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Archives for the ‘Good Government’ Category

A snapshot of SaveCalifornia.com’s work for you

Sunday, February 20, 2011, 4:27 pm |

If you’ve been tracking with us recently, you know that SaveCalifornia.com is empowering, alerting, teaching, explaining, launching new media, and pioneering much-needed cultural renewal for the good of children and families in California and beyond.

If you appreciate our work and our voice for your values, please let us know by giving a gift to continue our mission. Thank you so much. Donate online | Donate by mail

Here in 2011, SaveCalifornia has been hard at work:

Empowering Californians to send “no more taxes” emails to keep Republican legislators from selling out to the Democrats (a winnable battle in which we can have victory, and that we’re winning so far).

Alerting citizens on the worst school sexual indoctrination bill ever. Right now, we’re empowering Californians to email and call Jerry Brown and state legislators to oppose SB 48 by homosexual activist state senator Mark Leno. On Feb. 12, our call to action was the top story on WorldNetDaily.com. This bill is a long shot to defeat, but we’re exposing it so that parents realize SB 48 would be the 7th school sexual indoctrination law on the books. Parents and grandparents need to wake up and rescue their children and grandchildren!

Teaching Californians on live secular radio that homosexuality has no biological basis and is the cause of the overwhelming majority of HIV/AIDS cases. On Feb. 15, I was on the Andy Caldwell Show in San Luis Obispo, explaining how homosexual researcher Simon LeVay admitted there’s no biological evidence for homosexuality and also telling folks the sad fact that homosexual and bisexual behavior is the overwhelming cause of HIV transmission.

Launching a new 1-minute message to air on radio stations, reaching even more people with the truth. Listen to my first SaveCalifornia.com Minute.

Helping explain to judges and to the public why Proposition 8 reserving marriage licenses for “a man and a woman” must be upheld. Listen to my Dec. 7 bulletin. See our SaveCalifornia.com/Campaign for Children and Families amicus brief in the Prop. 8 case.

Pioneering a much-needed project for 2011 to reach young people with the truth about the consequences of their sexual choices and behavior. Our dream of holding up a recognizable moral standard for the younger generation is only in the planning stages. But like me, I hope you’re excited about this priority direction to attract, inspire, and instruct the under-30 crowd. See my short YouTube video and catch the vision.

You can keep our good work going. If you appreciate SaveCalifornia.com, please show it today. Your gift of any amount — $20, $35, $50, $100, $200, $500 or $1,000 — is needed to continue and further our work and mission and vision. Thank you in advance, very much.

Donate online | Donate by mail

Lastly, enjoy our voice featured three times last month in OneNewsNow (American Family Association):

ACLU ‘kissing cousins’ with Communist Party? (Jan. 25, 2011)
Celebrating a lie, ignoring the truth (Jan. 19, 2011)
New judge may be more liberal (Jan. 13, 2011)

ALERT: Stop these 3 Republicans from raising your taxes

Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 3:07 pm |

Game on. The fight to protect family finances and defeat more theft of paychecks of hard-working Californians by an irresponsible government has commenced.

If you’re counting, the January 31 State of the State speech by California’s new-old Governor Jerry Brown means he has literally 5 weeks to arm-twist 2 Republicans in each house to place tax hikes on a special election ballot in June.

In his 14-minute speech, Governor Brown implied the working families of California are just aching to vote to raise taxes. And he suggested that placing massive tax hikes on the ballot is the hallmark of a beautiful democracy:

“When democratic ideals and calls for the right to vote are stirring the imagination of young people in Egypt and Tunisia and other parts of the world, we in California can’t say now is the time to block a vote of the people,” he told lawmakers gathered in the Assembly chambers. — Sacramento Bee

Despite Jerry Brown’s fantasies, here’s the reality: Brown and the Democrat legislators want to tax you more for your earned income, more for your car registration, and more for whatever you buy in California. They also want to continue depleting tax credits from parents with minor children and adults with dependent parents. This is anti-family to the core.

By turning a 2-year-tax hike into a 7-year tax hike, Jerry Brown wants to keep the average state and local tax burden at 10.5%, which is the 6th highest in the U.S., above the national average of 9.7%. He doesn’t want the oppressive Schwarzenegger tax hikes from 2009 to expire and thus improve the economy, providing more jobs and less financial stress for families.

Californians already pay $5,028 per capita in state and local taxes, and the U.S. government takes an even bigger tax bite. But the subject is California taxes. Do you believe you are getting $5,000 worth of good, reputable services from the state and local government? (Remember, you can’t count electricity, natural gas, water, trash, or sewer, since you pay separately for that.) What’s more, consider the TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in annual waste that needs to be cut by our big-spending government led by Democrats. See all the waste that should be slashed instead of raising taxes on families.


How can you prevent new tax hikes and demand that boatloads of government waste be cut instead?

It all depends on the Republicans and the pressure you put on them. Since placing tax hikes on the ballot requires a 2/3rds vote, and since tax-and-spend Democrats are 2 votes short of that in both the Assembly and Senate, tax hikes will be defeated if California families can prevent 4 Republicans from selling out.

