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Needed: A conservative constitutional fighter

Sunday, October 22, 2023, 12:05 pm | Randy Thomasson

2ND UPDATE Tuesday Oct. 24: In tonight’s Republican caucus meeting, a fourth round of voting to choose a House speaker nominee. And, with 128 votes, Mike Johnson of Louisiana has the majority. Among all the speaker candidates so far, with Liberty Score of 74%, Mike Johnson is the 5th-most conservative (after Byron Donalds (100%), Jim Jordan (94%), Kevin Hern (82%), and Gary Palmer (80%). So will the RINOs finally fold and support Johnson?

UPDATE Tuesday Oct. 24: Today, RINO Tom Emmer (Majority Whip under former speaker Kevin McCarthy) won the majority vote of the Republican caucus. Yet it took four ballots, more Emmer and his moderate/liberal “Republican” allies expected. Then Emmer requested a roll call vote of Republicans and more than 20 conservative, moral-values Republicans said “no way” to Emmer’s left-leaning candidacy. So after 4 hours of hard questions in this private “town hall meeting,” Emmer ended his bid for speaker (see latest updates).

As soon as Wednesday, Oct. 25, another round — five Republicans will speak to the Republican caucus members about why they should be speaker. Among the five now running, can you spot the RINOs (Republicans in Name Only)? Hint: They have low grades on conservative, constitutional policies:

Byron Donalds of Florida
Liberty Score 100% (A grade)

Chuck Fleischmann of Tennessee
Liberty Score 56% (F grade)

Mark Green of Tennessee
Liberty Score 85% (B grade)

Mike Johnson of Louisiana
Liberty Score 74% (C grade)

Roger Williams of Texas
Liberty Score 76% (C grade)

Call your Republican U.S. Rep now at 202-225-3121 to demand Byron Donalds as speaker!

* * *

After rejecting both RINO Steve Scalise and pro-family constitutionalist Jim Jordan, the registered Republicans running the U.S. House of Representatives are now on “round three” of speaker candidates.

Demonstrating how this race is now wide open, there are several who have thrown their hats into the ring. On Friday, SaveCalifornia.com showed our social media followers the conservative moral/social/fiscal issues Liberty Scores of the speaker candidates:

Today’s update is Jodey Arrington of Texas is not running, but Gary Palmer of Alabama is. And among the Republican speaker candidates, Palmer has the third-highest Liberty Score — 80%. The Republican caucus is expected to hold internal votes as soon as this Tuesday.

UPDATE Monday, Oct. 23: RINO Republican Dan Meuser has dropped out.

Why do these scores, based on member’s actual votes, matter? Because we need a conservative constitutional fighter as the powerful Speaker of the House to: short-term, steadfastly stop all bad bills; mid-term, aggressively use the House’s investigatory powers to expose the Deep State, the Bidens, election fraud, and much more; and long-term, to help true conservatives (not RINOs) be elected.

TAKE QUICK ACTION: Call your own Republican U.S. Representative (if you have one), to say “Support a conservative constitutional fighter for speaker.” It would also be wise to name your top 1, 2, or 3 speaker picks, since at Tuesday’s private, internal meeting, there might be several ballots in an elimination process. Call 202-225-3121 and provide your zip code, or send an email via house.gov when you enter your zip code.

“We’re fighting against humanism, we’re fighting against liberalism…we are fighting against all the systems of Satan that are destroying our nation today…our battle is with Satan himself.”
Moral Majority founder Jerry Falwell (1933-2007)

‘Suspense’ over which awful Democrat bills will die in committee

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 9:21 am | Randy Thomasson
Will some downright devilish bills die this year — because of Gavin Newsom himself?

I’m asking the question because California’s uberliberal Democrat governor IS running for president (he’s waiting for the White House Occupant to drop out).
And, while relying on Americans’ short-term political memories, Newsom doesn’t want his opponents to seize upon one or more new radically-bad bills that he’s signed.

This might explain why Newsom’s Department of Finance is openly opposing several truly awful bills in the Legislature’s fiscal committees. And as a result, the Senate’s and Assembly’s Appropriations committees have sent a raft of radical Democrat bills that cost money to the “suspense file,” where these bills might quietly die and not go to Newsom.

