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Archives for the ‘California Bills’ Category

STOP the amended SB 1146, which still harms religious freedom

Monday, August 15, 2016, 7:52 am | Randy Thomasson

UPDATE — Tuesday, August 23, 10 am: Please call Sacramento RIGHT NOW because the Assembly floor vote on the amended SB 1146 could be Tuesday.

Be glad that SaveCalifornia.com has delivered to state assemblymembers the awful truth about the amended SB 1146. If you can back us up — please leave brief messages to their office right now and ask staffers to take your message to the floor, which is in session.

Your immediate help is especially needed because homosexual activists are urging a yes vote on SB 1146.

Please continue calling your own assemblymember and the deciding votes to urge defeat of the unconstitutional, subjective, and oppressive SB 1146. SCROLL DOWN FOR PHONE NUMBERS.

SB1146asAmended081916stillharmsreligiousfreedom_082016See our analyses of the amended SB 1146 and why is still harms religious freedom:

NEW Analysis: SB 1146 as amended August 19
How the Amended SB 1146 violates the First Amendment
“Separation of Church and State” means no State interference


Status: The amended SB 1146 is on the Assembly floor and can be voted on as soon as August 22.

Needed to win: In the 80-member Assembly, it takes 41 votes to pass bills. If no Republican supports SB 1146 and at least 12 Democrats refuse to support it, the bill will be defeated.

red-arrowWHAT TO SAY: Leave a short voicemail message at their Capitol office (and also, if you can, their district office). Just say: “Please oppose the amended SB 1146. The August 19 amendments still harm religious freedom by giving the State subjective and unconstitutional control over religious colleges. Oppose the amended SB 1146 — this bill is still bad!”

Find the Capitol phone numbersorange-1-hi for your own state assemblymember and state senator. Call them right now. These are the only legislators for whom you should identify yourself.


number-2-orange-mdLeave VOICEMAILS for the deciding votes on the Assembly floor from 6pm to 8am Pacific Time. This is when no person answers the phone in legislators’ offices. IMPORTANT: Don’t identify yourself — not your name or where you live — just leave the suggested message on the voicemail urging them to vote NO on the amended SB 1146:

5 pro-‘LGBT’ Republicans:

  • Catharine Baker of Walnut Creek/San Ramon/Pleasanton/Livermore (916) 319-2016 and (925) 328-1515
  • Brian Maienschein of north San Diego/Rancho Santa Fe/Poway (916) 319-2077 and (858) 675-0077
  • David Hadley of Torrance/Gardena/Redondo Beach/Palos Verdes (916) 319-2066 and (310) 375-0691
  • Ling Ling Chang is running to represent state Senate district 29 (Walnut, Rowland Heights, Diamond Bar, Chino Hills, Yorba Linda, Placentia, Brea, La Habra, Fullerton, Anaheim, Stanton, Cypress) (916) 319-2055 and (714) 529-5502
  • Young Kim of Fullerton, Buena Park, Cypress, Stanton (916) 319-2065 and (714) 521-6505

