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Why Californians voted that way

Saturday, November 19, 2016, 1:04 pm | Randy Thomasson


(Updated December 8, 2016 with the final count)

Sad about California’s election results? I am, mostly.

But to avoid confusion and depression, it’s important for us to understand WHY the election turned out the way it did. Then we’re less likely to let our love grow cold.

Here are my thoughts:

Most Californians have an identity problem

Instead of going with evidence, logic, the Savior of the world Jesus Christ, and the written word of God (the Bible), most Californians consciously or unconsciously have competing “identities” and conflicting “standards.”

• They’re Democrats before they’re “Christian”
• They’re union members or “union families” who obey their union bosses
• They vote according to race or looks (not according to good public policies)
• They do what “feels right” to them (not what is right)
• They do what pleases others (but not pleasing God)

These false “identities” rival and replace being an American, a constitutionalist, a person devoted to logic and evidence, and even a biblical Christian.

In light of God’s 1st Commandment against worshiping any other “gods” and His 2nd Commandment prohibiting serving “images” of things we worship, these false identities that people create in their minds compete with God’s word, exacerbate bad government and its harmful laws, and become idolatries of the heart.

Most Californians don’t know who they are, why they’re here, where they came from, or where they’re going. No wonder “we” voted that way. Too many Californians think they’re “under God,” but have become slaves to their own foolishness and fancies. This is why our state is no longer blessed, but is inheriting the wind.

people, emotions, stress and health care concept - unhappy african american young woman touching her head and suffering from headacheMost Californians have a mental block

Unwilling to think critically, they just “feel” their way along. Yes, the government schools and the entertainment media have been very successful at dumbing-down people and promoting moral relativism (self-idolatry). So instead of finding God’s direction for belief and behavior in the Bible, they become disinterested in moral values or at least disinterested in a Biblical standard for decisions.

The result is like a drugged, numbed person who is:

• disinterested in their Creator God
• disinterested in clear Biblical standards
• disinterested in honestly contemplating their sins
• disinterested of critical thinking based on evidence
• disinterested in studying a proper role of government
• disinterested in knowing how we get a good economy

And because of this godlessness, ignorance, and idolatry, ONLY issues and messages that either MATCH the most basic of common human values, OR issues and messages that SUPERSEDE these false identities, AND ONLY what people CARE TO UNDERSTAND, will be popular and win on Election Day. It’s as though going beyond one’s “gut reaction,” and thinking about and studying up on a new issue, is unacceptably painful.

murderExample: Murder on the ballot

Victims of violent crime, or those who’ve been affected by it, or those who’ve been taught the most elementary, anti-crime values of local TV newscasts, are against murder. Indeed, the broad majority of voters in California are against murder and want it stopped.

Yet Californians are split on HOW to stop murder (because this involves critical thinking). However, a slim majority of voters still believe in the time-honored standard of the death penalty as the way to definitely prevent murderers from killing again, and to send a strong message to would-be murderers (primarily boys and young men) that they can’t get away with murder.

This is why Prop. 62 eliminating the death penalty lost on a close vote (46.8% YES versus 53.2% NO). And it’s why Prop. 66 streamlining the death penalty process, making it more likely to execute murderers, won on a closer vote (51.1% YES versus 48.9% NO).

Too many conservatives stayed home

dontvotedontcomplainYou must also factor in the SMALLER NUMBER OF CONSERVATIVE VOTES in California this election. Consider that there was no Republican or conservative running for statewide office in the U.S. Senate race to replace liberal Democrat Barbara Boxer. No unified “top of the ticket” to attract conservatives; no “coattails effect” helping “down-ticket” pro-family candidates.

And also consider that Donald Trump had divided moral conservatives. There were Republicans with generally conservative values who didn’t vote for President and some conservatives didn’t vote at all. With all the votes counted, Trump received 31.8% of Californians’ votes for president, compared to 37.1% for Romney in 2012 and 37.0% for McCain in 2008 (Trump received 356,146 fewer votes than Romney and 527,971 fewer votes than McCain). Having at least the votes of Romney and McCain would have brought out more conservatives, probably changing the outcomes of some propositions and district contests.

The relatively weak conservative turnout also helps explain why Republicans lost 3 seats in the State Assembly, lost 1 seat in the State Senate, and didn’t pick up any California congressional seats. (The 3 GOP assemblymembers who lost had voted for the “LGBT” agenda, they first “lost” votes from principled conservatives.)

biblegodsinspirationOn the death penalty measures, you must also factor in that California’s law enforcement unions and spokespersons were united in favor of Prop. 66 and against Prop. 62. Their money and public messages helped generate more votes from Californians who categorically respect the color of authority.

