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New, band-aid California budget nothing to be proud of

Friday, July 24, 2009, 6:19 pm |

The California Legislature has passed their band-aid budget, adjourned and gone on vacation until Aug. 17.

The big items that failed on the Assembly side were a $1 BILLION transfer of local gas taxes to the state, and a $100-million-per-year-generating off-shore oil well.

To bridge the gap, Schwarzenegger will have to line-item veto this amount. All this and no real reform. The overspending problem persists.

This bad budget is gimmicky, it steals from local governments, incurs more debt obligations, refuses to implement much-needed structural reforms, and continues to use taxpayer dollars to fund all kinds of abortions.

This budget fails to make the hard decisions because the Governor and the Republican leaders (who control the budget because of the two-thirds vote threshold) would not persevere long enough to make the tax-and-spend Democrat politicians agree to eliminate tens of billions of dollars of government waste.

This budget is like putting a band-aid on cancer because the cancer of government overspending continues to grow while the average family’s financial picture has noticeably shrunk. More than passing a budget, the California Legislature has again passed the buck and kicked the structural problems down the road.

For more analysis, please read Friday’s SaveCalifornia.com news release.

Oppose the bad budget that Sacramento’s dreamed up

Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 11:28 am |

I don’t like the budget deal struck Monday in Sacramento, and I hope you don’t like it either.

Yes, there are no new taxes or fees. But Republican leaders could have and should have demanded an end to foolish borrowing, bribery, pension abuse, and accounting gimmicks. All these bad things, including tens of millions of dollars in abortion and abortion-related funding, are part of the spending package agreed to Monday by two Republican leaders, two Democrat leaders and Governor Schwarzenegger.

Why focus on the Republicans? Although they hold a minority of seats in both houses of the California Legislature, no budget can pass without a two-thirds vote. That means no budget can pass without the consent of at least four Republicans in the Assembly and two Republicans in the Senate.

Republicans control the budget and should use their power to hold out for real reform. Republican leaders Sam Blakeslee and Dennis Hollingsworth should have persevered and endured until the big-spending Democrats folded their cards and gave up.

Instead of thinking about the Legislature’s scheduled summer vacation being held up, Republicans should hold up this bad budget and demand an end to the foolish mismanagement of the people’s money.

Like a smart buyer looking for a new vehicle in a low-demand market, the Republicans should have walked off the car lot until their demands were met. It was doable and is still doable.

But we’re not seeing toughness like that, are we? No, we’re seeing something similar to February, when two Republican leaders met with Schwarzenegger and ended up agreeing to tax increases and fee hikes.

Only five months later, there are two new Republican leaders, but again, they met with Schwarzenegger and ended up agreeing with foolish borrowing, more gimmicks, and paying a $9.5 BILLION “bribe” to the state education establishment.

As columnist Dan Walters of the Sacramento Bee wrote this morning:

Were California a corporation, rather than a state, its officers would be playing tiddlywinks with Bernie Madoff in the federal slammer, having engaged in years of hide-the-pea accounting tricks, under-the-table loans and other gimmicks to cover up the state’s perpetual operating deficits.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders are finalizing another version of the budget, the third in less than a year, that’s another mélange of fiscal tricks and evasions that’s likely, like its predecessors, to quickly crumble.

Here are the bad things in the budget I can’t stomach, and that you shouldn’t either:

1. Paying $9.5 BILLION to the wasteful, dysfunctional state education establishment in return for the educrats dropping their flimsy lawsuit about Prop. 98. This “payout” and “payoff” is sleight of hand that implements the ballot-box budgeting of Prop. 1B, which the voters rejected on May 19. There’s no money to pay this back and this means massive debt.

2. “Borrowing” $3 BILLION to $5 BILLION from counties, cities and special districts. This scheme allowed by the constitution means more debt to pay back. It also means local governments will be sorely tempted to raise local taxes and fees. This local raid is not good for the state or local governments or the people.

3. No pension reform. With outrageous examples of government retirees receiving 90% to 100% of their working income even when retired, burgeoning pension costs must be curtailed, not simply talked about.

4. Accounting gimmicks include “kicking the problem down the road” by accelerating income tax withholding, increasing estimated tax payments for businesses and the self-employed, and shifting the last day of pay for state employees ahead into the next fiscal year.