24 Democrats who MIGHT be persuaded:

  • Adam Gray of Modesto/Merced (916) 319-2021 and (209) 521-2111 and (209) 726-5465
  • Joaquin Arambula of Fresno County (916) 319-2031 and (559) 445-5532
  • Cheryl Brown of San Bernardino/Rialto/Fontana (916) 319-2047 and (909) 381-3238 and (909) 350-7646
  • Patty Lopez of San Fernando/Sunland-Tujunga (916) 319-2039 and (818) 365-2464
  • Ken Cooley of Rancho Cordova/Carmichael/Citrus Heights (916) 319-2008 and (916) 464-1910
  • Tom Daly of Anaheim/Santa Ana (916) 319-2069 and (714) 939-8469
  • Sebastian Ridley-Thomas of Culver City/Ladera Heights (916) 319-2054 and (310) 342-1070
  • Freddie Rodriguez of Pomona/Ontario/Chino (916) 319-2052 and (909) 902-9606
  • Rudy Salas of Kern and Kings counties (916) 319-2032 and (661) 335-0302 and (559) 585-7170
  • Miguel Santiago of Downtown L.A./Koreatown/Huntington Park (916) 319-2053 and (213) 620-4646
  • Eduardo Garcia of Palm Springs area and Imperial County (916) 319-2056 and (760) 347-2360 and (760) 355-8656
  • Mike Gatto of Glendale/Burbank (916) 319-2043 and (818) 558-3043
  • Mike Gipson of Willowbrook/Compton/Carson (916) 319-2064 and (310) 324-6408
  • Shirley Weber of San Diego, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, Otay Ranch (916) 319-2079 and (619) 531-7913
  • Jimmy Gomez of Eagle Rock / Chinatown / East L.A. (916) 319-2051 and (213) 483-5151
  • Das Williams of Ventura, Santa Paula, and most of Santa Barbara County (916) 319-2051 and (805) 564-1649 and (805) 641-370
  • Lorena Gonzalez of Chula Vista, National City, south San Diego (916) 319-2080 and (619) 338-8090
  • Susan Bonilla of Concord/Pittsburg/Vallejo (916) 319-2014 and (925) 521-1511
  • Ed Chau of Monterey Park/Temple City/El Monte/Arcadia/San Marino (916) 319-2049 and (323) 264-4949
  • Roger Hernandez of West Covina//Baldwin Park/Azusa/Glendora (916) 319-2048 and (626) 960-4457
  • Chris Holden of Pasadena/Monrovia/San Dimas/Upland (916) 319-2041 and (626) 351-1917 and (909) 624-7876
  • Jacqui Irwin of Thousand Oaks/Camarillo/Oxnard (916) 319-2044 and (805) 482-1904 and (805) 483-4488
  • Patrick O’Donnell (916) 319-2070 (562) 429-0470 (310) 548-6420 Long Beach, San Pedro, part of Lakewood
  • Luis Alejo (916) 319-2030 (831) 759-8676 Monterey and San Benito counties plus Watsonville, Gilroy and Morgan Hill

adams_sIt does not take a majority to prevail … but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
Samuel Adams, “Father of the American Revolution”

4 bills that God hates (and you should too)

Saturday, June 18, 2016, 1:15 pm | Randy Thomasson


Because California voters are increasingly foolish and immoral, their Democrat-controlled State Legislature, to the detriment of children and adults, is attacking God’s design of human life and His creation of two distinct sexes — male and female. According to the Bible, God hates these bad bills — and you should too.

See why homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality
are unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, and tyrannical

AB 1732ladybathroomstall: Abolishes “men,” “women,” “boys” and “girls” single-user restrooms, naming them “all gender” instead; tramples religious freedom and private property rights; endangers women and girls
Status: Senate Transportation and Housing Committee hearing on Tuesday, June 21 at 1:30 pm in Room 4203
Action: Call the 11 committee members to urge them to “OPPOSE AB 1732”

SB 1146protectreligiousfreedom: Forces Christian colleges to promote homosexuality and transsexuality in admissions and hiring unless they specifically and publicly oppose it in their publications and postings on campus. SB 1146 tramples religious freedom and admits it. The official analysis of SB 1146 states, “This bill narrows the religious exemption afforded to these institutions, and requires disclosure of such exemption.”
Status: Assembly Higher Education Committee hearing on Tuesday, June 21 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 437
Action: Call the 13 committee members and urge, “OPPOSE SB 1146”

HR 54infantgirlandboy (Assembly) and SR 79 (Senate): Officially celebrates “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month.” Last year, 16 Republicans and the Democrats voted for this anti-family resolution.
Status: On the Assembly floor for a vote anytime
Action: Call your own state assemblymember AND state senator, especially if they’re Republican. Urge assemblymembers to “OPPOSE HR 54” and state senator to “OPPOSE SR 79” (Note: “Republican” Ling Ling Chang of Diamond Bar already voted yes in committee)

AB 2531eggandsperm: Creates a new “human” market; permits young women to be paid for their ovarian eggs without being informed how this often leads to physical and psychological damage. AB 2531 would repeal the ban on payment to women for their oocytes (egg cells) if they were used for research. Two big reasons for the ban are: 1) the lack of data on the long-term effects on donors from ovarian stimulation involved in egg extraction, and 2) embryos produced from oocytes for research are human beings who are ultimately killed.
Status: Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on Monday, June 27 at 10 a.m. in Room 4203
Action: Call the 7 committee members and urge “OPPOSE AB 2531”

God’s Perfect Knowledge of Man
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.
O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You know my sitting down and my rising up;
You understand my thought afar off.
You comprehend my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word on my tongue,
But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.
You have hedged me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it.Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
Even there Your hand shall lead me,
And Your right hand shall hold me.
If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,”
Even the night shall be light about me;
Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You,
But the night shines as the day;
The darkness and the light are both alike to You.For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;
When I awake, I am still with You.Oh, that You would slay the wicked, O God!
Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men.
For they speak against You wickedly;
Your enemies take Your name in vain.
Do I not hate them, O Lord, who hate You?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
I hate them with perfect hatred;
I count them my enemies.
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me, and know my anxieties;
And see if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.

