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Why the harmful, tyrannical, deceptive Gardasil jab bill is advancing

Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 9:35 am | Randy Thomasson

Thank you to you and all who followed SaveCalifornia.com by participating with our straightforward, principled message of “kill the bill.” You are a steadfast pro-family advocate who stayed true, when others faltered.

The hard lesson of AB 659, the tyrannical Gardasil bill, passing its first committee after being successfully stalled for two whole months, is never amend a bad bill. 

“Never amend a bad bill” has been a proven rule for family-values activists for decades. Yet the awful AB 659 passed its first important hurdle April 18 because too many ignored this important ethic. Because when a bad bill is in trouble, amending it make it easier for the bad bill to pass.

The big mistake that helped AB 659 pass committee was the “Freedom Angels” (Tara Thornton and Denise Aguilar) actually made a deal to remove their opposition when the Democrat bill author replaced mandatory-shot language with deceptive, threatening, coercive language, reading, “it is the public policy of the state” that students “are expected” to receive Gardasil shots before advancing to 8th grade or enrolling in college.

Sadly, the bill author had a whole week to tell the wavering Democrats on the committee the “mandate” and the opposition had been “removed.”

As Aguilar said on her April 18 Instagram, “Freedom Angels was called into the author’s office last week, stating that if the mandate was removed, would Freedom Angels remove our opposition. We agreed to this because we needed to remove the mandate. So that’s why I was not at the podium opposing it. We came to an agreement, if the mandate was removed, then Tara and I would not oppose the bill. So it was like a muzzle on us.”

So what now? The tyrannical, harmful, deceptive AB 659, which is still a functional “mandate,” coercing painful Gardasil jabs upon children in public and private school (including all boys and including church schools) and upon UC, CSU, and community college students up to age 26 now goes to the Assembly Appropriations Committee on its way to the Assembly floor.

Please see (and share) SaveCalifornia.com’s special report (in slides) below:

Real-life stories: Lives destroyed by Gardasil

Do not be envious of evil men,
Nor desire to be with them;
For their heart devises violence,
And their lips talk of troublemaking.
Proverbs 24:1-2

If you faint in the day of adversity,
Your strength is small.
Proverbs 24:10

NEW ALERT: Oppose the still-bad AB 659 (Gardasil jabs)

Sunday, April 16, 2023, 5:31 pm | Randy Thomasson

If you want to prevent children and young adults from autoimmune injuries and worse, please act now — before Tuesday 1:30pm!

Because that’s when the April 12 amended version of AB 659 will be finally heard in the Democrat-controlled Assembly Health Committee.


Gardasil has injured and killed many. Yet Big Pharma Democrats are still pushing it.

As amended April 12, AB 659 falsely threatens pre-teens, teens, and college students by purporting “it is the public policy of the state” that you “are expected” to be jabbed with Gardasil — when these shots are not required.


SEC. 3. Section 120336 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read:

(a) It is the public policy of the state that pupils are expected to be fully immunized against human papillomavirus (HPV) before admission or advancement to the 8th grade level of any private or public elementary or secondary school.
(b) Upon a pupil’s admission or advancement to the 6th grade level, the governing authority shall submit to the pupil and their parent or guardian a notification containing a statement about the state’s public policy described in subdivision (a) and advising that the pupil be fully immunized against HPV before admission or advancement to the 8th grade level.

SEC. 4. Section 120390 of the Health and Safety Code is amended to read:

The department, in consultation with the Trustees of the California State University, the Regents of the University of California, and the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, as applicable, shall adopt and enforce all regulations necessary to carry out this chapter.

SEC. 5. Section 120390.6 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read:

120390.6. It is the public policy of the state that students who are 26 years of age or younger are expected to be fully immunized against human papillomavirus (HPV) before first-time enrollment at an institution of the California State University, the University of California, or the California Community Colleges.


Unless you live in a specific assemblymember’s district, DO NOT identify yourself or provide your location — otherwise your message will be “trashed.” So be strategically anonymous!

STEP 1: Leave anonymous voicemails for 7 Democrats on the committee
Tell them: “Oppose AB 659. The amended bill falsely claims risky Gardasil shots are mandated. Stop threatening children and young adults and lying to their families. Kill this bad bill.”

