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BILLIONS of homeless funds down the drain

Friday, April 12, 2024, 7:37 pm | Randy Thomasson

If you’ve supported the Democrat state politicians’ $24 BILLION already spent on “homelessness,” or Newsom’s $10+ BILLION for “free homeless housing”(Prop. 1), you’ve flushed away big money.

The California State Auditor on April 9 issued a scathing report that basically asks, “Where’s the money gone?”

Democrat Party Governor Gavin Newsom appoints the co-chairs of the “California Interagency Council on Homelessness.” Yet the State Auditor, also appointed by Newsom, says the “council” hasn’t been doing its job:

“(The council) has not tracked and reported on the State’s funding for homelessness programs statewide since its 2023 assessment covering fiscal years 2018–19 through 2020–21. Currently, it has no plans to perform a similar assessment in the future. In the absence of an up-to-date assessment, the State and its policymakers are likely to struggle to understand homelessness programs’ ongoing costs and achieved outcomes,” reads the report.  “(It) has neither ensured the accuracy of the information in the state data system, nor has it used this information to evaluate homelessness programs’ success.”

As veteran California newspaper columnist Dan Walters writes:

The number of homeless Californians has increased by 50% in the last decade and 20% since Newsom became governor in 2019, despite the state’s spending about $20 billion on the various anti-homelessness programs during the last five years.

Meanwhile, the proliferation of anti-homelessness programs continues. Just last month, voters – by the thinnest of margins – approved Newsom’s multibillion-dollar plan to overhaul mental health treatment in California, including providing more housing for those with ailments.

The fact that his measure, Proposition 1, barely survived despite many millions of dollars being spent on the campaign for it, indicates anew that Californians are growing weary of politicians’ promises to end the crisis.

The new audit implies that the public’s skepticism is well-founded. If the agency created to coordinate homelessness responses is falling short of its mission, why should we think that any specific programs are having a lasting impact?

Critically-thinking Californians, along with SaveCalifornia.com, knew Gavin Newsom’s Prop. 1 was a scam, with zero requirements for transients to go to counseling, classes, or training. And now we know even more, don’t we?

See my March 25 blog, “Newsom snookered voters to attract transients worldwide

…the state is spending money faster than it can track it, that the money being spent is exorbitant, that spending money on homelessness, at least in California, actually increases the problem due to the induced demand (people from out of state coming for the benefits and yes it is a very high percentage,) and that the homeless-industrial complex – which stands between the state and the homeless person – is hoovering up vast amounts of cash with little or no oversight.
“California State Auditor’s scathing homeless report: Where did the money go?”, California Globe, April 10, 2024

Newsom snookered voters to attract transients worldwide

Monday, March 25, 2024, 9:05 am | Randy Thomasson

Thank you for standing for Truth, and for voting right and helping others vote right, and especially for what you did to help expose the very bad Proposition 1 in California’s March 5 primary election. I admire your good deeds for the love of God and people! Here’s my take on Gavin Newsom’s embarrassing “narrow victory.”

Once the Secretary of State and the media discovered a 50-50 split — and some days Prop. 1 was losing — Newsom & Co. aggressively called for “ballot fixing,” with which large counties with a huge backlog of rejected ballots, such as Los Angeles, Alameda County, and Sacramento County, dutifully complied.

When vote-by-mail ballots are littered throughout California, piling up at apartment building mailboxes (most county registrars of voters DO NOT believe in honest, accurate elections, so they DO NOT clean the voter rolls of people who have moved or died), both election fraudsters inside and outside elections offices have the opportunity to turn rejected ballots with a mismatched signature or no signature, or a wrong or missing voter registration address, into a “cured ballot” that is then processed and counted.

In this “black box” environment, none of us know whether election fraud was or was not committed. Which is why true Christians with authentic fear of God and love for the U.S. Constitution need to work at elections offices, where they can shine their lights.

Now that Prop. 1 has passed (the Associated Press says so), it’s either going to be more taxpayer money down the drain, or if actually used for “free housing for homeless” it will be a strong magnet for transients worldwide to stream to sunny California for valuable housing, with zero requirements for treatment, counseling, or training of any kind.

Don’t believe Newsom wants more transients to stream to California? Watch California’s Democrat Party governor in 2021 (view from 38:20 to 40:09) as he signs $12 BILLION of our dollars away for “homeless,” and actually invites transients worldwide to California!

What does Gavin Newsom’s embarrassing Prop.1 “narrow victory” mean on a positive note? Be encouraged that more Californians don’t trust Newsom and don’t trust Big Goverment “solutions” to fix homelessness. This means pain is teaching more Californians to be wiser!

…for even when we were with you, this we commanded you,
that if anyone is not willing to work, neither let him eat…
The Bible, 2 Thessalonians 3:10

Do the math in California’s U.S. Senate contest

Saturday, February 17, 2024, 8:17 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

For the love of God and people created in His image, SaveCalifornia.com is reminding voters to do the hard math in California’s U.S. Senate contest. Because, in California’s “jungle primary,” only two candidates will advance to the general election. And every indication is that will be either be a Democrat and a Republican, or two Democrats.

If you don’t want the latter scenario, then the real question for California conservatives is: Is Republican Steve Garvey acceptable? That’s the question we unpack for you at our SaveCalifornia.com Pro-Family Election Center. Please visit and urge your friends to visit!

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it — lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’ Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace.”
Jesus Christ, Savior of the world and God in the flesh, in Luke 14:28-32