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Obama’s hate attack against moral values and religious freedom

Thursday, October 29, 2009, 4:22 pm |

Our SaveCalifornia.com people are pretty astute. After receiving our Oct. 28 news release exposing how Barack Obama is attacking religious freedom with his signature on the federal ‘LGBT hate crimes’ bill, Mark wrote in, saying:

The whole concept of “hate crimes” is a crock.  Murder is murder.  Arson is arson.  Robbery is robbery.  Assault is assault.  It does not matter if the perpetrator or victim is white, black, hispanic, asian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Shintao, homosexual, heterosexual, polymorphous perverse or whatever.  How politicians can presume to impose different penalties or more or less aggressive prosecution based on these factors is ludicrous.

Mark’s remarks make total sense when you look at today’s shooting at a North Hollywood synagogue. The media, the cops, and L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa spent half the day wondering if this was a “hate crime.” Now they’re admitting it may have been a “random act of violence.”

What ever happened to crimes being crimes because of what perpetrators DID instead of what perpetrators THOUGHT? If someone vandalizes a house because he hates houses that are painted yellow, why should he be punished any less than if he vandalized because he hates the homeowner’s religious faith? Are the perpetrators thoughts illegal? No. But his actions certainly are!

Beyond the lunacy and thought-police of “hate crimes,” another significant problem is how lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender inclusion in ‘hate crimes’ laws lay the foundation to legally promote and enforce these lifestyles above anyone else’s rights. 

That’s what’s happened in California over the last decade. Today, homosexual-bisexual-transsexual “rights” are more legally powerful than religious rights, parental rights, and ownership rights.

President Obama, by signing the ‘LGBT hate crimes” bill into law, is showing his disdain for moral values and religious freedom. Actually, that’s too soft. Obama is attacking religious freedom by punishing religious values that object to homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality.

Don’t believe it or want to learn more? We prove it point by point in our news release:

“Mr. President, here’s how ‘hate crime’ laws trample religious freedom.”

Lodi religious freedom rally a success

Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 11:21 pm |

RALLY PHOTOS: See snapshots of the historic August 5 rally for religious freedom in Lodi, California.

ALERT: Take a moment to email the five Lodi City councilmembers. Urge them to restore the policy allowing pastors to pray in Jesus’ name at council meetings.
Send SaveCalifornia.com’s pre-written email message now

VIDEO: Pro-and-con prayer testimony before the Lodi City Council: The public comments on prayer begin 30 minutes into the video. Speakers include liberal pastor who’s OK with banning Jesus, an atheist, two Christians, a Buddhist who wants to ban Jesus’ name, and a Bible-believing pastor who wants to pray in Jesus’ name. I speak at 44 minutes in and Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt speaks at 48 minutes in. It’s worth watching.

BLOG: My account of the Lodi “Stand Up for Jesus” rally on Aug. 5

It was probably 1000 to 30.

Pro-religious freedom activists and supporters of praying in Jesus’ name heavily outnumbered athiests Wednesday night in Lodi, California.

It felt really good to see all the people. Most were from Lodi and nearby communities. But some came longer distances — from Salinas, the Bay Area, and as far as Orange and Riverside counties!

All were men and women who wanted to stand up for Jesus. Their voices for Jesus and religious freedom and against the city’s prohibition of council prayers against Jesus were heard loud and clear. Thank you to everyone who prioritized coming and taking a stand.

All the TV and radio and newspapers from Sacramento, Lodi and Stockton were there. I did a few media interviews, but mostly talked with reporters off-camera.

My goal was to give them constitutional and legal documentation proving that the U.S. Constitution and even the U.S. Supreme Court say the federal, state and local governments can allow pastors to deliver prayers to open or close public meetings.

It was a joy talking with principled people. How fragrant to connect deeply and spiritually with people who share moral values!

Speaking to the entire crowd from the podium was a privilege. The people were very responsive to hearing the Founding Fathers’ vision for religious freedom across America.

After the rally, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt and I went into the city council chambers and spoke directly to the city’s elected leaders.  While the anti-Jesus city attorney squirmed, we explained point by point why prayers, and especially prayers in Jesus’ name, are good and proper and completely constitutional.

The City Council announced it would have a special hearing and vote on September 30 on the prayer issue. With your help, SaveCalifornia.com will work, fight and pray to reverse the City of Lodi’s bad policy of prohibiting prayers in Jesus’ name. Stay tuned!

Why did Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett die?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 6:02 pm |

It’s sad when anyone dies young. Human beings created in the image of God are precious, and life is indeed a gift of God.

In the Middle Ages, dying in your 50s and 60s was common. But better food, cleaner water, and modern research, surgery, prevention techniques and medicine have today made 77.7 years the average life expectancy in the United States.

Many people were shocked that Michael Jackson died at age 50 and Farah Fawcett at age 62. But modern medicine could not have prevented what these celebrities did to themselves. It was Jackson’s and Fawcett’s own behavior that led to their relatively short lives.

This sober truth should serve as a warning to young people: don’t get hooked on prescription drugs or other artificial substances, don’t engage in sexual activity before marriage, don’t get your value from the attention that people lavish upon you, etc.

The faces of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett are in the grocery-store stands and are saturating the media. Young and old, churched and unchurched, are talking about them.

I’ve researched these facts to empower you with knowledge so that you can talk with young people, to warn them about the wrong way to live. For, as poet and philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Michael Jackson

As a child, Michael Jackson’s identity was damaged by his father and never restored. In his 30+ years of adult independence, the “king of pop” made a series of horrible lifestyle choices that led to his early demise. Outliving Jackson is his father (age 80) and his mother (age 79). Read more