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Archives for the ‘California Bills’ Category

At the State Capitol protesting the tyrannical AB 2943

Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 7:23 pm | Randy Thomasson

It was great to see several hundred people who came to California’s State Capitol on June 12 to protest AB 2943. It was another rare opportunity for people of faith to see the evil of the Democrat-dominated State Legislature, and to exercise their love for others.

As you know, the tyrannical AB 2943, authored by perverse Democrats, would prohibit counseling for anyone who wants out of homosexuality or transsexuality, and would threaten religious entities if they sold a book or DVD or tickets to an event about helping people escape out of the sexual bondage of homosexuality or transsexuality.

In committee, I stood in a long line of opponents to AB 2943 and told the committee and the bill’s main author, homosexual activist Democrat Evan Low, that “We oppose this bill that discriminates against and denies ‘LGBT’ people’s personal rights to seek self-improvement.”

Earlier, I had given a powerful article to the two Republican senators on the committee, through their staffers and the sergeant-at-arms. The article is called 4 Reasons Even Liberals Should Oppose California’s Gay Therapy Ban. On a post-it note to the two senators, I asked them to hand the article to the five Democrats who sit with them on the committee.

What’s more, in a news advisory prior to the hearing, I told the media that “AB 2943 unfairly discriminates against gays and lesbians whose ‘sexual orientation’ is ‘fluid’ and who want a difference in their lives. Don’t deny people their basic right to choose self-improvement. AB 2943 is anti-choice, anti-free speech, and anti-religious freedom. Every liberty-loving person should oppose this un-American bill.”

At the same time AB 2943 was being heard, so was another horrible bill from the Democrats. SB 320 would require CSU and UC campuses to issue abortion pills to young women (hurting the woman and killing the baby). I joined others who spoke out, saying, “SB 320 lacks medical safeguards for inducing chemical abortions, which often involve negative side effects. This bill is pushing an unfunded liability upon our state colleges and universities.”

Now for the bottom line. I believe these awful Democrat bills, and their other bad bills, have a very high chance of passing the Democrat-controlled California Legislature and going to Governor Jerry Brown. The Democrat legislators don’t care how many people oppose the tyrannical “LGBT” agenda — because they support it. And the Democrats don’t care how many people oppose abortion — because they love it.

Therefore, one of the very best things you can do this election season is to tell your friends what the Democrat politicians are doing. Open their eyes, and you may end up changing their votes.

If AB 2943 is signed into law, there need to be well-crafted lawsuits to overturn it in federal court as the unconstitutional beast that it is. And if SB 320 becomes law, it’ll be yet another reason to keep your impressionable daughters out of CSU and UC — otherwise they could be handed dangerous abortion pills.

Yes, we must be faithful and we must try at every opportunity to defeat evil. If you wish, please leave a message for Jerry Brown. In two separate calls, urge him to veto AB 2943 and SB 320. You can call (916) 445-2841 Monday through Friday, 9 to 5.

“The world is a dangerous place to live;
not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
Albert Einstein, famous physicist (1879-1955)

15 Californians die from mudslides caused by Democrat negligence

Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 4:04 pm | Randy Thomasson

By now you’ve probably heard about at least 15 Californians killed (latest is 19 people dead) by rocks and mud that slid down from the fire-ravaged, denuded Santa Ynez Mountains above Montecito, just south of Santa Barbara. True compassion will motivate us to protect other Californians by doing our utmost to prevent more death and destruction.

Of course, the mudslides wouldn’t have happened except for the huge “Thomas Fire” above Montecito, which was one of dozens of cataclysmic wildfires in California in December.

Stop and realize there were 9,133 separate wildfires in California in 2017. That official number is amazing and wholly unacceptable. Easily more than 10,000 structures wiped out. None of these fires were caused by lighting, were they? Nearly all were man-made.

Oh, you’ll see “cause unknown” in the official reports, and you’ll suspect that downed power lines caused the devastating “Tubbs Fires” in Santa Rosa in October. There’s also suspicion that the “Creek Fire” above Sylmar was sparked by “a snapped line on a high-voltage transmission tower.”

Yet the much-videoed “Skirball Fire” near Bel Air was determined by L.A. County’s arson unit to be neglectful cooking at a “homeless encampment.” So that’s man-made. If we subtract 2 fires caused by power lines and 1 fire caused by a neglectful transient, there are still 9,131 separate wildfires unaccounted for! All these wildfires in 2017 — who or what caused them?

