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Newsom snookered voters to attract transients worldwide

Monday, March 25, 2024, 9:05 am | Randy Thomasson

Thank you for standing for Truth, and for voting right and helping others vote right, and especially for what you did to help expose the very bad Proposition 1 in California’s March 5 primary election. I admire your good deeds for the love of God and people! Here’s my take on Gavin Newsom’s embarrassing “narrow victory.”

Once the Secretary of State and the media discovered a 50-50 split — and some days Prop. 1 was losing — Newsom & Co. aggressively called for “ballot fixing,” with which large counties with a huge backlog of rejected ballots, such as Los Angeles, Alameda County, and Sacramento County, dutifully complied.

When vote-by-mail ballots are littered throughout California, piling up at apartment building mailboxes (most county registrars of voters DO NOT believe in honest, accurate elections, so they DO NOT clean the voter rolls of people who have moved or died), both election fraudsters inside and outside elections offices have the opportunity to turn rejected ballots with a mismatched signature or no signature, or a wrong or missing voter registration address, into a “cured ballot” that is then processed and counted.

In this “black box” environment, none of us know whether election fraud was or was not committed. Which is why true Christians with authentic fear of God and love for the U.S. Constitution need to work at elections offices, where they can shine their lights.

Now that Prop. 1 has passed (the Associated Press says so), it’s either going to be more taxpayer money down the drain, or if actually used for “free housing for homeless” it will be a strong magnet for transients worldwide to stream to sunny California for valuable housing, with zero requirements for treatment, counseling, or training of any kind.

Don’t believe Newsom wants more transients to stream to California? Watch California’s Democrat Party governor in 2021 (view from 38:20 to 40:09) as he signs $12 BILLION of our dollars away for “homeless,” and actually invites transients worldwide to California!

What does Gavin Newsom’s embarrassing Prop.1 “narrow victory” mean on a positive note? Be encouraged that more Californians don’t trust Newsom and don’t trust Big Goverment “solutions” to fix homelessness. This means pain is teaching more Californians to be wiser!

…for even when we were with you, this we commanded you,
that if anyone is not willing to work, neither let him eat…
The Bible, 2 Thessalonians 3:10

Do the math in California’s U.S. Senate contest

Saturday, February 17, 2024, 8:17 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

For the love of God and people created in His image, SaveCalifornia.com is reminding voters to do the hard math in California’s U.S. Senate contest. Because, in California’s “jungle primary,” only two candidates will advance to the general election. And every indication is that will be either be a Democrat and a Republican, or two Democrats.

If you don’t want the latter scenario, then the real question for California conservatives is: Is Republican Steve Garvey acceptable? That’s the question we unpack for you at our SaveCalifornia.com Pro-Family Election Center. Please visit and urge your friends to visit!

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it — lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’ Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace.”
Jesus Christ, Savior of the world and God in the flesh, in Luke 14:28-32

If you got the jab, this can help

Thursday, December 21, 2023, 3:28 pm | Randy Thomasson

Have you noticed the “died suddenly” trend?

Are you concerned that many who’ve “died suddenly” are young adults?

And are you disturbed that, for many of these, the cause of death is labeled “unknown”?

2023: 30-year-old Brazilian Gospel singer drops dead during show

2023: Data and logic show those who “died suddenly” likely died from the “Covid vaccine”

2023: New Zealanders died at a higher rate after heaving dosing of the “Covid vaccine”

2023: Cancer virus found in “Covid vaccine”

2023: Study: Full-length mRNA spike proteins in blood of hospitalized myocarditis patients

2023: Dr. Peter McCullough explains how mRNA spike protein threatens vital organs

2022: Funeral embalmer says 85% of his corpses have unusual blood clots

2022: Democrat-controlled L.A. County hid the “sudden death” of a healthy bodybuilder

2022: Pfizer CEO admits mRNA technology was risky, never proven, and counterintuitive

2022: Study: Serious injuries follow mRNA Covid jabs

2021: Study: CDC deaths attributed to Covid jabs are 20 times higher than reported

2021-2023: More post-vax deaths that were sudden or mysterious

If these sudden deaths (for which Big Pharma pimps and prostitutes claim the “Covid vaccine” is never to blame) or the even greater number of “Covid vaccine” injuries have convinced you that the experimental mRNA Covid jab put something dangerous into your body, don’t despair, because there’s a solution.

After much research last year and this year, honest Christian doctor and foremost Covid expert Dr. Peter McCullough now offers his Spike Protein Formula.

As he announced Dec. 12“Syndromes and diseases occurring as post-acute sequalae are caused by the Spike protein and the inflammation and damage it inflicts on the body. While various supplements and medications can manage symptoms, McCullough Protocol Base Spike Protein Detoxification is the only published method offering hope of elimination of Spike protein from the body as the root cause.”

Buy your Spike Protein Formula here (to protect yourself from suffering eventual injury or death due to the Covid jab’s mRNA spike protein in your body). And please show this proven solution to natural medicine medical practitioners you know.

Californians especially need this healing protocol, for they’ve suffered more under Covid tyranny than any other state. The “Covid vaccine” jabs as a condition of work and the Democrat-run State’s “Covid vaccine” propaganda campaign have killed and injured many. Don’t let yourself, your family, or friends be irreparably victimized!

Lastly, in case you’re wondering, neither SaveCalifornia.com nor I receive any remuneration for promoting Dr. McCullough’s Spike Protein Formula. I just want you and others protected from injury and death.

“With the vaccine, it’s even worse. The generic code is actually taken up into cells, the cells produce the spike protein in the Golgi apparatus, so the spike protein is inside the cell — and that’s an abnormal protein inside the cell — then the spike protein is expressed on the cell surface, immediately the body recognizes this as being foreign. There’s a whole family of proteins on the cell surface called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), and so the body is constantly trying to recognize what’s self and what’s not self. So when a cell expresses the spike protein, it’s immediately identified as being a foreign invader and is attacked. And so that is the genesis of autoimmunity. It occurs at some level in every single person who took a vaccine.”
Dr. Peter McCullough, December 2023 interview w/ Josh Dech (5:30 to 6:14)