual behavior who have gotten help and have left their unnatural lifestyle behind.

Should Ashburn resign? Yes, he should. His lying, cheating ways have boiled over and the public’s trust has been shattered.

For all these reasons combined, Ashburn must go:

• He swore to uphold the law, then broke the law and endangered others by driving drunk.
• He vowed to be faithful to his wife, then broke his vows when he chose homosexuality over his marriage.
• He signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, then broke his pledge in 2009 when he voted in favor of the biggest tax increase in state history.
• He repeatedly lied to people who asked him to honestly tell them whether he was living the homosexual lifestyle.
• Now that he has openly identified with the “LGBT” lifestyle, Ashburn is dramatically out of step with his constituents, has lost their trust, and is in danger of voting against their conservative family values.

Demonstrating himself to be self-serving, Ashburn has proven himself untrustworthy as a public servant. He should resign.

Background: Ashburn’s Alleged ‘Double Life’ Questioned after DUI Arrest