SaveCalifornia.com is especially concerned about the 3 Republicans who have not signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge: Senator Sam Blakeslee of San Luis Obispo, Senator Anthony Cannella of Modesto, Merced, Madera, Turlock, Salinas, Hollister and Ceres, and surrounding area, and Assemblyman Bill Berryhill of the Stockton/Manteca/Modesto area.

Step 1: Email a pre-written “no new taxes” message to your Sacramento representatives
Step 2: No matter where you live in California, please email and call the three Republican legislators who haven’t signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Tell them “No new taxes, fees or borrowing! You’re deciding whether to take more money from me and my family!”

Senator Sam Blakeslee
916-651-4015 phone
916-445-8081 fax
Email form (will only accept email messages from district zip codes, so enter Blakeslee’s district office zip code 93401)

Senator Anthony Cannella
916-651-4012 phone
916-445-0773 fax
Email form (will only accept email messages from district zip codes, so enter Cannella’s district office zip code 93901)

Assemblyman Bill Berryhill
916-319-2026 phone
916-319-2126 fax
Email form (will only accept email messages from district zip codes, so enter Berryhill’s district office zip code 95207)

Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love,
but a faithful man who can find?
Proverbs 20:6 ESV

What Governor Jerry Brown means for moral Californians

Monday, January 3, 2011, 6:25 pm |

I wanted to be too busy to watch the inauguration. But the hard truth was unavoidable. Democrat Jerry Brown has been sworn in as Governor…for the third time.

Although Brown swore to “support and defend…and…bear true faith and allegiance…to the Constitution of the State of California,” he didn’t mean the written Constitution. Indeed, he joked about his oath. When saying the part about taking “this obligation freely, without any mental reservation,” Brown said, “Really, no mental reservations!”, provoking the crowd to laughter.

It’s obvious to me that Brown sees his official oath as a mere formality, and views himself as the top authority who has done, is doing, and will do what he desires. Remember how Brown refused to defend Prop. 8 on man-woman marriage, despite his sworn duty to defend and represent the statutes and the Constitution of California? Like Arnold Schwarzenegger before him, Jerry Brown believes he is above the law. This is the very definition of tyranny.

What can the moral citizens of California expect for the next four years?

1. More immoral laws are coming: Jerry Brown is expected to sign every bill on his desk that advances the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda and abortion and pornography, that promotes environmental wackiness, that coddles criminals, and that continues pouring obscene amounts of tax dollars into so-called “schools” that war against parents, moral virtues, and real academics.

2. Voters’ complaints can be leveled directly at the Democrats: The bright side is that the light will be shining directly on the Democrats. No longer can anything bad in California state government can be held against liberal Republicans, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger. The cloak has been lifted and the excuses have evaporated. All the public credit or blame will go directly to Brown and the Democrat-dominated Legislature. It’s time for people to connect the dots. The California Legislature has essentially been under the control of the Democrats virtually since 1957 in the state Senate and since 1959 in the state Assembly. In 2011, SaveCalifornia.com will be a strong voice of truth, especially reporting what the big media won’t.

3. Tax and fee hikes will depend on Republicans and voters: Jerry Brown and the Democrats want to raise taxes on just about everything. But they need voter approval to do it. Furthermore, they can’t place taxes and fees on the June ballot without a two-thirds vote of the Legislature, which would require all the Democrats plus two Republican sell-outs in both the state Senate and state Assembly. Please start telling your friends and neighbors to “Vote no on new taxes or fees, families can’t afford big government.”

4. There is a great need to fall back and regroup and repair our culture’s foundations: How did California get itself in this situation? Government is a symptom of the People’s values and what they believe and worship. Consider that the forces of evil have targeted young people for decades. They have successfully captured and damaged children’s hearts, minds, bodies, and souls in the daytime (through Godless, government-run schools) and in the afternoon and evening (through the Godless entertainment media). And most parents are untrained to raise virtuous children because most pastors won’t teach them how. Is it any surprise that sexual immorality and drug abuse are sky high among young people? It is high time for true Christians and all those who believe in moral virtues to give time, talent, and money toward teaching the practical benefits of God’s standards to the next generation. It’s like we need to take the Book of Proverbs mainstream to young people under 30, within and outside our immediate families. Society’s foundations are cracked and broken. With your help, SaveCalifornia.com will work to repair it with God’s beneficial glue and mortar.

5. Support SaveCalifornia.com’s campaign to reach young people: For quite some time it has been on my heart to teach moral truth to young people, to help them overcome the lies they believe. In 2011, SaveCalifornia.com will reach out to the next generation like never before. Young people are our future, and our future leaders too. They desperately need direction, inspiration, and purpose. They need to grasp and apply Judeo-Christian values in their own lives and in the public square. With your help, SaveCalifornia.com will connect with the under-30 crowd. We’ll activate them through creative technology, targeted ads, community projects, on-the-street activism, and more. It’s very exciting and very needful. So what do you say? Support our vision to reach the next generation. Please participate and invest in the future. Visit SaveCalifornia.com today and click “Donate” to give your tax-deductible gift. Thank you for standing with us as we stand strong for moral virtues for the common good. See my 2-1/2 minute video message and read about our 2011 strategy. Thank you.

Boldly in Christ’s grace and truth,

Randy Thomasson
Founder and President

No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.
Samuel Adams, “Father of the American Revolution,” 1722-1803