But Californians got it wrong on nearly every other proposition on the ballot.

• They didn’t understand that marijuana legalization harms people, especially teenagers and pre-teens who will become addicts.
• They didn’t understand that higher taxes on the wealthy and on cigarette smokers hurts the economy and promotes bigger, badder government.
• They didn’t understand that teaching foreign-born children IN ENGLISH is the proven way to gain English proficiency and promote cultural unity.
• They didn’t understand that ammunition doesn’t commit crimes, but sinful people do.
• They didn’t understand that plastic bags from grocery stores are not an environmental hazard but a helpful, sanitary tool for most families.
• And they didn’t understand that when the government or special interests demand more money, that’s tantamount to deceit and theft.


On marijuana legalization, SaveCalifornia.com and our faithful donors reached 1,487,401 potential voters via Facebook ads that featured our powerful 86-second video and our website MarijuanaHarmsFamilies.com.

But the non-thinking, morally-relativistic majority was besieged with tens of millions of dollars of ads that deceitfully urged them to legalize pot. And the majority of voters (57.1% YES versus 42.9% NO — a difference of nearly 2 million votes) bought hook, line, and sinker the “toleration” message that what’s risky or even harmful must be “accepted.” They didn’t realize that Prop. 64 will ruin children, make roads more dangerous, make life stinkier, and usher in a myriad of unexpected, negative consequences.

Sadly, younger Americans are deluded about the harm of today’s pot, so highly-potent marijuana wasn’t just legalized in California, but also in Nevada and Massachusetts. In my opinion, marijuana promotion to children is the most grievous thing that happened on Election Day 2016. As the famous Negro College Fund ad says, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”


My advice for believers in God and believers in moral values: Choose to learn to reach more people to educate them on why moral standards benefit everybody, why big government and high taxes and fees are bad, and why reading, studying, and critical thinking is essential for a free society.

You can love God and love people by learning how to reach hearts and minds by creating simple websites, doing cost-effective web ads, making and distributing flyers, and helping stimulate people to think about the difference between good and bad. It’s up to us — and yes, we can learn and grow. Call SaveCalifornia.com at 916-265-5650 if you want to learn to do this.

7-differences-between-ordinary-and-wise-parentMy advice for parents with Godly or otherwise moral values: If you want to protect your children from mind-altering marijuana, please get them out of the government schools. In Colorado, marijuana legalization plus the negative peer pressure among public school children is causing more addictions among pre-teens and teenagers. Protect your children by homeschooling or enrolling them in a solid church school, and resolve to train your children to critically think about how to apply God’s word to everything.

Have the goal of training up not merely good children, but great children who will become outstanding adults who shine their light to please God and love people. Turn off the TV and internet and read to them (the Bible is great for this), and teach them to love reading and studying. Ask them questions about the proper role of limited government and ask them to research answers and report back to you.

For if John Quincy Adams, our 6th President, could, at 14, be a secretary and translator for the U.S. diplomat to Russia, and then, at 16, be a secretary for his father on a trip to negotiate the 1783 Treaty of Paris, we then can also train our children to have great minds and great actions based on the Great Commandment of Jesus Christ to “love your neighbor as yourself.” You are able and they are able!

set-your-expectations-rightMost of all, don’t abandon hope. If you avoid blaming the God or the devil for election outcomes, but realize that God has given free will to every human being (there’s no volitional sin or righteous judgment without it), you’ll be motivated to do what you can to stimulate people to look at the evidence of God’s beneficial standards for their lives. Evidence of benefit can be shown by research, and beneficial evidence usually agrees with God’s word. When we understand mankind’s responsibility, we adopt the right attitude and expectations — expectations based on hope and reality!

Finally, realize the value of exposing evil and the harm it does. Nationally, the Republicans won the White House and kept the Congress because alternative, conservative media sufficiently exposed the unconstitutional acts and excesses of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. In contrast, the harmful laws of nearly 60 years of nearly-consisted Democrat rule in the California Legislature, and the harmful consequences of today’s highly-potent marijuana, have not been exposed to the majority of Californians.

For the love of God and love of people, there’s a lot of work for us to do! Please commit today that you’ll be part of it, and learn biblestoriescartoonto shine your life in new and creative ways. People need Truth, and we need to authentically love our neighbor!

