Saturday, May 25, 2019, 10:38 am | Randy Thomasson
June 6, 2019 update — Bakersfield City Council approves “In God We Trust” on police and fire vehicles! See more on this significant win on’s Facebook page.
And despite legal challenges by atheists, the federal appellate courts have upheld “In God We Trust” as completely constitutional (as they should — a no-brainer).
On April 2, Pastor David Vivas of Delano (a city near the north border of Kern County) spearheaded the Delano city council’s approval of “In God We Trust” on the sides of police vehicles. The city council approved the idea and decals are being designed now.
There are more than 100 California cities and counties that already have “In God We Trust” prominently displayed either on one, some, or all of their local government buildings. Our national motto on police vehicles is as constitutional as “In God We Trust” on our money.
Then, on May 22 in Bakersfield, Pastor Angelo Frazier and City Councilwoman Jacquie Sullivan led the way to put a vote for “In God We Trust” on city police vehicles on the June 5 Bakersfield city council agenda. Atheists, who hate “In God We Trust” on U.S. currency, spoke against it.
Right now, your voice of support for “In God We Trust” is needed so Creator God’s Name can be publicly honored. makes it simple to take action:
It’s easy for you to email the 7 Bakersfield city councilmembers. Without revealing where you live, simply click this link to send a pre-written email (which you can edit), reading:
Please vote YES to approve “In God We Trust” decals on the sides of police vehicles in the City of Bakersfield. It’s our national motto, it’s on Bakersfield city buildings, and it’s a much-needed message in our culture today. People young and old will benefit, as will our public servants who are sworn to uphold the law for the good of everyone. Please vote in favor of this worthy proposal to honor our national motto, which, in turn, honors the Creator of us all. Thank you.
And if you live within the city limits of Bakersfield, please also call the city council main phone number at 661-326-3767. You can easily leave a brief voicemail, saying, “This is for all seven councilmembers,” then deliver the rest of your message, saying “Councilmembers,” (then read the pre-written message or use your own words). You can also call during the week to leave live messages with city staff (which could be more complicated). Please do what you can to stir up more calls of support in Bakersfield, in church congregations and from others who share your values. Remember, the city council will vote on June 5.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:13–14
Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 10:40 am | Randy Thomasson
Why do we have crime and corruption in our society? Ultimately, it’s because of people who don’t fear their Creator and Judge. This is why most crimes happen when a perpetrator thinks no one is watching.
So rejoice that a California city has approved “In God We Trust” for police cars!
On April 2, the City of Delano, which is one of 136 California cities and counties that already have “In God We Trust” on their main buildings, voted to also display the United States of America’s national motto on the sides of police vehicles in their 53,000-population city, just inside the northern border of Kern County.
The driving force behind the council vote to honor God on police vehicles was Delano pastor David Vivas. “I’ve read where law enforcement agencies in other states have done this,” said Vivas, who teaches at World Harvest International Church. “As a patriotic American, I believe this is appropriate to have these decals placed on police vehicles.”
The movement to place “In God We Trust” on government buildings began in 2001 with Jacquie Sullivan, a Bakersfield, California city councilwoman. In 2002, the Bakersfield City Council voted to require all government buildings to display “In God We Trust” somewhere on each building. Then, with Jacquie’s vision, the “In God We Trust” movement “took off.”
“There are 136 cities and counties in California that are displaying ‘In God We Trust’ in their council chambers,” Sullivan said. Her website lists 683 local governments nationwide that unashamedly and prominently display our national motto honoring God.
Stop and think of the advantages of honoring God on police vehicles. Morality is doing what’s right in God’s sight despite opposition or when you know no one’s looking. But God’s always watching, right? But what’s going to sensitize people to remember this spiritual fact? See how “In God We Trust” on police cars is a stellar anti-crime and anti-corruption reminder for both gangs and cops?
If you agree that belief in, fear of, and love for God is the ultimate crime-prevention program, please urge your city councilmembers to vote to display “In God We Trust” in city council chambers (it’s easy: just email them and attach Jacquie Sullivan’s website). If “In God We Trust” is already being displayed, ask that it also go on police vehicles, like in Delano.This is as constitutional as our paper money and coins.
“Delano made history and this will set precedence for other law enforcement agencies in California who may have been thinking of doing this,” Vivas said. “Not everyone believes in God, but we can all be patriotic as Americans in being supportive of our national motto.”
Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people—saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.” Revelation 14:6-7
Unconstitutional California Attorney General Xavier Becerra versus constitutional U.S. Judge Roger Benitez
What a great victory for innocent families in California!
A federal judge in San Diego has ruled as unconstitutional a 2016 voter initiative limiting ammunition to 10 rounds in the magazines of handguns, shotguns, and rifles.
On March 29, U.S. Judge Roger Benitez, an anti-communism, Cuba-born, constitutional judge — who President George W. Bush nominated in 2003 — has ruled that the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America defeats the bad law passed three years ago by foolish or anti-family California voters.
Benitez ruled that in response to “a few mad men with guns and ammunition,” California’s law “turns millions of responsible, law-abiding people trying to protect themselves into criminals.” Benitez wrote that “Individual liberty and freedom are not outmoded concepts.”
The judge also said that Proposition 63 “hits at the center of the Second Amendment and its burden is severe.”
Prop. 63’s path to the ballot was led by Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, who raised money and collected signatures statewide. His unconstitutional heart must be aching over his unexpected defeat. He must hate that this constitutional judge got here to California!
What’s next? You can expect that uber-liberal California Attorney General Xavier Becerra will appeal this just and constitutional ruling to the full Ninth Circuit federal appeals court. But win or lose, I expect this issue to ultimately go to the U.S. Supreme Court and win for family protection nationwide.
Meanwhile, you can still match bullet for bullet any home invasion attacker. He will never obey limits on guns and ammunition, and thanks to a pro-Second-Amendment judge who didn’t lie about his allegiance to the United States Constitution, you can have as many bullets as a would-be killer has, like in this KSG25 25-round shotgun. Because whoever has the most rounds in his gun — wins.
Personally, I’m relieved that I can keep my 15-round magazines that go with my home-defense handgun without fearing that firing it to save innocent lives could result in me going to jail for a year under Prop. 63. What nonsensical tyranny Gavin’s initiative is and was!