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Archives for the ‘California Bills’ Category

Sign the petition to repeal SB 277, forced vaccines

Saturday, August 8, 2015, 1:35 pm | Randy Thomasson


I’m not a fan of referenda (plural for a single referendum). They’re the weakest of all of California ballot measures, the differences being:

1. A referendum passed on the ballot (if enough people vote “no,” a referendum succeeds) repeals an unpopular state law. However, the California Legislature can amend or repeal a referendum the day after it succeeds at the ballot. If a referendum were pro-life on abortion or against sexual perversity, I have no doubt that the Democrat-controlled Legislature would try to repeal it with a simple majority vote.

2. In contrast, a statutory initiative overrides the Legislature and can only be amended or repealed by California voters or judicial activists at the California Supreme Court. (And count on judicial activists to try to defeat abortion/marriage/sex ballot measures whenever they can.)

3. Strongest of all is a state constitutional amendment which is over the State Legislature and the state courts, which even the California Supreme Court cannot (or should not) override. Therefore, I only recommend constitutional amendments for anything dealing with abortion (like parental notification for abortion) or sex (such as banning transsexual bathrooms).

However, there is one referendum currently collecting signatures to achieve the 2016 ballot that I strongly support — and I urge you to support it too. Because God-given parental rights, religious freedom, medical freedom, and children’s special needs matter. That’s why we need to repeal the anti-parent SB 277. See why I hate SB 277 and why you should too, whether you’re pro- or anti-vaccine.

So, if this good SB 277 referendum gathers enough signatures to qualify for the ballot, the bad forced-vaccine law that kicks children out of school, even church schools, unless parental abandon their consciences on controversial vaccines, will be placed on hold pending a vote of the People in November 2016.

And if a majority of Californians vote “no” in 2016 (that’s how referenda work — you have to vote “no” to repeal an unpopular law), the anti-parent, anti-religious freedom, anti-medical freedom SB 277 will be repealed. At that point, I don’t think the Legislature would undo it, even though they could. Because even some Democrats oppose forcing vaccinations into the bodies of children and adults.


Learn about the SB 277 referendum and watch a video by proponent Tim Donnelly

Sign the petition at a location near you and pick up petitions to collect more signatures

Thank you for signing a petition and helping others to sign. This month of August is crucial for you, your family members, your friends, and your church congregation to sign petitions to repeal SB 277!

Given that the general public doesn’t accept that vaccines can injure and yet, there are so many stories about vaccine-injured children, I decided to start a list stories written by parents of their child’s vaccine injury. This is only the very tip of the iceberg…
“Stories of vaccine injured children,” Health Impact News


Join the fight for parents’ rights and informed consent

Monday, March 30, 2015, 6:00 pm | Randy Thomasson


If you’re like me, sometimes you don’t even watch the news because it’s so one-sided. But sometimes, when SaveCalifornia.com seizes the opportunity, the news can be one-sided…for parental rights!

Enjoy these two Sacramento-area news reports from March 25 featuring parents of vaccine-injured, autistic children, along with Dr. Robert Rowen, in front of the State Capitol:

Fox40 | News10

Then, please pick up the phone and urge these key senators to oppose the anti-parents’-rights, anti-informed-consent bills, SB 277 and SB 392.

Thank you for all who support our Campaign for Children and Families, as we stand true for parental rights, constitutional rights, and basic human rights.

No man is good enough to govern another man, without that other’s consent.
I say this is the leading principle—the sheet anchor of American republicanism.

Abraham Lincoln in 1854

Make this 1 phone call for LIFE

Thursday, March 12, 2015, 12:49 pm | Randy Thomasson


Is innocent human life sacred? Should doctors be able to kill any patients?

If you answered YES to the first question and NO to the second, please make this 1 phone call right now.

You are needed to oppose the Democrat state legislators’ bill, SB 128. This very bad bill would permit California physicians to prescribe deadly drugs to so-called “terminal” patients. Don’t let California become the Suicide State!

1. Call your own state senator’s State Capitol and district office too (the bill will be voted on first in the State Senate).

Enter your address here to find your California state legislators,
then click your state senator’s web page
On the senator’s home page there are phone numbers or a tab with phone numbers

Leave a message such as, “Please vote NO on SB 128. Patients don’t need to be killed with a deadly drug, they deserve counseling, referrals to natural medicine physicians, and pain management if needed. Suicide is not the answer to anyone’s problems, and suicide is not something the State of California should ever promote.”

2. Want to do more? Call the members of the Senate Health Committee which is scheduled to decide SB 128 on March 25. The bill needs 5 votes to pass the 9-member committee, so please especially call the 3 undecided Democrats (marked with **) and the 2 Republicans on the committee (marked with *):

Senator Ed Hernandez (Chair) SD22 (coauthor of SB 128)
*Senator Janet Nguyen (Vice Chair) SD34
Senator Isadore Hall, III SD35 (coauthor of SB 128)
**Senator Holly J. Mitchell SD30
Senator Bill Monning SD17 (coauthor of SB 128)
*Senator Jim Nielsen SD04
**Senator Richard Pan SD06
**Senator Richard D. Roth SD31
Senator Lois Wolk SD03 (coauthor of SB 128)

3. Have a business, organization, ministry, or school? Add your name to the official list of SB 128 opponents that all the committee members see. You can help make this a long list! Fax your one- or two-page opposition letter on your business, organization, ministry, or school letterhead to the Senate Health Committee office at 916-266-9438 before noon March 18. Don’t have a fax? You can also email your opposition letter to Teri.Boughton@sen.ca.gov.

Your letter can include relevant talking points you agree with in SaveCalifornia.com’s Jan. 21 news release or Life Priority’s March 9 alert. The point is that it’s on your official letterhead, with your signature and your title at the end of it, and following this general format at the top:

March 12, 2015

The Honorable Ed Hernandez
Chair, Senate Health Committee
State Capitol, Room 2191
Sacramento, CA 95814


Dear Senator Hernandez,

_____________________ (name of business, organization, ministry, school) opposes SB 128…

* * *

(After faxing the committee at 916-266-9438, please also fax your letter to SaveCalifornia.com at 916-848-3456 or paste your email in our web form. Thank you!)

I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.
Hippocratic Oath