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EMERGENCY ALERT: Demand House Republicans investigate election fraud

Tuesday, January 10, 2023, 7:10 pm | Randy Thomasson
There’s a big problem with Kevin McCarthy’s new rules approved Monday — there’s NO investigation of the fraud committed in the 2020 and 2022 elections!

But you and millions of Americans know election fraud is a severe, direct, and foundational threat to the democratic republic that is the United States of America. For if we don’t have the security and reliability of “one person, one vote,” our system of government is gone!

Sadly, the U.S. Supreme Court doesn’t even have four judges willing to take these cases. Since 2020, they’ve turned down every election-fraud lawsuit petitioning the high court.

What’s more, Kevin McCarthy, the new Speaker of the House from Bakersfield, apparently doesn’t believe, or doesn’t want to admit, election fraud exists.

In January 2021, McCarthy was recorded saying he planned to tell outgoing President Donald Trump, “It would be my recommendation you should resign.”

McCarthy also said Trump’s peaceful, First-Amendment comments at the January 6, 2021 Stop the Steal rally were “atrocious and totally wrong””incited people.

In-the-know Americans are fed-up. If the Republican U.S. House don’t investigate and expose the problems with our elections, they’re unloving cowards.

It’s up to House Republicans to expose election fraud and protect election integrity. Because without it, America is not only “toast,” but is quickly becoming an evil dictatorship.

Bottom line, it is completely unacceptable for Kevin McCarthy and other House Republicans to NOT investigate election fraud — please tell them so today!

1. Everyone, call new Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, day or night. Tell him, “I demand you authorize a special committee to investigate election fraud. It’s terrible you left this out. Approve it now!” (202) 225-2915 and (661) 327-3611

2. Call and email your own Republican U.S. House member. Tell him or her, “Where’s the subcommittee to investigate election fraud? You need to push for a special committee to investigate all the problems with the 2020 and 2022 elections. America needs this now!”

If you don’t know for certain who your U.S. House member is, search here.

3. If your own U.S. Representative is not Republican (or if you want to do more), leave anonymous messages at night for California’s 12 Republican members:

Doug LaMalfa (202) 225-3076 and (530) 343-1000 and (530) 223-5898 | district map | district constituents contact form

Kevin Kiley (202) 225-2523 | district map | district constituents contact form

Tom McClintock (916) 786-5560 and (202) 225-2511 | district map | district constituents contact form

John Duarte (202) 225-1947 | district map | district constituents contact form

Kevin McCarthy (202) 225-2915 and (661) 327-3611 | district map | district constituents contact form

David Valadao (202) 225-4695 and (661) 864-7736 and (559) 460-6070 | district map | district constituents contact form

Jay Obernolte (202) 225-5861 and (760) 247-1815 | district map | district constituents contact form

Mike Garcia (202) 225-1956 and (661) 839-0532 and (661) 568-4855 | district map | district constituents contact form

Young Kim (202) 225-4111 | district map | district constituents contact form

Ken Calvert (202) 225-2004 and (951) 277-0042 | district map | district constituents contact form

Michelle Steel (202) 225-2415 | district map | district constituents contact form

Darrell Issa (202) 225-5672 and (760) 304-7575 and (760) 304-7575 | district map | district constituents contact form

And behold, one having come near, said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good thing will I do that I may have continuous life?” And He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one [is] good except one—God; but if you will to enter into life, keep the commands.” He says to Him, “What kind?” And Jesus said, “You will not murder, You will not commit adultery, You will not steal, You will not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother, and, You will love your neighbor as yourself.”
Jesus Christ, Savior of the world and God in the flesh, in the Bible, Matthew 19:16-19

5 encouraging cultural trends in 2022

Wednesday, December 28, 2022, 4:20 pm | Randy Thomasson

With so much bad news (which is what invariably happens when people don’t obey the Word of God), are you ready for some good news?

Here are 5 encouraging cultural trends I’ve noticed this year:

Now, it’s a fact that all five upward trends are in response to the pain of the Tyrannical Left: Reaction to “transgender treatments” and drag queen shows for kids; reaction to awful Democrat bills at the U.S. Capitol; reaction to unconstitutional censorship of free speech; reaction to unscientific Covid tyranny; and reaction to the non-academic, godless government schools.

And because the White House Occupant will be there two more years, I expect more good reactions to pain in 2023 and 2024!

“Learning is a gift, even when pain is your teacher!”
Basketball great Michael Jordan

Horror and hope: H.R. 8404 passes, but can be overturned

Thursday, December 8, 2022, 6:18 pm | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

If, like me, you’re grieving about the Democrats’ and RINOs’ attack upon God’s beautiful design of marriage and family, there’s hope that H.R. 8404 and more will be overturned.

Thank you if you called Republican representatives in response to SaveCalifornia.com’s alerts. We had to try, because Republicans were receiving pro-family “heat” in other states. And indeed, despite voting anti-family this summer when H.R. 8404 first passed the U.S. House of Representatives, several of these Republicans did NOT vote for it today.

First, the bad news: Among California’s 11 Republican U.S. representatives, 5 are either secret sexual anarchists or they’re so afraid of “LGBTQIA+” activists, they’ve joined them.

Demonstrating they are truly tone-deaf to pro-family citizens’ telephone calls, voting for the tyrannical, sexual anarchy bill H.R. 8404 TWICE (both December 8 and July 19) are “Republicans” Darrell Issa, Jay Obernolte, Ken Calvert, Mike Garcia, and David Valadao.

Like the New Communist Democrats, these “Republicans” are now confirmed domestic enemies of real marriage, children’s innocence, state’s rights, and constitutional religious freedom. They don’t care that H.R. 8404 forces “child bride” and “transgender” marriages upon all 50 states. See the Dec. 8, 2022 roll-call vote

But now, the good news: You can bet this will be challenged and go to the U.S. Supreme Court, where there’s actually a good chance to overturn H.R. 8404 because it violates 3 things the Constitution protects: religious freedom, states’ rights, and marriage jurisdiction.

As the constitutional attorneys at Liberty Counsel explain: “Although the House passed the ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ with a 258-169 vote that included 39 House Republicans, this action is a strategic blunder by advocates of same-sex marriage. Rather than a victory, the ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ will make easier the argument to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 5-4 opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges regarding same-sex marriage.”

Patience is needed as plaintiffs are either found or volunteer. As a case or cases wind through the federal courts, perseverance is especially required by religious small business owners. If you have a religious faith and are in the wedding business, please contact Liberty Counsel to explore joining a pro-bono lawsuit.

Bottom line, the House Democrats are against what’s right in God’s sight, the House Republicans hardly fought to protect us, yet the written Constitution still stands, and there might be 5 or even 6 Supreme Court justices willing to defend it. So, please stay in the battle!

“Put simply, no adult has a right to someone else’s child or another adult’s reproductive capacity. If they did, it would create obligations on the part of individuals and governments to supply sperm, eggs, and wombs to hopeful parents. But every child has a right to love and support from the mother and father who created him. … The prevailing wisdom today — rarely stated in explicit terms — is that children should be willing to sacrifice for our desires. This is exactly what happens when a child is deprived of maternal or paternal love so that adults can build the families of their dreams. Our national priority should be promoting a culture where men and women commit to one another and the families they build together, not creating fatherless (or motherless) children for the sake of adult fulfillment.”
Misnamed ‘Respect For Marriage Act’ Doesn’t Just Gut Religious Liberties, It Puts Selfish Adult Wants Over Kids’ Needs, The Federalist, Dec. 8, 2022