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Archives for the ‘America’ Category

5 things to remember at Christmas

Friday, December 24, 2010, 2:49 pm |

As I prepare for Christmas, here are five important things I’m trying to remember. I thought they would help you too:

1. It’s about celebrating Jesus: Imagine your friends threw you a birthday party but then kept you out, or ignored you if you somehow got in. That’s how most Americans do Christmas. Yet the Child born in Bethlehem, who loves us all intensely, is also the Judge of all mankind. Honor Him by reading aloud the Biblical account of his birth in Matthew or Luke. Praise Him for coming to offer salvation from hell to the humble, who submit themselves to Him. This is a sacred truth that even Linus, of the Peanuts gang, knew.

2. It’s not about how you feel:
As long as our happiness is based on ourselves, other people, and the situations that surround us, we will never truly be happy. The search for circumstantial or environmental happiness is why many people get depressed around Christmas. But when you meditate on Jesus’ love, and receive His love of salvation through confession, repentance, and asking for His forgiveness, it’s easy to love Him back. This is called joy. “You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.” 1 Peter 1:8 NLT

3. It’s not a day, but a state of mind: This week, a bank teller asked my wife if she was “ready for Christmas.” My wife replied, “Jesus is in my heart, so I’m ready.” Christmas isn’t a day, but a state of mind. Because my mind’s no good without the LORD, I want to have Thanksgiving every morning and Christmas every evening. That is, I want to sincerely thank God first thing upon waking and then worship Him throughout the day. God wants his children to celebrate Him daily. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV

4. It’s not simply a “holiday,” but a remembrance of Jesus Messiah (Yeshua Mashiach):
Christmas literally means “Christ’s Mass,” or “feast of Christ.” It is a celebration dedicated to Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who was miraculously born, then supernaturally taught, healed, forgave, died, resurrected, and ascended to heaven — unlike any other figure in history. This is why I don’t say “Happy Holidays.” A local shop owner was told by a customer that he should wish people “Happy Holidays,” not “Merry Christmas.” She said he might offend people. He replied, “If there wasn’t a Christmas, there wouldn’t be a holiday, so Merry Christmas.” I love that! At Christmastime, I wish people “JOYous CHRISTmas, because He’s the Reason for the Season.” People nod in agreement and say “That’s right.” Listen to this upbeat song called “Christmas with a Capital C” by the GoFishGuys. It powerfully explains why “Christmas” is not a mere “holiday.”

5. This is also a great time of year to remember SaveCalifornia.com
: As you give gifts to loved ones, please consider giving a helpful gift to SaveCalifornia.com.

In 2010, SaveCalifornia.com reached over 5 million Californians through our educational campaign exposing the harms of marijuana legalization; we alerted thousands of parents about the very real threat of government-school sexual indoctrination; we educated millions of Americans through the media on why man-woman marriage matters; and we taught application of God’s moral virtues for family, culture, and government all year long, utilizing media and technology.

In 2011, our priority focus is to reach and impact the hearts and minds of young people under 30. They are our future and our future leaders too. Together, we can teach them the benefits of God’s truth and the negative consequences of merely following their feelings. We simply must.

With your help, SaveCalifornia.com will harness technology and new media to launch targeted messages, community action, on-the-street activism, and more. It’s all very exciting and so needful. Can you see it?

Here at the end of the year, you can enjoy touching hearts and redeeming our culture through SaveCalifornia.com. Please participate. Your gift of $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or more will help us enter 2011 with strength. You can donate online or donate by mail. Thank you in advance for whatever you can give.  

JOYous CHRISTmas to you and yours!

Blame the wicked Democrats and the self-serving Republicans

Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 5:49 pm |


SaveCalifornia.com provides the commentary below solely for educational purposes and does not support support or oppose candidates.

I’m justifiably angry that the very liberal Elena Kagan, who opposes relying on the written Constitution and the original writings of the founding fathers in composing our Constitution, has been confirmed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. She is a liberal political activist of the worst kind.

It looks like Kagan’s going to be a Supreme Court judge to rule over us for 30 to 40 years. This is what a Democrat-run Senate does. But it’s also what happens when Republican senators are self-centered and don’t fight for families.

Some conservatives get angrier when Democrats push their immoral policies, and some conservatives get angrier when Republicans don’t do their jobs. Both have occurred – ker-splat! — in the Elena Kagan fiasco.

Prior to the Kagan confirmation vote, SaveCalifornia.com spoke out , joining a handful of small pro-family activist organizations who were frustrated with how Senate Republicans and large, national pro-family organizations seemed to be solely focusing on how bad Kagan is, and why she should be voted against. Republican senators didn’t seem to be focusing on how they could win – how Kagan could actually be stopped in committee — and national pro-family groups weren’t holding Republican committee members accountable.


It’s like an armed robber who breaks into a house at night. The homeowners are gun owners and the husband, with a cocked, laser-beam-sited, large-caliber gun in his hands, has the element of surprise over the dangerous intruder. They fear for their lives. But now, imagine that instead of shooting the bad guy, the homeowner turns on bright lights, and starts lecturing him about how he shouldn’t break into houses, how he should get a job instead; bottom line, he refuses to point and shoot to kill, as if words were enough. If you were the wife of such a man, you would be both angry and scared out of your wits, completely let down and utterly unprotected from the worst that was yet to come.

