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Archives for the ‘Children’ Category

Who will take on the fentanyl pushers?

Saturday, May 13, 2023, 1:17 pm | Randy Thomasson

It’s becoming clear to concerned parents and grandparents that the ruling Democrats in California are all talk and no action on the present danger of fentanyl. Because every chance they’ve had, the ruling Democrats have killed bills going after drug traffickers.

SaveCalifornia.com is helping blow the whistle on this serious situation. These three slides tell you the problem and who’s at fault:

Too bad this isn’t an election year, so that some Democrats would be more afraid of coddling fentanyl pushers. They think voters have short memories. On this cross-over, killer issue, will you help prove them wrong?

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.
The Bible, Romans 12:9

After 3 years, the tyrannical, lie-based ‘mandates’ are ending

Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 1:07 pm | Randy Thomasson
If you’ve being waiting three long years for relief from medical tyranny, you’ve waited long enough!

As you’ve heard, Biden & Co. is “officially” ending its national “Covid vaccine mandates” on May 11. And yes, Donald Trump gave us the unsafe and ineffective “vaccine” — and is still defending it — but to his credit, he’s consistently resisted inhuman “mandates.”

Yet the damage done by the 2020-2023 Covid tyranny is real. And the top lesson we must learn is that we must fight for our God-given liberties and prevent this from ever happening again. Because freedom is not free!
This week, Biden & Co. got specific about its arbitrary May 11 date to “end the national emergency,” saying it will no longer “require….Covid vaccines.”

As reported May 1-2:

No more COVID-19 vaccine requirements for federal workers, including employees and contractors, as well as international travelers.”

“Foreign travelers to the United States, Head Start educators, healthcare workers and noncitizens at the U.S. border will see vaccine mandates lifted.”

However, in context, most of these Biden & Co. “mandates” have already been stopped by several successful lawsuits and also by congressional Republicans.

So, the only in-effect “mandates” that will newly end are for “health care workers” and “noncitizen air travelers” — which can’t come fast enough.

It’s time to be glad, yet also time for somber reflection upon the lives and livelihoods harmed by the Covid tyranny of Big Pharma and Democrat/RINO leftists. God knows how many have lost their jobs, small businesses, health, or their very lives!

Because Newsom & Co. ended its mask-and-jab “mandates” April 3, and since Biden & Co.’s “Covid mandates” end May 11, I expect remaining mask, test, and jab mandates in the foolish big-business sector to end this summer, or at the most, by the end of the year. Because pride, foolishness, and selfishness can take a long time to dissipate.

When May 11 arrives, if the company you work for still “requires” you to wear a useless, dehumanizing face mask, or be tested for whatever they call “Covid,” or even be injected with the harmful “Covid vaccine” against your will, please speak up and question their legal authority. Because if they can’t or won’t show it to you, you should inform them they’re opening themselves up to lawsuits for creating a “hostile work environment.”

Now that Biden & Co. is ending its “jab mandate” that violated your God-given medical freedom, it’s also time for health-conscious doctors, nurses, and others fired for not taking the injurious Covid jab to at least get their jobs back, and to even consider suing for back pay and damages for the inhuman medical discrimination they suffered.

With the EUA COVID shots now being added to the CDC Childhood Vaccination Schedule, a baby born in the United States can now have 42 doses of vaccines injected into them before the age of 5. And if a child misses a few vaccines, or misses their “well-child” appointment with their pediatrician, no problem! As you can see from the image at the top of this article, pediatricians are trained to inject multiple doses into babies and toddlers during a single office visit, even though there are ZERO studies on the effects of injecting multiple doses of vaccines at the same time into babies and toddlers. If the baby or toddler dies after these injections, it will be classified as “SIDS”, sudden infant death syndrome. This is infanticide by vaccines, and a way of reducing the population, and it is already happening.
“FDA continues infanticide-by-vaccine program giving emergency use authorization for 4th COVID “vaccine” for babies and toddlers under age 5,” Health Impact News, March 16, 2023

Injured or killed by the transsexual surgeries

Friday, April 28, 2023, 10:18 am | Randy Thomasson

If you know people who believe the Big Lie that someone can “change their sex,” or claim a “gender identity” different from his or her sex chromosomes — which is fact-free and completely subjective — please share with them a previously-hidden Dutch study about deaths and injuries to biological boys attempting it.

As reported by JustTheNews.com on April 27 (quote):

In the 2016 study of 42 transgender women, one patient died, putting it at a death rate of just over 2%. Major complications occurred in 17.1% of cases.

Stop and realize how the transsexual agenda both ruins and injures children and young adults, killing some. And Democrat politicians push this devilish agenda, and RINOs wink at it.

These barbaric surgeries, negative consequences, and ruination of young people are largely hidden from the general public. But for the love of God and people, we need to expose it!

This April marks 40 years since my therapist told me a “sex change” was the only answer to my persistent mental difficulties. Unfortunately, I followed his advice, obtained cross-sex hormones, and underwent surgery. As I learned through my painful experience, “gender-affirming treatment” (GAT), also known as “gender-affirming care,” is medical fraud and malpractice.

A person’s sex cannot be changed. I know. I lived and identified as a woman for eight years. Hormones and surgery didn’t change my sex. I was a man before surgery, and I remained a man after surgery, illustrating the truth of God’s perfect design — two separate and distinct sexes, male and female, innate and unchangeable.

Every step I took to identify as a female did not make me a female but devaluated me as a man, father, and husband. Each step dehumanized my male body and identity. So-called gender-affirming treatment destroyed my life and relationships, as well as those of my family.
Walt Heyer, “The ‘Sex Change’ I Had 40 Years Ago Was A Scam, Not Medicine,” March 23, 2023