These bills are on “suspense” because they cost money the State does not have (remember the Newsom administration has caused a $31.5 BILLION state budget deficit by driving some of the wealthiest Californians out of state).

Among the costly bills placed on “suspense” since the Legislature’s Aug. 14 return:

AB 5 forcing public-school employees into “LGBTQ cultural competency training”

AB 443 discriminating against moral/religious police officers and officer candidates

AB 659 pushing harmful Gardasil jabs upon junior highers and college students

AB 576 funding all Medi-Cal chemical abortions (on “suspense” since July 10)

AB 1078 taking away local control of school boards to make curriculum decisions

SB 58 promoting a raft of “hallucinogenic substances” as “recreational drugs”

SB 274 eliminating suspensions/expulsions of willfully defiant teens (grades 9-12)

SB 345 making California even more pro-abortion and pro-“sex changes” than ever

SB 407 punishing moral foster parents who don’t support “LGBTQIA+”

SB 541 requiring “internal and external condoms” be available in grades 9-12

SB 596 empowering liberal school boards to arrest “disorderly” parents at meetings

SB 729 requiring insurance to pay for artificial insemination of “gays” and “trans”

SB 760 forcing government schools, grades 1-12, to have an “all-gender restroom”

Now, any of these bills could escape committee by the approaching Sept. 1 deadline if the Appropriations Committee chairs in the Senate or Assembly want to dare Newsom to sign them. We won’t know after that day.

Yet it’s clear to me that Newsom’s huge budget shortfall and the fact that he’s running for president have created a “perfect storm” for some anti-family bills with price tags to fail.

That they may successfully do evil with both hands—
The prince asks for gifts,
The judge seeks a bribe,
And the great man utters his evil desire;
So they scheme together.
The Bible (Micah 7:3)

Who and what is ruining California?

Saturday, August 5, 2023, 10:03 am | Randy Thomasson

If you’ve ever wondered what’s ruining California, stop feeding the beast.

Do you know why people are moving out of California? Do you know what’s causing all the big problems? Democrat Party politicians have been in control of the California Legislature for more than sixty years, and in control of the governor’s office for more than 12 years now.

Don’t believe it? Democrat Party legislators have controlled the 40-member State Senate since 1957 (except for 1969-1970) and the 80-member State Assembly since 1959 (except for 1969-1970 and, for all practical purposes, in 1996).

What’s keeping these unloving, problem-causing, pain-increasing Democrats in power? Multi-millions in campaign spending by unions – both government and private unions – that’s what’s fueling Democrat victories year after year.

As reported in 2021 after Gavin Newsom “won” his recall election, “Organized labor donated at least $25.7 million — or more than one-third of the total the governor raised to keep his job. Unions, of course, have deep ties to the Democratic Party and a stake in nearly every aspect of state government.”

But fortunately, the First Amendment still stands, and there are U.S. Supreme Court rulings in favor of every union members who wants to stop paying for bad candidates and bad bills.

In the 1988 Beck decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled all union members can opt out of paying for a union’s partisan political activities.

And in the 2018 Janus decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that, under the First Amendment, government employees are entitled to work without paying union dues or agency fees.

You have strong, fundamental free-speech rights to not be coerced into supporting union politics. And your rights prevail despite the deceitful, domestic terrorism of union bosses trying to circumvent Janus.

Now that you’ve unpeeled the onion and found the rotten core, will you stop “feeding” and funding the beast?

See how to keep your job and resign from the union:

Sample union resignation letter for private sector employees
Sample union resignation letter
How to resign your union membership in California

In 2011, Andy Stern, former president of the Services Employees International Union (SEIU), admitted that unions have Marxist roots. “In the ’30s,” he said, “people didn’t want us to exist. We had to do sit-down strikes . . . we had socialist and communist tendencies. We grew up, to speak in Marxist terms, in a world with a lot more class struggle.” Modern Marxists, for their part, feel a similar warmth towards unions—they say that unions are useful to their goals, but not radical enough.
The Real History of Unions: Violent Communist Agitation, March 28, 2022