This paints the picture of what the Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee didn’t do. They didn’t use the power they had to stop their mortal enemy, Elena Kagan. According to the official rules of the committee, two minority committee members must be present in order to establish a quorum and do any committee business.

Even though “Republican” Lindsey Graham — who seems to enjoy helping liberals harm pro-family citizens — showed up ready to vote “yes,” if the six other Republicans had stayed away from committee, and not even shown up, the Kagan nomination would have been derailed and bottled up indefinitely.

Don’t believe it? See the official rules as posted on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s website. Rule IV means a nomination can be stopped if a Republican objects and no Republican votes to override that objection. Rule III means even if there’s a Republican sell-out (such as Lindsey Graham), the rest of the Republican members can still derail a nomination if they refuse to show up and register their attendance. 


1. Six Members of the Committee, actually present, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of discussing business. Eight Members of the Committee, including at least two Members of the minority, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. No bill, matter, or nomination shall be ordered reported from the Committee, however, unless a majority of the Committee is actually present at the time such action is taken and a majority of those present support the action taken.


The Chairman shall entertain a non-debatable motion to bring a matter before the Committee to a vote. If there is objection to bring the matter to a vote without further debate, a roll call vote of the Committee shall be taken, and debate shall be terminated if the motion to bring the matter to a vote without further debate passes with ten votes in the affirmative, one of which must be cast by the minority.


The halls of Congress are the zenith of worldly desires for power, position, fame, self-idolatry, self-seeking, and people-pleasing comfort. With free staff that treats you like a little prince or princess, and people high and low calling you “Senator” or “Congressman,” having this exalted position reinforces earthly desires that are the opposite of serving others and suffering for righteousness.

When Democrat after Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee thanked Jeff Sessions, the ranking Republican, for conducting “respectful,” “fair,” and “even-handed” hearings on Elena Kagan, the Democrats were basically thanking Sessions for “playing nice” instead of having the stomach to “go to war” to kill Kagan’s nomination, as the rules allowed.

Love is not necessarily “nice,” because loving hundreds of millions of innocent people enough to go to war never pleases your enemies or bystanders who only recognize “soft love” but never “tough love.” Instead of playing “nice,” Republicans, led by Jeff Sessions, could have boycotted the committee and indefinitely derailed Kagan’s nomination. It would have been a glorious fuss, and a worthy price to pay to stop an enemy of the written Constitution. But they didn’t want to suffer or to endure opposition from their peers, so they let Kagan slip through their grasp.

What can be done to fix this problem? Short-term, pro-family Republicans must change their minds and sincerely want to stop Elena Kagan. They must dedicate themselves to mount a lengthy, productive filibuster, but unfortunately, that can be cut off with 60 votes, and there are already 60 Kagan supporters on the Senate floor.

Long-term, pro-family citizens and their children and grandchildren need much better Republicans (or more independents or members of other political parties), who are motivated to run for public office because they want to do good, fight evil, and suffer for Jesus Christ — not because they like the money or fame or attention. And they must be tested beforehand to discover whether they are true or false, strong or weak. Because the self-serving Republicans choked in this, the hour to stop the wicked Democrats’ relentless assault against the written Constitution.

He appointed judges throughout the nation in all the fortified towns, and he said to them, “Always think carefully before pronouncing judgment. Remember that you do not judge to please people but to please the Lord. He will be with you when you render the verdict in each case. Fear the Lord and judge with integrity, for the Lord our God does not tolerate perverted justice, partiality, or the taking of bribes.”
2 Chronicles 19:5-7 NLT

Digest this before your Fourth of July picnic

Saturday, July 3, 2010, 10:53 pm |

With America’s Christian values seeming to erode wherever you turn, we must be honest about our own unpatriotic values. Will you join me in admitting that you look forward to food and friends and fun on July 4th more than you want to thank God and rehear the patriotic sayings of our founding fathers on Independence Day?

Yes, it’s taken only 234 years since 1776 for our minds to become clouded and our senses to become dulled. For whenever deeply rich, real and precious things are replaced with more pleasurable substitutes and fantasies, these counterfeits secretly rule our hearts, minds and souls. Yes, the strong materialistic pull of our “me first” culture affects even conservative, pro-family folks!

Do you want America to return to its moral excellence and again be “one nation under God?”  Do you want to extinguish all counterfeits, ignorance, and useless frivolity regarding America’s past, present and future? Do you want to “walk in the Spirit” so that you don’t “fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16)?

If you want to experience a real Independence Day, please take some time to rediscover the treasure chest of truth about the Christian roots of the United States of America. For there is both great purpose and tangible benefits of being an American!

So before you attend a Fourth of July picnic, please digest this and plan to share it with others. As a result, you and they will become better and our country has a chance to become better too:

1.    The 1337 words of the Declaration of Independence
2.    Pat Boone: “Let’s redeclare our independence”
3.    Celebrating America’s Birthday: Famous July Fourth Orations by David Barton
4.    John Quincy Adams’ Independence Day speech (1837)
5.    Jane Chastain: “Christians are slackers”

“It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore.”
— Founding Father John Adams, our 2nd President