You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, that your days and the days of your children may be multiplied in the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers to give them, like the days of the heavens above the earth. Deuteronomy 11:19-21

‘Christians’ are helping perverse bills pass

Thursday, October 6, 2016, 12:53 pm | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

I never thought I’d see the day when professing Christians help anti-Christian bills pass.

But that’s what happened with some of the worst, anti-family bills of the year in California.

When Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, signed SB 1146 to initiate State control over religious matters on religious property, favoring the unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, tyrannical homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda over constitutional religious freedom, he could only do it because the presidents of six large “Christian” colleges in California had dropped their opposition and instead supported this unprecedented, unconstitutional, subjective bill.

These “Christian” universities supporting the amended SB 1146 were Azusa Pacific, Biola, Cal Baptist, Point Loma Nazarene, Westmont, and William Jessup. Together, they issued a statement saying they “appreciate” and are “grateful” to homosexual activist and SB 1146 author Ricardo Lara, even saying they “look forward to working with Sen. Lara…to strengthen this partnership.”

genderneutralrestroomsign2And when Gov. Brown signed AB 1732 to tear down “men,” “women,” “boys,” and “girls” signs, and replace them with pro-transsexuality “all gender” signs at single-user restrooms at every business, including home businesses, and every church school, religious daycare center or religious senior home, etc., it was because some professing Christians supported this intrusive bill, empowering it to pass.

In the California State Assembly, Republican Catharine Baker of Dublin voted “yes” for both AB 1732 and SB 1146. Yet Baker has publicly said she’s a “Christian” and has been a Sunday school teacher at San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church.

And in the California State Senate, Republican Anthony Cannella of Ceres is known as a professing “Christian” to locals and also to reporters. But Cannella spoke in favor of and voted for AB 1732 to force small and home businesses and church schools to replace “men” and “women” signs with “all-gender” signs at single-user restrooms.

Yet in California’s pro-family community, the most shocking support for AB 1732 came from a pro-family legal organization leader, who said the bill “makes a lot of sense,” that he say “nothing with laws” like AB 1732, that he would not oppose it, and commended the bill for being “sensitive to many transgendered people.”

What’s the upshot of all this? Pastors who preach and individuals who teach must purposefully strive to a) hold people in leadership positions accountable to biblical sexual standards, b) teach separateness from evil (holiness), c) warn against partnering with evil people, d) condemn political prostitution, and e) urge people to vote for candidates with proven moral-values integrity.

Because sadly, these dark days, a “Christian” who won’t “compromise” seems a rarity.

The harm of SB 1146 | SB 1146 votes
The harm of AB 1732 | AB 1732 votes

Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
1 Corinthians 15:33

Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?
2 Corinthians 6:14-16


STOP the amended SB 1146, which still harms religious freedom

Monday, August 15, 2016, 7:52 am | Randy Thomasson

UPDATE — Tuesday, August 23, 10 am: Please call Sacramento RIGHT NOW because the Assembly floor vote on the amended SB 1146 could be Tuesday.

Be glad that SaveCalifornia.com has delivered to state assemblymembers the awful truth about the amended SB 1146. If you can back us up — please leave brief messages to their office right now and ask staffers to take your message to the floor, which is in session.

Your immediate help is especially needed because homosexual activists are urging a yes vote on SB 1146.

Please continue calling your own assemblymember and the deciding votes to urge defeat of the unconstitutional, subjective, and oppressive SB 1146. SCROLL DOWN FOR PHONE NUMBERS.

SB1146asAmended081916stillharmsreligiousfreedom_082016See our analyses of the amended SB 1146 and why is still harms religious freedom:

NEW Analysis: SB 1146 as amended August 19
How the Amended SB 1146 violates the First Amendment
“Separation of Church and State” means no State interference


Status: The amended SB 1146 is on the Assembly floor and can be voted on as soon as August 22.

Needed to win: In the 80-member Assembly, it takes 41 votes to pass bills. If no Republican supports SB 1146 and at least 12 Democrats refuse to support it, the bill will be defeated.

red-arrowWHAT TO SAY: Leave a short voicemail message at their Capitol office (and also, if you can, their district office). Just say: “Please oppose the amended SB 1146. The August 19 amendments still harm religious freedom by giving the State subjective and unconstitutional control over religious colleges. Oppose the amended SB 1146 — this bill is still bad!”

