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Sweet victory for Jesus and religious freedom in Lodi, California

Thursday, October 1, 2009, 3:31 am |

Today in Lodi, California, Jesus is the winner and so is everyone nationwide who supports Christian values and religious freedom.

It was gratifying to hear Lodi Mayor Larry Hansen, who for weeks had been undecided about whether to allow Jesus’ name in invocations at council meetings, tell the packed house in Lodi that the flood of pro-Jesus emails he’s received “even exceeds Walmart [a previous local controversy] in the number of emails.”

The broad majority of email messages that the mayor was talking about were generated by active pro-family citizens using SaveCalifornia.com’s Email Lobbying System. Kudos to SaveCalifornia.com supporters who sent this specific email message to educate the council. 

Thank you especially to Gordon James Klingenschmitt of Pray in Jesus Name Ministries, Christian Community Concerns of Lodi, Alliance Defense Fund, and everybody who rallied and spoke before the city council for contributing to this sweet victory that will positively affect the entire nation.

Here are scenes from inside and outside the Lodi city council meeting Wednesday night: See the News 10 TV report.

Here’s SaveCalifornia.com’s news release:

October 1, 2009

Jesus’ name again allowed in Lodi city council prayers
5-0 vote to allow unrestricted prayers is resounding defeat for atheist groups

Sacramento, California — After months of debates, protests, emails, calls, faxes, petitions, lobbying, news conferences, and more, the Lodi City Council voted 5-0 late Wednesday night to allow ministers to pray at the beginning of council meetings however they wanted. It’s a resounding defeat for atheist activists and a 180-degree reversal of the city attorney’s unfortunate edict in May that pastors could no longer pray in Jesus’ name.
“Lodi, Turlock and Tehachapi have all resisted the empty threat of an atheist group that claimed praying in Jesus’ name was unconstitutional,” said Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, a statewide pro-family, pro-child organization which has been urging Californians to protest the atheists’ attacks on religious freedom.
“Praying in Jesus’ name is not only biblical, it’s constitutional,” said Thomasson. “Even the United States Supreme Court recognizes this, which is why ministers pray today without restriction to open up sessions of Congress and state legislatures. It’s completely constitutional for pastors to pray unrestricted at local government meetings because they’re on American soil too.”
The victory in Lodi was the result of four pro-family organizations — Pray in Jesus Name Ministries, Christian Community Concerns, Alliance Defense Fund and SaveCalifornia.com — all playing different roles fighting for the same goal: the freedom to pray in Jesus’ name at city council meetings for the sake of good government.
In August, SaveCalifornia.com held a news conference and co-sponsored a rally led by former Navy chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt outside Lodi City Hall. In September, SaveCalifornia.com helped more than 1,000 people email the Lodi councilmembers to educate them on the original meaning of the First Amendment and subsequent rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Will Jesus’ name and the First Amendment be honored or trampled?

Saturday, September 26, 2009, 11:28 am |

Religious freedom is the foundation of America. It’s why Christians came here in the first place. Many of the original Pilgrims wanted to practice their faith apart from the Church of England, which as the official state denomination, had been persecutory of “non-official” Christian denominations.

They provided the vision for the First Amendment to the United States Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

What was happening here? In 1789, when the Bill of Rights was written, “religion” meant a single denomination or system of worship. Thus, in clear, understandable terms, Congress prohibited itself from establishing a national denomination (such as Congregationalist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Baptist, Quaker, etc.).

Our Founding Fathers did not want to be like England, which had an official state church called the Church of England with the King as its head. So they prohibited themselves from promoting one Christian sect or denomination above another, i.e. “no law respecting an establishment of religion.”

Yet beyond this narrow exclusion of an official Christian denomination of the United States, our founding fathers clearly wanted Christian values and religious freedom — including religious freedom within the federal, state and local governments — to be permitted, protected, and respected.

Fast forward to 2009 and California. For decades, pastors have been coming to city council meetings in Lodi, just north of Stockton, to “give the invocation.” Most pastors have included “in Jesus’ name” in their prayers.

When an atheist group complained, the Lodi City Attorney told pastors not to pray in Jesus’ name anymore. You can imagine the firestorm this has caused between atheists and Christians.

Guess what — Jesus’ name is OK at government meetings. Even the U.S. Supreme Court says so!

ACTION: The Lodi City Council will hold a special hearing and vote Wednesday, Sept. 30. For the sake of Jesus, religious freedom, and our U.S. Constitution, please email all five city council members and attend the city council meeting, which starts at 6:30 p.m. 


Democrat-run California government killing 3.8 million jobs per year

Thursday, September 24, 2009, 10:03 am |

A first-of-its-kind report is detailing the high cost of doing business in California.

According to the Governor’s Office of Small Business Advocate, the total cost of state regulations on businesses is $493 BILLION and 3.8 million jobs per year. 

That’s an average of $134,122 per California business, $13,801 per household and $4,685 per resident each year.

More from the official report, which was mandated by a 2006 law:

The total cost ($493 billion) is almost 5 times the state’s general fund budget and a third of the state’s gross product.

The 3.8 million jobs lost equals 1/10th of California’s population. California has about 14 million jobs, down 1 million from the peak in July 2007.

The total cost breakdown is $266.5 billion in direct costs of various regulations, $210.5 billion lost labor income and $16 billion in business taxes the state would get without the regulations.

What are we to conclude? California’s state government, run by Democrats and government employee unions, are torturing private businesses. Not only is California the 2nd most unfriendly state to businesses, red tape is killing millions of jobs.

No wonder Michigan and Nevada are running ads inviting California businesses to move to “greener pastures” in the cold Great Lakes and the hot Nevada desert!

Read more and get the documentation here.