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Archives for the ‘Ballot’ Category

Sign the petition to repeal SB 277, forced vaccines

Saturday, August 8, 2015, 1:35 pm | Randy Thomasson


I’m not a fan of referenda (plural for a single referendum). They’re the weakest of all of California ballot measures, the differences being:

1. A referendum passed on the ballot (if enough people vote “no,” a referendum succeeds) repeals an unpopular state law. However, the California Legislature can amend or repeal a referendum the day after it succeeds at the ballot. If a referendum were pro-life on abortion or against sexual perversity, I have no doubt that the Democrat-controlled Legislature would try to repeal it with a simple majority vote.

2. In contrast, a statutory initiative overrides the Legislature and can only be amended or repealed by California voters or judicial activists at the California Supreme Court. (And count on judicial activists to try to defeat abortion/marriage/sex ballot measures whenever they can.)

3. Strongest of all is a state constitutional amendment which is over the State Legislature and the state courts, which even the California Supreme Court cannot (or should not) override. Therefore, I only recommend constitutional amendments for anything dealing with abortion (like parental notification for abortion) or sex (such as banning transsexual bathrooms).

However, there is one referendum currently collecting signatures to achieve the 2016 ballot that I strongly support — and I urge you to support it too. Because God-given parental rights, religious freedom, medical freedom, and children’s special needs matter. That’s why we need to repeal the anti-parent SB 277. See why I hate SB 277 and why you should too, whether you’re pro- or anti-vaccine.

So, if this good SB 277 referendum gathers enough signatures to qualify for the ballot, the bad forced-vaccine law that kicks children out of school, even church schools, unless parental abandon their consciences on controversial vaccines, will be placed on hold pending a vote of the People in November 2016.

And if a majority of Californians vote “no” in 2016 (that’s how referenda work — you have to vote “no” to repeal an unpopular law), the anti-parent, anti-religious freedom, anti-medical freedom SB 277 will be repealed. At that point, I don’t think the Legislature would undo it, even though they could. Because even some Democrats oppose forcing vaccinations into the bodies of children and adults.


Learn about the SB 277 referendum and watch a video by proponent Tim Donnelly

Sign the petition at a location near you and pick up petitions to collect more signatures

Thank you for signing a petition and helping others to sign. This month of August is crucial for you, your family members, your friends, and your church congregation to sign petitions to repeal SB 277!

Given that the general public doesn’t accept that vaccines can injure and yet, there are so many stories about vaccine-injured children, I decided to start a list stories written by parents of their child’s vaccine injury. This is only the very tip of the iceberg…
“Stories of vaccine injured children,” Health Impact News


Why it’s more than OK to leave the California Republican Party

Tuesday, March 3, 2015, 8:05 pm | Randy Thomasson

gay republicans DR

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

By now, you’ve probably heard that the California Republican Party, for all practical purposes, has embraced the “LGBT” agenda. How? Despite their now-nearly-meaningless pro-family platform for man-woman marriage and against the homosexual agenda (which I helped draft years ago), the state GOP has officially partnered with the pro-homosexuality-bisexuality-transsexuality “Log Cabin” group, making them an official chapter of the state party.

It’s another downward slide for California’s “Grand Old Party” that’s already been redefined by pro-“LGBT” Republicans Arnold Schwarzenegger and Neel Kashkari, and by some Republican state legislators who voted pro-perversity but still got re-elected. Add to this Republican governors nationwide who are derelict of duty by permitting unconstitutional, homosexual “marriages.”

Some of you already know I left the Republican Party in 2003 when Arnold Schwarzenegger became its standard-bearer. Early in the recall election, I knew he was in favor of killing preborn babies with taxpayer dollars and that he supported nearly all of the harmful “LGBT” agenda (revealing in his 2nd term that he embraced ALL of it). And then he championed a big tax hike. Why did I cancel my party membership? Because I didn’t want my character to keep compromising, sliding down — and dumbing down.

And now, with California’s “jungle primary,” there’s no penalty for becoming an independent / decline to state / no party preference. You can vote for whomever you want — Republicans or Democrats or other — in the June primary election. You can vote, act, and speak on the issues and values you believe in– even when Republican leaders push the opposite.

So, for the sake of your principles and your moral character, there’s everything to gain and nothing to lose by declaring independence and leaving the major political parties behind. You can still vote and work for candidates of your own choosing. The Democratic Party joined the forces of wickedness a long time ago. Now the Republican Party is calling bad good, which should give you moral indigestion.

Ready to separate yourself from the perversity of the main political parties? You can reregister to vote here.

“I didn’t leave the Democratic party, the party left me.”
Ronald Reagan in 1962

The Walk for Life should inspire you to step up and step out

Monday, January 27, 2014, 1:52 am | Randy Thomasson


It was an impressive sight.

Some 60,000 pro-life Californians (and some from out of state) “walked for life” in San Francisco Saturday to bring attention to the plight of little humans in the womb — preborn babies who are scheduled for a torturous abortion death.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking. California is a very pro-abortion state because of average Democrat politicians and a handful of liberal Republican ones, so what’s the use? I’ll tell you what’s the use: the fruit of our actions is changed hearts and minds.

You see, the very public message of the San Francisco march and other public pro-life events up and down the state are reaching people with intact consciences … and changing them from ambivalence on abortion … to opposition to abortion.

What’s more, everyone who went public with their values improved their character by loving others and matching their words with their actions. And which one of us doesn’t desire to have integrity before God and man, and to grow inwardly? Now, step up and step out into the 2014 California election year — find candidates who match your values and volunteer for them!

See the dramatic photos from the Walk for Life West Coast

Listen to my latest SaveCalifornia.com Minute, “The personal growth that comes from moral activism”

Certainly every Christian ought to be praying and working to nullify the abominable abortion law. But as we work and pray, we should have in mind not only this important issue as though it stood alone. Rather, we should be struggling and praying that this whole other total entity “(this godless) worldview” can be rolled back with all its results across all of life.
Francis Schaeffer in A Christian Manifesto