Find the Capitol phone numbersorange-1-hi for your own state assemblymember and state senator. Call them right now. These are the only legislators for whom you should identify yourself.


number-2-orange-mdLeave VOICEMAILS for the deciding votes on the Assembly floor from 6pm to 8am Pacific Time. This is when no person answers the phone in legislators’ offices. IMPORTANT: Don’t identify yourself — not your name or where you live — just leave the suggested message on the voicemail urging them to vote NO on the amended SB 1146:

5 pro-‘LGBT’ Republicans:

  • Catharine Baker of Walnut Creek/San Ramon/Pleasanton/Livermore (916) 319-2016 and (925) 328-1515
  • Brian Maienschein of north San Diego/Rancho Santa Fe/Poway (916) 319-2077 and (858) 675-0077
  • David Hadley of Torrance/Gardena/Redondo Beach/Palos Verdes (916) 319-2066 and (310) 375-0691
  • Ling Ling Chang is running to represent state Senate district 29 (Walnut, Rowland Heights, Diamond Bar, Chino Hills, Yorba Linda, Placentia, Brea, La Habra, Fullerton, Anaheim, Stanton, Cypress) (916) 319-2055 and (714) 529-5502
  • Young Kim of Fullerton, Buena Park, Cypress, Stanton (916) 319-2065 and (714) 521-6505

24 Democrats who MIGHT be persuaded:

  • Adam Gray of Modesto/Merced (916) 319-2021 and (209) 521-2111 and (209) 726-5465
  • Joaquin Arambula of Fresno County (916) 319-2031 and (559) 445-5532
  • Cheryl Brown of San Bernardino/Rialto/Fontana (916) 319-2047 and (909) 381-3238 and (909) 350-7646
  • Patty Lopez of San Fernando/Sunland-Tujunga (916) 319-2039 and (818) 365-2464
  • Ken Cooley of Rancho Cordova/Carmichael/Citrus Heights (916) 319-2008 and (916) 464-1910
  • Tom Daly of Anaheim/Santa Ana (916) 319-2069 and (714) 939-8469
  • Sebastian Ridley-Thomas of Culver City/Ladera Heights (916) 319-2054 and (310) 342-1070
  • Freddie Rodriguez of Pomona/Ontario/Chino (916) 319-2052 and (909) 902-9606
  • Rudy Salas of Kern and Kings counties (916) 319-2032 and (661) 335-0302 and (559) 585-7170
  • Miguel Santiago of Downtown L.A./Koreatown/Huntington Park (916) 319-2053 and (213) 620-4646
  • Eduardo Garcia of Palm Springs area and Imperial County (916) 319-2056 and (760) 347-2360 and (760) 355-8656
  • Mike Gatto of Glendale/Burbank (916) 319-2043 and (818) 558-3043
  • Mike Gipson of Willowbrook/Compton/Carson (916) 319-2064 and (310) 324-6408
  • Shirley Weber of San Diego, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, Otay Ranch (916) 319-2079 and (619) 531-7913
  • Jimmy Gomez of Eagle Rock / Chinatown / East L.A. (916) 319-2051 and (213) 483-5151
  • Das Williams of Ventura, Santa Paula, and most of Santa Barbara County (916) 319-2051 and (805) 564-1649 and (805) 641-370
  • Lorena Gonzalez of Chula Vista, National City, south San Diego (916) 319-2080 and (619) 338-8090
  • Susan Bonilla of Concord/Pittsburg/Vallejo (916) 319-2014 and (925) 521-1511
  • Ed Chau of Monterey Park/Temple City/El Monte/Arcadia/San Marino (916) 319-2049 and (323) 264-4949
  • Roger Hernandez of West Covina//Baldwin Park/Azusa/Glendora (916) 319-2048 and (626) 960-4457
  • Chris Holden of Pasadena/Monrovia/San Dimas/Upland (916) 319-2041 and (626) 351-1917 and (909) 624-7876
  • Jacqui Irwin of Thousand Oaks/Camarillo/Oxnard (916) 319-2044 and (805) 482-1904 and (805) 483-4488
  • Patrick O’Donnell (916) 319-2070 (562) 429-0470 (310) 548-6420 Long Beach, San Pedro, part of Lakewood
  • Luis Alejo (916) 319-2030 (831) 759-8676 Monterey and San Benito counties plus Watsonville, Gilroy and Morgan Hill

adams_sIt does not take a majority to prevail … but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
Samuel Adams, “Father of the American Revolution”