5. Taxpayer-funded abortions, which Republican legislators claim to oppose and Democrat legislators unanimously support, are still in the budget. Tens of millions of dollars are being spent on abortion and abortion-related programs of Planned Parenthood and their allies. While the Governor and the Democrats are pro-abortion, pro-life Californians know this budget is morally unacceptable.


SaveCalifornia.com’s arguments won’t appeal to Democrat politicians, but will appeal to principled pro-family Republican legislators, who are meeting today to decide whether to accept or reject this bad budget deal.

Pick up the phone and call the Republican state legislators right now. Tell them “Vote NO on the budget. It’s full of foolish borrowing, payoffs, gimmicks, and kicking the problem down the road. Vote NO and hold out for true reform.”

15 Senate Republicans

Sam Aanestad (916) 651-4004
Roy Ashburn (916) 651-4018 voted for bad budget in February
John Benoit (916) 651-4037
Dave Cogdill (916) 651-4014 previous Senate Republican leader, voted for bad budget in February
Dave Cox (916) 651-4001
Jeff Denham (916) 651-4012
Bob Dutton (916) 651-4031
Tom Harman (916) 651-4035
Dennis Hollingsworth (916) 651-4036 Senate Republican leader, agreed to this new, bad budget
Bob Huff (916) 651-4029
Abel Maldonado (916) 651-4015 voted for bad budget in February
George Runner (916) 651-4017
Tony Strickland (916) 651-4019
Mimi Walters (916) 651-4033
Mark Wyland (916) 651-4038

29 Assembly Republicans
(Note: These are now the correct telephone numbers. I humbly apologize for initially posting fax numbers.)

Anthony Adams (916) 319-2059  voted for bad budget in February
Joel Anderson (916) 319-2077 
Bill Berryhill (916) 319-2026 
Tom Berryhill (916) 319-2025 
Sam Blakeslee (916) 319-2033  Assembly Republican leader, agreed to this new, bad budget
Connie Conway (916) 319-2034 
Paul Cook (916) 319-2065
Chuck DeVore (916) 319-2070 
Michael Duvall (916) 319-2072 
Bill Emmerson (916) 319-2063 
Nathan Fletcher (916) 319-2075 
Jean Fuller (916) 319-2032 
Ted Gaines (916) 319-2004 
Martin Garrick (916) 319-2074 
Danny Gilmore (916) 319-2030 
Curt Hagman (916) 319-2060 
Diane Harkey (916) 319-2073 
Kevin Jeffries (916) 319-2066 
Steve Knight (916) 319-2036 
Dan Logue (916) 319-2003 
Jeff Miller (916) 319-2071 
Brian Nestande (916) 319-2064 
Roger Niello (916) 319-2005  voted for bad budget in February
Jim Nielsen (916) 319-2002 
Jim Silva (916) 319-2067 
Cameron Smyth (916) 319-2038 
Audra Strickland (916) 319-2037 
Van Tran (916) 319-2068 
Mike Villines (916) 319-2029  previous Assembly Republican leader, voted for bad budget in February

When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice.
But when the wicked are in power, they groan.

Proverbs 29:2 NLT

Be a patriot. Call Sacramento and join a July 4th tea party!

Friday, July 3, 2009, 3:12 pm |

As we approach the 233rd birthday of the United States of America, I want to challenge you to celebrate God’s planting of this nation with your heart, soul, mind and strength.

First, realize there is battle raging right now in Sacramento over more taxes, fees and borrowing. See our latest alert and call Sacramento.

When you call, please emphasize “No more borrowing,” since that’s one of the big sticking points right now.

The good news is the Republicans’ tough stand against higher taxes and fees has apparently gotten the Democrats to say they’re dropping their tax-and-fee hike proposal.

Second, watch this short video to remind yourself of the price of freedom and that freedom from immoral bondage is the real definition of freedom. Watch John Adams speak in 1776 for the Declaration of Independence. I was inspired by this and watched it twice today.

Third, if you can, stand up Saturday for freedom from immoral tyranny at the state and federal level. Don’t degrade Independence Day by turning it into Party Day or Overeating Day or Personal Whatever Day. Help rescue America by attending a July 4th Tea Party near you. See TeaPartyPatriots.org and TeaPartyDay.com.

Who will rise up for me against the wicked?
       Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?
Unless the LORD had given me help,
       I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death.
When I said, “My foot is slipping,”
       your love, O LORD, supported me. 
When anxiety was great within me,
       your consolation brought joy to my soul. 
Can a corrupt throne be allied with you—
       one that brings on misery by its decrees?
Psalm 94:16-20 NIV