I say it’s time to admire Smokey the Bear and remind people, “Remember, only you can prevent forest fires.” Indeed, it’s high time for both Left and Right in California to demand that the ruling Democrat prevent wildfires. Don’t tolerate Jerry Brown and Democrat legislators neglectfully blaming “climate change” instead of caring for California families!

Here are ideas for new laws that could help:

1. Impose new stiff penalties, including prison time, for people who cause wildfires either through neglect or pyromania. Since uncaring transients and evil boys are likely perpetrators of most of the California wildfires, every government “homeless” agency needs to hand pamphlets to every transient they see and every government school must drum into the heads of children why we need to “love our neighbor” and why setting fires is wrong. Church schools can and should add fear of God and that God is watching.

2. Purchase many more planes and helicopters that can fight wildfires better and faster. This can be done using existing funds, but liberals are loathe to cut government waste, aren’t they? Republican state legislators should introduce bills cutting waste, fraud, and abuse and spend the saved money on a new wildfire “air force” for California. Even if the ruling Democrats kill these Republican bills, the Republicans could publicly pressure the Democrats to come up with their own bill to buy more planes and copters and station them in high-risk areas of the state.

3. Pass a new law requiring a wide-enough barrier between hillside homes and wild brush to stop the spread of flames and sparks. Since wind-borne sparks can jump freeways, the barrier needs to be at least that wide. A wide-enough width must be studied, because people and their property matter more than weeds and wildbrush. Any Democrat politician who bows to opposition environmental groups on this is not a “public servant.”

Any other ideas? Bottom line, Californians of all political stripes need to demand that our elected officials PREVENT wildfires in the future, and stop irresponsibly excusing themselves because the official fire report reads “cause unknown.”

As many as 90 percent of wildland fires in the United States are caused by humans. Some human-caused fires result from campfires left unattended, the burning of debris, negligently discarded cigarettes and intentional acts of arson. The remaining 10 percent are started by lightning or lava.
Wildfire Causes, U.S Dept. of the Interior

‘Christians’ are helping perverse bills pass

Thursday, October 6, 2016, 12:53 pm | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

I never thought I’d see the day when professing Christians help anti-Christian bills pass.

But that’s what happened with some of the worst, anti-family bills of the year in California.

When Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, signed SB 1146 to initiate State control over religious matters on religious property, favoring the unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, tyrannical homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda over constitutional religious freedom, he could only do it because the presidents of six large “Christian” colleges in California had dropped their opposition and instead supported this unprecedented, unconstitutional, subjective bill.

These “Christian” universities supporting the amended SB 1146 were Azusa Pacific, Biola, Cal Baptist, Point Loma Nazarene, Westmont, and William Jessup. Together, they issued a statement saying they “appreciate” and are “grateful” to homosexual activist and SB 1146 author Ricardo Lara, even saying they “look forward to working with Sen. Lara…to strengthen this partnership.”

genderneutralrestroomsign2And when Gov. Brown signed AB 1732 to tear down “men,” “women,” “boys,” and “girls” signs, and replace them with pro-transsexuality “all gender” signs at single-user restrooms at every business, including home businesses, and every church school, religious daycare center or religious senior home, etc., it was because some professing Christians supported this intrusive bill, empowering it to pass.

In the California State Assembly, Republican Catharine Baker of Dublin voted “yes” for both AB 1732 and SB 1146. Yet Baker has publicly said she’s a “Christian” and has been a Sunday school teacher at San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church.

And in the California State Senate, Republican Anthony Cannella of Ceres is known as a professing “Christian” to locals and also to reporters. But Cannella spoke in favor of and voted for AB 1732 to force small and home businesses and church schools to replace “men” and “women” signs with “all-gender” signs at single-user restrooms.

Yet in California’s pro-family community, the most shocking support for AB 1732 came from a pro-family legal organization leader, who said the bill “makes a lot of sense,” that he say “nothing with laws” like AB 1732, that he would not oppose it, and commended the bill for being “sensitive to many transgendered people.”

What’s the upshot of all this? Pastors who preach and individuals who teach must purposefully strive to a) hold people in leadership positions accountable to biblical sexual standards, b) teach separateness from evil (holiness), c) warn against partnering with evil people, d) condemn political prostitution, and e) urge people to vote for candidates with proven moral-values integrity.

Because sadly, these dark days, a “Christian” who won’t “compromise” seems a rarity.

The harm of SB 1146 | SB 1146 votes
The harm of AB 1732 | AB 1732 votes

Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
1 Corinthians 15:33

Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?
2 Corinthians 6:14-16