Pro-family Californians, unite for what’s right!

Saturday, April 9, 2016, 4:57 pm | Randy Thomasson

If you’ve been tracking with SaveCalifornia.com lately, you know it’s been a hard-working two weeks serving you and your moral values.

In fact, we’ve has been so busy, we haven’t mailed out any updates on what your financial help has been doing and how you can do even more good as we persevere for righteousness.

If you want God’s design of marriage, family, and gender to be lifted up, not torn down, will you stand with me today with a gift of $10? Together, we can shine the light of truth that heals and protects — in California.

I appreciate you wonderful moral values and especially for you kindness if you’ve donated to SaveCalifornia.com recently. You are on a winning team! Because whenever you stand for what’s right in God’s sight, it’s a success — no matter the outcome.

In the last two weeks, your moral and family values have been championed in these three important areas:



1. “All gender” bathrooms: First, transsexuals want to eliminate man/woman differences for all single-person restrooms (AB 1732). Then, once the younger generation is desensitized, “sex change” activists will push for every multi-person restroom to be “all gender” too. It will the abolition of natural gender and will make restrooms dangerous places.

On behalf of you and your family, I was the only one to testify against AB 1732 in committee. I sorely wish others were there. Now is the time for pro-family Californians to rise up, because this radical bill can and should be defeated.

Will you help SaveCalifornia.com today with a gift of $10 or more — to help fight to protect man-woman distinction — and to strongly oppose the tyrannical and unhealthy transsexual agenda that’s harming everybody? Please give to SaveCalifornia.com today


youngboy2. “LGBT” indoctrination in schools: In California, there are 10 K-12 government school laws teaching children as young as kindergarten that homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, and heterosexual fornication at “a ready age” are good, natural, and maybe even for them.

Because children and families matter in the sight of God, SaveCalifornia.com is faithfully serving you and your family by urging parents to protect their children from the perverse “Day of Silence” on April 15 and “Harvey Milk [Gay] Day” the week prior to May 22.

Please stand with me and SaveCalifornia.com to warn parents and grandparents and wake them up to reality. They desperately need to recognize the threat and rescue their children from sexual indoctrination!

On these two upcoming days and, if possible, 365 days a year. Will you help us reach California parents who need to see, hear, know, and take action? Please donate to SaveCalifornia.com here




3. Truth about the Republican presidential candidates: If you hunger and thirst for a new President of the United States of America that God can bless, you’ll going to like our one-of-a-kind Report Card on the Natural Family.

SaveCalfornia.com’s and SaveAmerica.com’s accurate, fair, and documented Report Card shows that Donald Trump supports much of, John Kasich part of, and Ted Cruz none of the “LGBT” political agenda.

And now that pro-family Californians can decide who does or doesn’t become the Republican nominee, it’s imperative that more people see our Report Card before they vote, on or before June 7. Will you shine your light with us in this historic presidential contest for our nation? Please donate to SaveCalifornia.com now

Thank you for your generous donation of any size, which is tax-deductible. You need SaveCalfornia.com and we need you. Because together, we’re stronger and can reach more people with God’s beneficial truth! Thank you for donating $10 or more today.

Finally, if you haven’t had the pleasure of being thoughtfully energized by what I said while hosting conservative talk radio in Modesto and Stockton on March 28, you can still hear it: Hour 1 | Hour 2 | Hour 3. God helped me speak, so enjoy listening!

Everywhere possible, SaveCalifornia.com and you can make a difference for the love of God and people. Let’s have the ethic of “help where needed.” Thank you for standing with us for the best values the world has ever known!


Now when Moses saw that the people were unrestrained (for Aaron had not restrained them, to their shame among their enemies), 26 then Moses stood in the entrance of the camp, and said, “Whoever is on the Lord’s side—come to me!” And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together to him.

Exodus 32:25-26