Carlos Villapudua 209-948-7479 | 916-319-2013
Brian Maienschein 858-675-0760 | 916-319-2076
Kevin McCarty 916-324-4676 | 916-319-2006
Freddie Rodriguez 909-902-9606 | 916-319-2053
Joaquin Arambula 559-445-5532 | 916-319-2031
Miguel Santiago 213-620-4646 | 916-319-2054
Tasha Boerner Horvath 760-434-7605 | 916-319-2077

STEP 2: Tell the committee’s 4 Republicans to speak up
Tell these Republicans: “In committee, you need to expose how AB 659 falsely claims to be a mandate, and how it threatens pre-teens, teens, and college students. Please speak up and fight to stop this bad bill.”

Marie Waldron 760-480-7570 | 916-319-2075
Heath Flora 209-599-2112 | 916-319-2009
Vince Fong 661-395-2995 | 916-319-2032
Joe Patterson 916-774-4430 | 916-319-2005

4th International Symposium on Vaccines in Germany (April 2016), Session 7: “Is There Objective Evidence that the Current HPV Vaccination Programs are not Justified?” (see video)
From the session’s conclusion:
Q: Is it ethical to put young women at risk of death or a disabling autoimmune disease at a pre-adolescent age for a vaccine that has not yet prevented a single case of cervical cancer, a disease that may develop 20-30 years after exposure to HPV, when the same can be prevented with regular Pap screening which carries no risks?
A: We don’t know if it can offer any long-term clinical benefit for a disease that is safely preventable through other methods.

Democrat legislators attack parents — again

Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 11:28 am | Randy Thomasson

Watch the debate where 4 Republicans spoke against and 8 Democrats spoke in support of AB 665 (starts 1:25:26, ends 1:51:28)

When the 80-member California State Assembly returned from its 10-day, taxpayer-funded “Spring Recess,” the bill the Democrats made sure to pass was eliminating parental consent for “mental health counseling” for their own child.

I want to publicly commend the four Republicans who stood up to expose the wrong of this bill. They were James Gallagher, Joe Patterson, Devon Mathis, and Tom Lackey. Yet AB 665 still passed after twice as many Democrats stood up to essentially say children know better than parents.

See the updated analysis of AB 665 at our Legislation Center

Yet this blatantly anti-family bill could have lost more votes if all, or nearly all, of the Republicans had stood to say something. I wish more Republicans had stood up to say:

  • “Why not allow children ages 11, 10, 9, 8, or 7 to consent?”
  • “Under your bill, is there any way a parent can prevent their 12-year-old child from being removed and placed into a ‘residential shelter’?”
  • “If a child independently consents to be placed in a ‘residential shelter,’ will the child’s parent be notified?”
  • “What legal safeguards are there to prevent non-family adults manipulating or coercing children to ‘consent’?”
  • “If parents are legally responsible for their own children, it’s wrong to separate their rights from their responsibility — this bill erases parents.”

It wasn’t just a failure that more Democrats spoke than Republicans, but that half of the 18-member Assembly Republican Caucus actually abstained on voting: Phillip Chen, Laurie Davies, Bill Essayli, Heath Flora, Josh Hoover, Jim Patterson, Kate Sanchez, Marie Waldron, and Greg Wallis. This is a significant lack of conviction!


1. Thank the 4 Republicans who spoke for parents and against AB 655. Ask them to keep exposing the Democrats on the floor: James Gallagher (916-319-2003), Joe Patterson (916-319-2005), Devon Mathis (916-319-2033), and Tom Lackey (916-319-2034).

2. Call the 14 Republicans who were silent on AB 665. Tell them they need to speak up to expose anti-family bills (their voices are worth more than their votes): Juan Alanis (916-319-2022), Phillip Chen (916-319-2059), Megan Dahle (916-319-2001), Laurie Davies (916-319-2074), Diane Dixon (916-319-2072), Bill Essayli (916-319-2063), Vince Fong (916-319-2032), Heath Flora (916-319-2009), Josh Hoover (916-319-2007), Jim Patterson (916-319-2008), Kate Sanchez (916-319-2071), Tri Ta (916-319-2070), Marie Waldron (916-319-2075), and Greg Wallis (916-319-2047).

The way of the wicked is like darkness;
They do not know what makes them stumble.
Proverbs 4:19

He devises wickedness on his bed;
He sets himself in a way that is not good;
He does not abhor evil.
Psalm 36:4

There is a way that seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death.
Proverbs 16:25